Reddit thread full of experiences of people who’ve “died” but have been brought back to life

Read the case of Reynolds, the American singer.
She was declared clinically dead, no blood flowing into her brain, so it’s impossible for it to have been a dream.

Reynolds reported that during the operation she heard a sound like a natural 'D' that seemed to pull her out of her body and allowed her to "float" above the operating room and watch the doctors perform the operation. Reynolds claims that during this time she felt "more aware than normal" and her vision was more focused and clearer than normal vision. She reported seeing the surgical "saw" but said it looked like an electric toothbrush, and this is in fact true. She said she could hear conversations between operating room staff, even though she had earphones in her ears which were making a loud clicking noise many times per second in order to monitor her brain function.[5]

At some point during the operation, she says she noticed a presence and was pulled towards a light. She says she began to discern figures in the light, including her grandmother, an uncle, other deceased relatives and people unknown to her. According to Reynolds, the longer she was there, the more she enjoyed it, but at some point she was reminded that she had to go back. She says her uncle brought her back to her body, but she did not want to go, so he pushed her in accompanied by a sensation like that of jumping into ice water
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Read the story of Stalin death, terrifying to say the least.
At the moment of her father’s death, Josef Stalin’s daughter recalled: “He suddenly lifted his left hand as though he were pointing to something above and bringing down a curse on us all. The gesture was incomprehensible and full of menace, and no one could say to whom or at what it might be directed. The next moment, after a final effort, the spirit wrenched itself free of the flesh.
Before that we were nothing, we will surely go back to that nothingness.

No, Human beings could have been built so much better. what a fucked purpose that is.

There is billions of galaxies, but you are telling me there is a god that cares so much about the beings of this little dot View attachment 209254

Slavery, People dying from things that weren't caused by human beings, people dying out of hunger but you are telling me that god that claims to be all merciful couldn't do anything to help? isn't he all powerful? "NO thIS iS a TEsT"

If i have to be thankful to god for getting a cured, should i be thankful to god for getting that disease in the beginning?

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Your arguments have become like christians arguments, or hindus, they all emotional G.
Im a muslim, i used to be atheist, but atheism was too emotional for me, Islam providss hard facts, that dont care about ur feelings. If u dont like it, doesnt mean it isnt true
“Humans could have been built so much better”
Better for what? Thats ur own opinion not fact, there was billions of ways Allah could have created us, he chose this way for a reason, if u cannot comphrehend of fathom the reason based on ur limited knowledge that thats ur problem not Gods. God didnt create us to have fun, or pleasure or be perfect, thats for jannah, this life is specifically made to be somewhat trash and imperfect, but in of itself thats perfect for its purpose, which is to test us, not so we can have fun.

1.Ur using the moral argument of pain.
Well, 1.Islamically, we believe Allah asked us b4 this test if we wanna do it or not, showed us jannah and jahannam, and we sed yes, so 1. We agreed to this poverty and slavery and disease so its ur faulf
2.The point of pain is to reward u in the hereafter and if ur atheist return u back to God(If u know the message of Islam), all pain will be resolved yawmul qiyaama, if u dont know Islam, u grt a test yawmul Qiyam. Guess what, even animals will get recompensed for their pain, so all of our pain will be recompensed by Allah
Lets compare this to the atheist understanding of life, our life has no reason, we feel pain for no reason, we just have s*** lives and thats it, no recompense, no nothing, what an evil universe.
Do uno what jannah is? All u have to do is testify la ilaha illallah, and go. Its so easy, yet ppl r so arrogant they dont even wanna do that. Allah is all merciful, if u say and believe la ilaha illlallah u get infinite jannah and Allah forgives u for ur sins, if thats not merciful, idk what is
Also what makes u think u deserve infinite pleasure without having a little bit of pain first, anything finite conpared to inifnite is incomparable. The prophet ‎ﷺ said this life compared to the hereafter is like a drop compared to the rest of the ocean. U cant even go through a drop of pain to get an ocean of pleasure?
Wallahi, if u get a disease, u should praise Allah, when I get ill, or hurt, or sad, I thank Allah,

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "No fatigue, nor disease, nor sorrow, nor sadness, nor hurt, nor distress befalls a Muslim, even if it were the prick he receives from a thorn, but that Allah expiates some of his sins for that."
Ur being protected from a bigger punishment(jahannam) and also when Allah heals u ur being saved from dunya pain aswell. So actually ur in a good state either way.
Neil degrasse tyson is a pseudointellectual when it comes to philosophy or anything to do with religion. Hes a scienctist, his opinion has much value to me as a the janitors opinion on astrophysics does
Before that we were nothing, we will surely go back to that nothingness.

No, Human beings could have been built so much better. what a fucked purpose that is.

There is billions of galaxies, but you are telling me there is a god that cares so much about the beings of this little dot View attachment 209254

Slavery, People dying from things that weren't caused by human beings, people dying out of hunger but you are telling me that god that claims to be all merciful couldn't do anything to help? isn't he all powerful? "NO thIS iS a TEsT"

If i have to be thankful to god for getting a cured, should i be thankful to god for getting that disease in the beginning?

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You’re asking for heaven. Your soul and body are separate, on earth you will experience hardship for a purpose. Tyson has weak points for not believing in God. Same thing goes for Hawking who gave the silliest and most ignorant answer for why he doesn’t believe in God (he said God would have no time to create the universe, treating him like a mortal).

A number of these ‘scientists’ are mediocre, arrogant, and over confident, some of the greatest Scientists of nature in History like Newton, Galilei, Euler, Faraday, Mendel, the vast majority of early modern scientists, Fleming, etc etc etc were religious and God-fearing.
There is billions of galaxies, but you are telling me there is a god that There is billions of galaxies, but you are telling me there is a god that cares so much about the beings of this little dot View attachment 209254
Before that we were nothing, we will surely go back to that nothingness.

No, Human beings could have been built so much better. what a fucked purpose that is.

There is billions of galaxies, but you are telling me there is a god that cares so much about the beings of this little dot View attachment 209254

Slavery, People dying from things that weren't caused by human beings, people dying out of hunger but you are telling me that god that claims to be all merciful couldn't do anything to help? isn't he all powerful? "NO thIS iS a TEsT"

If i have to be thankful to god for getting a cured, should i be thankful to god for getting that disease in the beginning?

Watch this video

If you u think God would create something for no reason, ur mocking God and being stupid, why would God create such an intricate being with so many feelings of pain and pleasure for no reason.
If ur still in doubt, ask urself all of these natural occurrences, which have no relation to each other, all aid humans not only in survival but conviniance of everyday life
1.Sun provides light heat and vegetation and free energy and vitamin D and much more, if it was any closer or further we would die and/or live way more difficult lives
2.Plants provide us free oxygen for us to live, as well as food,drink,protection,material for building houses, fire for us to heat ourselves with, food to cook with and light for us to see at night with
3.The wind, blows pollen and al different types of plants get pollenated and grow due to it benefiting us, also provides coolness and delivers sand from one sahara desert to the south anerican jungle, giving it nutrients, also loads of other natural benefits which help us
4.Animals, which donot care about us, provide us with honey,milk, food, drink, all of which are easy to get and also essential for our survival, and all of which make our lives easier, they all also taste nice, everyone likes atleast one type of food/drink. Animals also make it easy for us to travel long distances, without that, we would spend long time to travel, and our technologicak advances and human race would not be able to be as advanved and ease of acces would be difficult, also animals carry our loads such as weighty equipment, also making our lives more convenient, they also provide us with essential clothing and blankets, without this, we would die of heat and thirst or hypothermia, be damaged alot, get illnesses and viruses
5.Clouds, form from water vapour, wind blows them, and we get free water from the sky, we dont need to do anything, but still somehow water just comes from the sky, free water for plants so ur animals can survive, and so can u, also many other benefits. Without rain we would die very quicklu and/or it be exteremly inconvient for us to obtain water and feed ourselves and the plants around us
6.also everything has different colours, meaning its easy for us to differentiate between these things, and see properly, if everyone couldnt see colour, life would be so much more difficult
7.Fish are easy obtaible for consumption for us, also its easy for us to make ships and sail across the sea to other places, all of which benefit us
8.The earth also has pathways, and rivers, and areas of land, which make it convient for us to walk around, and guide ourselves, if this world was a maze, or not flag or easily traversable, or the paths were none existent, we wouldnt be able to migrate anywhere, make transportation and maps, and ease of access to different places, this would also make our survival much harder
9.We also have stars, which dont eeven exist in earth, but allow us to navigate the earth, without these it would be much more difficult
10.Then u have ourselves as people, who have the intellect, and brain, to overcome every orher species, and the hands and feet and bodies, to literally make tools and objects and transportstion and weapons and even more, ghis intellect, which we did not give ourselves, benefit us, make our lives more convinient
Every single one of these things, are inanimate objects/proccesses, they donot care about our pleasure or pain, or our ease of life, and our evolutiin of technology or living interesting lives and having communities. On top of that, al of these things are independent of each other, even if the sun effects the plants, the sun doesnt care about plants, and the plants dont care about animals, nothing cares about anything, yet it still all works together in unison, all to benefit us. This is practically impossible in terms of probability, if the universe was random, we would be living the most inconvenient lives rn, or maybe even die, or live way more painful lives
I think they were just in a comatose type of state, they weren’t dead imo. If that was the case even the worst of people that tortured and killed others are gonna have it easy and light with a weight lifted off their shoulders? Nah son
Before that we were nothing, we will surely go back to that nothingness
We are made of components that already existed with the universe . Every physical thing has its source to the big bang.

There are many possibilities on what happens after death you can't be certain on nothingness.
There is billions of galaxies, but you are telling me there is a god that cares so much about the beings of this little dot
There can be quadrillion of galaxies still doesn't change fact that nothing is impossible for the all mighty.

The prophets alone are evidence that God "cares" about "this little dot"
Slavery, People dying from things that weren't caused by human beings, people dying out of hunger but you are telling me that god that claims to be all merciful couldn't do anything to help? isn't he all powerful? "NO thIS iS a TEsT"

If i have to be thankful to god for getting a cured, should i be thankful to god for getting that disease in the beginning?

Watch this video
Yes god could prevent any harm on us humans in this world ,Suffering & Pleasure are both inevitable in this world, but not inthe hereafter = Paradise & Hell .

,but you actually don't even believe in God in the first place so I dont know who you accuse of all the suffering that's taking place ...

Furthermore believing in God gives us meaning,hope & purpose .
Which you don't have when you believe that's all meaningless & nothingness is the outcome .
With the option paradise (eternal pleasure) its something to strive for
& hell (eternal suffering) something to avoid.
It's up to you :)


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake

okaaaaayyyy, don't hate me friends but i kind of like this thread. even from a religious standpoint :oh6b81q: its even more interesting how mostly everybody in the thread has explained the experience to be “peaceful” and “cozy” or “eternal nothingness.”

some of the experiences:

What are your thoughts on this? i think this is really interesting, or are they probably lying because i dont even know :cosbyhmm:

The peace people talk about is Shaitan exiting your body. we ALL have Jiins bothering us 24/7 Only thru the fear of Allaah swt will we fight the battle and have peace


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
so you have seen a jin with your eyes?

I felt it. Every time you are getting ready to do Salat, u get urgent gas coming out of no where. Or u want to send Sadaqa--u see the cup you are reaching for being pushed to fall on the ground. When i started praying salat- and make Wudhu--i would get intense urge to pass gas. Now after years of praying i dont have that urge, but every time i take a tuusbaah--here we go again-- the gas comes. looooool

Therefore i conclude the Jiin are trying to exit your body thru gas because they hate u mentioning Gods name


I think they were just in a comatose type of state, they weren’t dead imo. If that was the case even the worst of people that tortured and killed others are gonna have it easy and light with a weight lifted off their shoulders? Nah son
If you read through the posts, a lot of people recall being resuscitated after their hearts had stopped beating for a few seconds. That's not a coma, maybe there's something to it.


F*ck Your Feelings
Beings go back to the nothingness they came from. nothingness, such peaceful state.

never had one, but i once was dreaming and couldn't move. not sure if it was a dream or not but shit was scary.
Makes more sense than being created solely to worship and fear.



F*ck Your Feelings
Sorry ,but the video is soo bad.
The purpose of life in islam isnt to fear God, but to worship God.
Lol they're not meant to be winning an oscar.

And thats exactly what i said, what's the difference? :umwhat:You worship because you fear. If you didn't think not worshipping would equal eternal damnation then you wouldn't worship. Your fear is what's keeping you worshipping.

I honestly don't care either way tho and I'm not here to convince you of anything, do you:hillarybiz:
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Lol they're not meant to be winning an oscar.

And thats exactly what i said, what's the difference? :umwhat:You worship because you fear. If you didn't think not worshipping would equal eternal damnation then you wouldn't worship. Your fear is what's keeping you worshipping.

I honestly don't care either way tho and I'm not here to convince you of anything, do you:hillarybiz:
That's not true .fear isnt the only emotion ,
Respecting,honoring,loving,thanking,obeying etc. God

You & @Dwit need to fear god again & live a blessed life:samwelcome:


Sorry ,but the video is soo bad.
The purpose of life in islam isnt to fear God, but to worship God.
it is, literally the whole hell thing is just a fear to control one mind.
Lol they're not meant to be winning an oscar.

And thats exactly what i said, what's the difference? :umwhat:You worship because you fear. If you didn't think not worshipping would equal eternal damnation then you wouldn't worship. Your fear is what's keeping you worshipping.

I honestly don't care either way tho and I'm not here to convince you of anything, do you:hillarybiz:
Literally, One worships a god not because they love them but they fear on going to hell.

Never understood how they want people to love and fear god the most. you can't love the thing you fear the most.


Jeez do people always have to argue about this?
Who knows! We may never know but my belief in Islam says that there is indeed hell and heaven which I believe in.

And if it isn’t? I wouldn’t care. My morals are still similar to my religious belief (no interest in alcohol, Pre-marriage sex, horrible human being, not donating etc.) even if there is full on darkness I would still be happy to know that I lived life the way I wanted to no matter what!
it is, literally the whole hell thing is just a fear to control one mind.

Literally, One worships a god not because they love them but they fear on going to hell.

Never understood how they want people to love and fear god the most. you can't love the thing you fear the most.
There is nothing wrong with being conscious of God all the time.

We are talking from 2 different points ,so it doesn't make sense to continue