Ramadan is starting soon. You know what that means……. πŸ˜₯😭😭😭


A mere finger can’t obscure the sun.
I can’t wait for Ramadan to come. Best month of the whole year!!! Super excited for it.

The Salaf would make dua that they would live until Ramadan so they can reap its benefits. May Allah SWT allow us to live to welcome the blessed month and accept our fasts and good deeds. Ameen.

A Mean Guy

Minister of Ajanabi Affairs
It is determined that Ramadan is starting mid to end of March. I love Ramadan but the amount of cooking and washing the dishes :damn::mjcry::mjkkk::ohlord::noneck:
After eating Iftar. Leg it and start praying taraweeh. They can't force you out of salah
dc comics fox GIF


After eating Iftar. Leg it and start praying taraweeh. They can't force you out of salah
dc comics fox GIF
We have chores split. 1 sister makes malawax and maraq, 1 sister makes sambuus, 1 sister washes the dishes used for cooking/ eating. My mother usually makes buur since its the easiest of the foods. If my mother is at work then one of us also makes buur. If you don't do your part, you don't get iftar :damn:


A mere finger can’t obscure the sun.
:deadpeter: nah. We make sambuus, buur, malawax, and maraq everyday. We also buy juice sometimes or make smoothies. We buy timir as well. We've been doing that every ramadan, since I was young and it a lot of work :damn:

Make sambuus in bulk and freeze it. Malawax doesn’t take long to make nor does maraq. The buur you can make the dough the day before.

But it would be better to skip eating buur iyo sambuus and malawax altogether. It’s not very healthy and there’s hardly any nutrition in it.

Introduce more healthy alternatives if you can.


Make sambuus in bulk and freeze it. Malawax doesn’t take long to make nor does maraq. The buur you can make the dough the day before.

But it would be better to skip eating buur iyo sambuus and malawax altogether. It’s not very healthy and there’s hardly any nutrition in it.

Introduce more healthy alternatives if you can.
we tried freezing sambuus, my grandmother complained about how it didn't taste as good as fresh. My grandmother's word is law. for buur we usually make a bulk and it lasts for 3-4 days, that's why it really isn't an issue.

Malawax does take long when you're feeding extended family (9 adults, 6 kids) about each person eats 3 malawax. Imagine how much that is.
Sambuus is 3 for each person as well

I would like to have a different healthier menu as well but i have a lot of aunts, uncles, grandma and they'd all complain. They'll say that "we starve all day only to eat things we don't even like. Bring back our delicious somali food." no one cares about us who are teens and early 20s. Even if i wanted to make a separate healthier menu, I'm too tired after going to school, work and cooking all that stuff.:mjcry: instead I just lessen my portions and don't eat suxuur.