Puntland should deports Oromos immediately, violent backlash has started

Why are we talking about something that happened four years ago?

Furthermore, Puntland is better than sending an entire ethnic group back for the actions of a few. Deport the trouble makers but let the productive ones stay.

Political representation is their right as long as they respect the laws of the land they are on.

Violence by Somalis or Oromos should never be tolerated.
Who said they should get poltical representation? To be a Somali citizen ship you need a Somali father. They can get work visas but that’s it


Minister of Propaganda
Who said they should get poltical representation? To be a Somali citizen ship you need a Somali father. They can get work visas but that’s it

I don’t think we have the clause in our constitution….

Somalia gave Indians, Arabs and Italians political representation in the 1950s and 1960s.


According to the 1962 Citizenship law, anyone that has lived in Somalia for 7 years and is of good conduct can obtain citizenship if they renounce any other nationality.

A Somali is defined as someone who is by origin, language or tradition, a Somali.
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All these tweets are from 2018? Imagine complaining about refugees while being a refugee yourself

She likes to justify her hatred of all Oromo and will unashamedly bring up incidents from over 4 years ago, if that means she can once again justify her hatred. Oromos like any group of humans can and do, have miskeen among them, criminals among them, oppressors among them and oppressed among them. But to her, we're all the enemies and bad, etc, even the Oromo babies. She doesn't differentiate.


Minister of Propaganda
She likes to justify her hatred of all Oromo and will unashamedly bring up incidents from over 4 years ago, if that means she can once again justify her hatred. Oromos like any group of humans can and do, have miskeen among them, criminals among them, oppressors among them and oppressed among them. But to her, we're all the enemies and bad, etc, even the Oromo babies. She doesn't differentiate.

I believe OP will be best placed to realise that the days of Gaala eri are over.

Somalis and Oromos can live in peace in each other’s lands, but violence and expansionist thinking cannot be tolerated by either side.


Let's not be too reactionary.

The Arsi, Bale and Afran Qallo Oromo are our closest kin in the HoA after the Afar. Believe me, when armageddon inevitably kicks off in Ethiopia, we will want good relations between them. All these groups all share a common destiny.


Let's not be too reactionary.

The Arsi, Bale and Afran Qallo Oromo are our closest kin in the HoA after the Afar. Believe me, when armageddon inevitably kicks off in Ethiopia, we will want good relations between them. All these groups all share a common destiny.
not the Afars.
She likes to justify her hatred of all Oromo and will unashamedly bring up incidents from over 4 years ago, if that means she can once again justify her hatred. Oromos like any group of humans can and do, have miskeen among them, criminals among them, oppressors among them and oppressed among them. But to her, we're all the enemies and bad, etc, even the Oromo babies. She doesn't differentiate.

Your people don't respect our laws and land and that's why your people invade Somalia, the same way you invaded this forum to force your presence and Oromo-ness upon us. Learn what boundaries are and stick to your own lands.
Why are they even in Somalia? Their lands are fertile and peaceful.

Somalis aren't be able to move into Oromia in mass numbers. They're even in small towns in Somalia, often begging on the streets. Why can't they do that back in their towns and villages in Ethiopia?

Oromos have a history of coming as miskeens and then claiming whole cities. Look at what happened in Dire Dawe and other towns in Somali Galbeed. I've even seen videos of Oromos in Hargeisa speaking in Somali and stirring up hatred between Somalis from North and South.

It will be very difficult to remove them once they settle without war so its best that local governments in Somalia start mass deportating these people to their lands which are safe while the Ethiopians are busy with their war.


Minister of Propaganda
Whites aren't be able to move into Somalia in mass numbers. They're even in small towns in Europe, often begging on the streets. Why can't they do that back in their towns and villages in Somalia?

I've even seen videos of Somalis in England speaking in English and stirring up hatred between Brits from North and South.

It will be very difficult to remove them once they settle without war so its best that local governments in Europe start mass deportating these people to their lands which are safe while the Somalis are busy with their war.

Would you be okay if a white person made this statement?

This thread pretty much sums up why Somalia is what is.

-Xenophobic ppl who have no qualms quoting Quran one day while promoting unislamic actions against innocent ppl because of few bad apples.

-Dumb gaalraacs who hold the cadaan worldview as the standard. With no thoughts of their own.

-And ppl who look at the whole forest but can't see a single tree.
that halgan media guy is spreading fake news. why is he saying reer bosaso are attacking random oromos for the actions of oromos in ethiopia? when its because this one oromo man is trying to claim somali lands even though they welcomed him and gave him refuge.
To kill some random Oromo yelling this kinda things is very barbaric, why didn't the police arrest him put him in jail and deport him


Abiy maybe wants to carry out Lebensraum disguised as "Horn Africa integration" intended to be the antidote of Ethiopia possibly disintegrating. He can say to his own Oromos "don't break up Ethiopia, take over Somalia et al instead"
Abiy doesn't care about Ethnicity. He was born in one of the most Ethiopian-ized parts of Oromia to an Orthodox mom and Muslim Dad, and converted to Protestantism. He was one of a small number of Oromos to join the TPLF early on when the majority backed the OLF or Derg. He learned Oromo as a baby, Amhara as a child, and Tigrayan as a teenager.

Abiy has killed as many Oromos as the TPLF ever did. He's putting them in positions in power for his benefit, not theirs. When he sides with the Afar over the Somalis, or Sidama over Wolaita, it's a tactical decision, nothing more.

He's a post-ethnic Ethiopian, which is fucking crazy, but very based too in a way.
Seeking asylum from conflict isn’t illegal under international or Somali law.

Again revisionism and that’s without addressing the ludicrous xenophobia.

Sxb don't be a liberal please, inviting Oromos en masse to Somalia can lay the ground for Ethiopian expansionist designs on our country later down the line. We must be on our guard and refusing open borders isn't xenophobia....we must ensure Somalia remains Somali

