Qatar rejects support for Farmajo's campaign and any candidate allied to him?


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]

Qatar rejects support for Farmajo campaign and candidates allied to him?


Diplomatic sources within the Somali delegation told Mustaqbal Media that the Qatari government has rejected a joint proposal and request to support Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo’s campaign; which a group from Farmajo presented to the Qatari authorities, as Mustaqbla confirmed these responsible diplomatic sources.

The reasons for refusing to support Farmajo’s campaign were stated as 3 major issues that have negatively affected and undermined Farmajo’s candidacy prospects, given the political breakdown of all members of the faction that contested for seats in both houses of the Federal Parliament of Somalia.

Qataris have already informed Farmajo and his group that they have lost the total trust of government councils and the public and therefore have no chance of being supported to run in Somalia’s 10th presidential election.

Another reason Qataris refused to support Farmajo’s campaign was the political turmoil in the Gulf and throughout the Middle East that Farmajo and his group had no influence over.

According to diplomatic sources, Qatar is deeply saddened by the agreement signed by Farmajo and the Somali Minister of Petroleum with Coastline, which the office of the Prime Minister of Somalia has declared null and void, as well as the Somali National Audit Office.

Farmajo’s faction in Qatar seeking support for Farmajo’s campaign tried to persuade Qatar to back another candidate in the race for which Farmajo is politically aligned with the Somali presidential race, but Qataris asked Farmajo’s faction the difference between Farmajo and the candidate asked to support!

Farmajo’s advisers and political allies, who have worked with him for five years, have lost some of their seats in the lower house of parliament and some have lost their seats in the upper house of parliament due to a lack of votes that Farmajo backstabbed them and caused them to lose the seats the occupied for a long time.


It sounds like Farmaajo’s corrupt oil deal has pissed off Qatar. They wanted that contract with Somalia.

For a few million dollars Farmaajo after signing off our fishing rights to China tried to sell of our oil to a corrupt company. Which has even lost the terrorist Qatar of his backing :mjlol:

Mashallah Rooble stopped him in tracks.
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[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
It sounds like Farmaajo’s corrupt oil deal has pissed off Qatar. They wanted that contract with Somalia

Qatar can drill oil now? Wow I don't believe it, I thought most of these Gulf nations have no refinery plants and they outsource the raw materials to Houston or other developed nations, may be Qatar wanted to be the middle man for Somalia oil and benefit millions doing nothing.


Qatar can drill oil now? Wow I don't believe it, I thought most of these Gulf nations have no refinery plants and they outsource the raw materials to Houston or other developed nations, may be Qatar wanted to be the middle man for Somalia oil and benefit millions doing nothing.

This was for the Kenyan oil blocks that the ICJ blocked and handed back to us.

Apparently Qatar Petroleum is legit and was eying up Somalia.

But tbh you’re probably right. They wanted to be middle men. They’re not happy their plans have been blocked by the PM


Looks like the tuug Hassan kheyre being plan B to replace farmaajo is out of the window.

It’s all coming crushing down. Apparently they wanted to pay the MPs (and ask for pictures on their ballot) but it’s been banned by Sheikh Madoobe. They would’ve paid without any proof of voting.

Now they don’t even have the money. Rooble took over finances of the country a year ago so Farmaajo is broke.


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]

This was for the Kenyan oil blocks that the ICJ blocked and handed back to us.

Apparently Qatar Petroleum is legit and was eying up Somalia.

But tbh you’re probably right. They wanted to be middle men. They’re not happy their plans have been blocked by the PM

Oh I forget about that Qatar Kenyan deal,I also remember a thread some one posted here a while back that said Kenya has no onshore oil

Any way,I hope they don't find any so that Qatar would count benefiting Somalia's oil by funding another candidate since Farmaajo reelection would give Coastal oil company more legitimacy that contract is still valid.

I think a new Qatari backed Presidential winner along with Qatar's upscale legal might make the old contract null, their defense team can simply argue that Ex Farmajo was a corrupt dictator and has signed the contract only to raise a campaign money for his reelection.


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
Seriously we Somali citizens demand a candidate that is not funded by these gulf sister nations, reason being if Qatar backed candidate wins UAE will get pissed of and starts sabotaging that administration, same scenario if UAE funded candidate wins Qatar will unleash terorr on us,meel noo fiican ma leh dhinac Walba.:jcoleno::mjcry:

To be honest, I rather have a Western backed winner instead at least Westerns are not as evil as these Arabs and they have the power to shut off all other Somalia interfering parties and countries.


This is why one man one vote needs to implemented asap, foreign nations have all the power and Somali politicians are their puppets. Whoever pays the most, wins the election.


Seriously we Somali citizens demand a candidate that is not funded by these gulf sister nations, reason being if Qatar backed candidate wins UAE will get pissed of and starts sabotaging that administration, same scenario if UAE funded candidate wins Qatar will unleash terorr on us,meel noo fiican ma leh dhinac Walba.:jcoleno::mjcry:

To be honest, I rather have a Western backed winner instead at least Westerns are not as evil as these Arabs and they have the power to shut off all other Somalia interfering parties and countries.
Only Farmaajo was stupid enough to antagonise UAE/Saudi/Egypt and go all in with Qatar and Ethiopia. Most of the previous candidates/President had support from one side but kept good relations with others after election.

I am very opposed to Qatar after their reign of terror over the last few years but they’re a very important oil/gas partner and have a vested interest in investing in us. So I would want the new President who’s definitely not going to be their candidate to keep good relations for those reasons.


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
Looks like the tuug Hassan kheyre being plan B to replace farmaajo is out of the window.

I predicted this along time ago, I always knew Khayrelaawe was covertly was working with Farmaajo, I also think Sheikh Shariif is Farmaajo under cover alley.



[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
Only Farmaajo was stupid enough to antagonise UAE/Saudi/Egypt and go all in with Qatar and Ethiopia. Most of the previous candidates/President had support from one side but kept good relations with others after election.

I am very opposed to Qatar after their reign of terror over the last few years but they’re a very important oil/gas partner and have a vested interest in investing in us. So I would want the new President who’s definitely not going to be their candidate to keep good relations for those reasons.

I agree with you, Farmajo political mishaps and miscalculations created us more enemies than before, he sided with these sister Arab gulf nations instead of playing natural.


I mean WTH, Somalia is a begger depending nation that is still recovering from a civil war, we needs friendly countries and neighbors and not enemies.

If Farmaajo had any type of advisors beside his Ali Nuur and Rapist Sheikh and such low lives he would be have been in good terms with UAE,Kenya and Eygpt, Farmaajo's government on foreign affairs was a complete a disaster after another and we have people like @Periplus praising this disaster.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
we have people like @Periplus praising this disaster.

Wdym praise.

I just said that jailing him while kacaan operatives, ex-AS members and corrupt politicians are free is a bit mad.

As for your other comment about him not being neutral in the Arab dispute, Somalia was technically neutral. Although it’s clear that he really wasn’t, on the outset, Somalia refused to publicly pick a side in the Gulf dispute.


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
Wdym praise.

I just said that jailing him while kacaan operatives, ex-AS members and corrupt politicians are free is a bit mad.

As for your other comment about him not being neutral in the Arab dispute, Somalia was technically neutral. Although it’s clear that he really wasn’t, on the outset, Somalia refused to publicly pick a side in the Gulf dispute.

Dude calling anyone else beside Farmaajo corrupt doesn't make any sense, these opposition groups you said are corrupt weren't in charge of anyone where.

So how would they even corrupt anything specially when the IC spent over 2 billion dollars during Farmaajo's 5 year term and nothing to show for.

Somalia's total debt was 5 billion in total and that loan goes back to Barre regime, so where in the world did all that money go?


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Dude calling anyone else beside Farmaajo corrupt doesn't make any sense, these opposition groups you said are corrupt weren't in charge of anyone where.

So how would they even corrupt anything specially when the IC spent over 2 billion dollars during Farmaajo's 5 year term and nothing to show for.

Somalia's total debt was 5 billion in total and that loan goes back to Barre regime, so where in the world did all that money go?

I never said that Farmaajo wasn’t corrupt but there will be corrupt politicians before and after him.

The more money Somalia has, the greater the corruption until we get rid of this political class entirely.

Everyone needs to go. The fact we have to choose between HSM, Sheikh Sharif and Farmaajo is fucking appalling. I’m rooting for Deni as he seems to be somewhat competent and is already rich, so need to steal money.


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