Puntland should deports Oromos immediately, violent backlash has started

Abiy doesn't care about Ethnicity. He was born in one of the most Ethiopian-ized parts of Oromia to an Orthodox mom and Muslim Dad, and converted to Protestantism. He was one of a small number of Oromos to join the TPLF early on when the majority backed the OLF or Derg. He learned Oromo as a baby, Amhara as a child, and Tigrayan as a teenager.

Abiy has killed as many Oromos as the TPLF ever did. He's putting them in positions in power for his benefit, not theirs. When he sides with the Afar over the Somalis, or Sidama over Wolaita, it's a tactical decision, nothing more.

He's a post-ethnic Ethiopian, which is fucking crazy, but very based too in a way.

He's an pan Ethiopianist and he may very well say to Oromos "don't break up Ethiopia, expand Ethiopia's borders instead by annexing Somalia" for example


Minister of Propaganda
Sxb don't be a liberal please, inviting Oromos en masse to Somalia can lay the ground for Ethiopian expansionist designs on our country later down the line. We must be on our guard and refusing open borders isn't xenophobia....we must ensure Somalia remains Somali

I understand restricting unlimited immigration.

But this rhetoric is xenophobia and illegal under Somali and international law.

We are beholden to the same international treaties as every other country. Anybody that seeks asylum is judged on the merits of their case and cannot be considered illegal if their claim for fleeing is legitimate.

Go read our obligations under the 1951 Refugee convention that we signed and adopted.



Somalis should be the last people complaining about Foreigners coming to their country.

Ironically, The people spreading xenophobia in here, are the first to cry and condemn when Somalis are attacked in South Africa. Be consistent at least.
I understand restricting unlimited immigration.

But this rhetoric is xenophobia and illegal under Somali and international law.

We are beholden to the same international treaties as every other country. Anybody that seeks asylum is judged on the merits of their case and cannot be considered illegal if their claim for fleeing is legitimate.

Go read our obligations under the 1951 Refugee convention that we signed and adopted.

No. the only non ethnic somalis that should be allowed ti have representation and citizenship are ethnic minorities such as somali bantus and cadcads. Not some Oromos


Minister of Propaganda
No. the only non ethnic somalis that should be allowed ti have representation and citizenship are ethnic minorities such as somali bantus and cadcads. Not some Oromos

That literally goes against the 1962 Nationality law.

You guys should go read Somali legislation before typing.



He's an pan Ethiopianist and he may very well say to Oromos "don't break up Ethiopia, expand Ethiopia's borders instead by annexing Somalia" for example
I really wish he was stupid enough to try.

Never understood this fear Somalis have that Ethiopia will annex us. Have you seen our growth rates? Ethiopia & Kenya should be scared of Somalis.


Minister of Propaganda
I’m not calling for war but rather deportation.

You do know that mass deportation fits the definition of ethnic cleansing.


You do know that mass deportation fits the definition of ethnic cleansing.

You are a young man literally advocating for crimes against humanity in English on the internet.

Western countries deport illegal immigrants who don't have any visas or papers. So are they advocating for crimes against humanity?

Again not calling for any violence. Just those who don't have correct papers and are not ethnic to the land should go where they came from


Minister of Propaganda
Western countries deport illegal immigrants who don't have any visas or papers. So are they advocating for crimes against humanity?

Again not calling for any violence. Just those who don't have correct papers and are not ethnic to the land should go where they came from

They don’t target a specific ethnicity and they don’t remove all of them.

Ethnic cleansing isn’t necessarily a violent crime, it literally means removing all members of an ethnicity from an area.

It can be peaceful or violent.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Let's not be too reactionary.

The Arsi, Bale and Afran Qallo Oromo are our closest kin in the HoA after the Afar. Believe me, when armageddon inevitably kicks off in Ethiopia, we will want good relations between them. All these groups all share a common destiny.

We could even emphasize our similarity with these oromos because many of then are partially of somali descent. When the civil truly kicks off in Ethiopia, somalis need to on the forefront to secure the sources of Jubba and Shabelle river. Winning the hearts and minds of the locals at the sources is good.


Minister of Propaganda
Funny thing is that in the 1960s, the SYL enlisted Radio Mogadishu to have a Oromo propaganda service with aim of including Oromia into Somalia.

The most popular Oromo political song today is actually a Radio Mogadishu song from this era.

Thoughts @InaShaqalle

They don’t target a specific ethnicity and they don’t remove all of them.

Ethnic cleansing isn’t necessarily a violent crime, it literally means removing all members of an ethnicity from an area.

It can be peaceful or violent.
I'm not specifically targeting Oromos. It's just that they are the only non-ethnic Somali group present in Somalia in large numbers right now. so it is no different than western procedures
He's an pan Ethiopianist and he may very well say to Oromos "don't break up Ethiopia, expand Ethiopia's borders instead by annexing Somalia" for example


That's why the only Oromos you see in Somalia are young men and young women, they are literally giving birth to their children within our borders so that they can make their claims in future. Ethiopia has always had designs on Somalia especially our coast. It's not a secret.
Every single country in the world has laws against illegal immigration, but they want Somalia to be an open-door for all kinds of people. Even people like Oromos who are at war with Somalis and who openly claim our lands. I want all of you Oromo lovers, to go to Oromia right now and see if you survive beyond a few seconds.

You can be kind to people whilst establishing boundaries. For example, would you let a stranger move into your house to 'share' it? No, you would not. You would call the police or shove him out of your house yourself.


Minister of Propaganda
I'm not specifically targeting Oromos. It's just that they are the only non-ethnic Somali group present in Somalia in large numbers right now. so it is no different than western procedures

Let me ask you a question.

Do you see Western governments en masse remove settled immigrants en masse that have fled conflict?

They will remove immigrants that have overstayed visas and have no legitimate case to asylum.

As I said, Somalia can have immigrations laws but targeting a single ethnicity for deportation is illegal.