A little correction, the last verse refers to the non-muslims saying that the ProphetCompleted Surah 16 An-Nahl(The Bees) today.
Found some interesting ayats confirming that as the Quran was revealed over 20+ years to our Prophet Mohamed, some ayats overruled previous ones.
101. And when We change a Verse [of the Qur'an, i.e. cancel (abrogate) its order] in place of another, and Allah knows the best of what He sends down, they (the disbelievers) say: "You (O Muhammad) are but a Muftari! (forger, liar)." Nay, but most of them know not.![]()
-From my understanding this was done to smooth the transition for pagans old jaahil ways of living to current Islam we have today.
102. Say (O Muhammad) Ruh-ul-Qudus [Jibrael (Gabriel)] has brought it (the Qur'an) down from your Lord with truth, that it may make firm and strengthen (the Faith of) those who believe and as a guidance and glad tidings to those who have submitted (to Allah as Muslims).![]()
103. And indeed We know that they (polytheists and pagans) say: "It is only a human being who teaches him (Muhammad)." The tongue of the man they refer to is foreign, while this (the Qur'an) is a clear Arabic tongue.![]()
The last ayat here was interesting in that the Arabic of the Quran was different enough that the Arabs thought it was a foreign language Jibreel was revealing it in.![]()

I highly rejoice in you reflections of the Qur´aan, keep them coming! Your reward is with Allah, in shaa Allah.