Puntland refuses acting president from landing in Bosaso.


What about when galmudug and ahlu suna wal Jamac were fighting how many people died 😂 at least alhu suna wal jamaca was kick out of dusmareeb and gureceel but diyano mafia are still in bosaso until this mafia are killed and exiled the will be no peace in bosaso
I agree walaal. Inshallah a solution is found. It’s crazy to have a militia running around fighting the government
I agree walaal. Inshallah a solution is found. It’s crazy to have a militia running around fighting the government
PSF are not a militia though. They are an official armed force of the government.

Remember all this started because Deni tried fire Diyaano as head of the PSF, and Diyaano was like...
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Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
PSF are not a militia though. They are an official armed force of the government.

Remember all this started because Deni tried fire Diyaano as head of the PSF, and Diyaano was like...
Porucubine worried about dictator dhuso bixi this issue is noone of ur business
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I believe that UAE style collegial federalism is the only way Puntland will accept to be controlled by a strong FGS
This had nothing to do with that, saaxiib. They accepted the FGS aid in Garowe, but refused it for Bosaaso.
This was an escalation of an internal fight that has been ongoing since last year.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
PSF gadaal udaga Kun jeer!!

Qof walba oo reer Puntland Subixii markuu kaco,waxaa ugu horeeya ee wal-wal ku haya waa Bosaso,taasna waxaa keenaya awoodaha isdiidan ee wada jooga.

Ciidan awoodaa leh oo Kumaandoos ah in lagu dhex hayo Magaalo ay ku nool yihiin Dumar iyo Caruur,Ganacsi xoog badana ka socdo waa khatar.

Markale gadaal udaga utura Bulshada udamqada magaca iyo maqaamka Dhulkan iyo Dadkan.

Xasuusnaada in aad wax ku noqoteen jiritaanka nidaamka Puntland.

Shalay,waxii dhacay looma sina eedeeda boqolkiiba boqol PSF,ayaa leh.

Waxaa ka horeeyay Wado la dhisayo Geed ku xirmay oo aad khatar ku geliseen isku dhac weyn in uu isku badalo.

Waxaa kasii horeeyay Xabadihii ka dhacay Xeebta ee Geerida sababay.

Waxii hada ka danbeeya lama fahmi karo hadafkiina iyo ujeedada aad ka duulaysaan.

Shalay waa naqaanay waxa ay utaagan tahay calaamada PSF.

Saakay maxay utaagan tahay?

Berise maxay ku danbayn?

Dalka iyo Dadka aan badbaadsano.

Jibril Qoobey.
Reer @bidenkulaha is arriving g with more buskuud iyo timir as asked for by the Puntland Parliament.

My Advice to Abdishaku is hide the buskuud in secure containers with tiny locks so Deni can't access it for himself.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Bosaso alone donate $257kpuntland is the richest region in Horn of Africa
Shacabka iyo Ganacsatada Magaalada Boosaaso ayaa $257,113 doollar ugu deeqay ganacsatadii ku hanti beelay dabkii ka kacay suuqa waaheen ee Soomaaliland.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
@bidenkulaha Tuug Abdirahman abdi shakur tell him to take that buskut and condoms to fart tuulo puntland is rich region we don’t need buskut diiq
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