Race mixing

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That certification of hadiths your talking about follows certain steps. Bukhari, tirmidhi, etc didn’t just verify those hadiths were sahih out of nowhere.

To certify a Hadith, it has to fulfill 5 conditions. The first one is, it has to have a strong lineage of narration. Then is has to be from a narrator who is known for his honesty. Also they need to be know for great accuracy when recalling things. The Hadith also cannot contradict other hadiths which have a stronger chain of narration.

There’s no other historical evidence in the world which goes through so much scrutiny before its accepted as authentic.

Also the only reason you don’t like allah and prefer the idea of a Christian god is because humans, generally speaking, don’t like being held accountable. Well, it will happen.

And what do you mean when you say isa as was the last prophet? Are you using biblical text to confirm this or something?
May Allah protect and defend you like protected his religion and May you receive the Rasul’s (s) intercession Inshallah
this video is great

Wtf is this racist-ass video. Companies often use diversity in their advertisements to appeal to a diverse array of people. Simple, nigga :susp:Don't overthink it. As for my personal thoughts on marrying outside your own ethnicity and race---I don't have anything against it. Sure, I think it's strange and intercultural marriages just seem like they're going to be really hard on your offspring ("Where are you from, Sumayo Fukushima-Hussein?", "Oh, my mom's from Japan and my dad's Somali!"). At the same time, we're all human in the eyes of Allah (swt) so race shouldn't be a driving factor for not marrying a person.


The one and only 4head
Wtf is this racist-ass video. Companies often use diversity in their advertisements to appeal to a diverse array of people. Simple, nigga :susp:Don't overthink it. As for my personal thoughts on marrying outside your own ethnicity and race---I don't have anything against it. Sure, I think it's strange and intercultural marriages just seem like they're going to be really hard on your offspring ("Where are you from, Sumayo Fukushima-Hussein?", "Oh, my mom's from Japan and my dad's Somali!"). At the same time, we're all human in the eyes of Allah (swt) so race shouldn't be a driving factor for not marrying a person.

I don't want to have a mixed single race in this planet,
i'm happy to see somalis but also germans and french.If everyone should mix, then our world would be ugly.
I'm not against people's choice of marrying out but in the West there are a lot of madow guys who just want that white vagina and ignore their own women. That's stupid, and asian women are the same..Self hatred is not a positive trait tbh!
So i understand white alt rights! they hate it seeing their own people turning into mixed people without any clear identity and culture.
How can a mixed person be accepted in the homogenous somali culture??even with a 10% of ethiopian in you, you can't be a full somali if your father is not somali..
To those who are mixed, i feel bad for them tbh
Pro. We were made to get to know one another. More pro when it comes to cadans, arabs and Pakistanis though, bsut that's just me.


How do you guys feel about Race mixing? Is it a bad thing or good thing?
I'm in a right-winged group on FB and they are hating on race mixing and i kinda want to know if my fellow brothers and sisters Somalis are cool with it or hate it.

Let me know :sass1::sass2:

It depends on what race. I would prefer not to mix with Australian Aborigines, sub-Saharan Africans (except the Horn), Eastern Europeans, Levantine Arabs (except for Iraqis) and Filipinos.
How do you guys feel about Race mixing? Is it a bad thing or good thing?
I'm in a right-winged group on FB and they are hating on race mixing and i kinda want to know if my fellow brothers and sisters Somalis are cool with it or hate it.

Let me know :sass1::sass2:
i'm cool with it in fact i am actively looking to marry out myself :win:
How do you guys feel about Race mixing? Is it a bad thing or good thing?
I'm in a right-winged group on FB and they are hating on race mixing and i kinda want to know if my fellow brothers and sisters Somalis are cool with it or hate it.

Let me know :sass1::sass2:
this video might be of interest
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