Puntland names new Director of Puntland Security Forces (PSF)

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New PSF Director holds a lunch meeting with PSF Troops.

Look at all the salty shisheeye in the comments, lmaooooo. They daydream about Puntland self-destructing.

For those who don't know, this military unit was originally called Puntland Intelligence Service (PIS), and then it was called Puntland Intelligence Agency (PIA). The final name change is Puntland Security Forces (PSF).

Whilst the name and acronym of this group has changed throughout its existence, the responsibilities of this group stayed the same;

Its responsibilities include surveillance, investigation and arrest of suspected terrorists; monitoring of ports and airports; protection of foreigners

All Military Units in Puntland are currently undergoing extensive training and have received massive pay increases and so PSF will go through the same process. The Marines aka PMPF's leadership has also been changed as military officials get renamed all the time, it has nothing to do with an imaginary clan or political conflict in Puntland.
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The funny thing is that ever since Oromos were kicked out of Bosaso and the other major cities in Puntland, Reer quule cune has seized the opportunity to fill that void. I would be careful if I were them because 90% of their people in gedo simply relies on those low wage workers in Bosaso.

I bet Farmaajo has sent his clansmen to wreak havoc and spread propaganda in Puntland, this explains the weird videos I see sometimes with people pretending to be Puntites when it's clear they are not.

This can be PSF's newest job, finding and removing these spies and agents of chaos.

@𐒈𐒈𐒆𐒍 Waxaan ka waran? Even if we moved to Mars, we'd see them following us around.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
LOL even Santa Claus is MX according to these people

interviews graduating GIF
The funny thing is that ever since Oromos were kicked out of Bosaso and the other major cities in Puntland, Reer quule cune has seized the opportunity to fill that void. I would be careful if I were them because 90% of their people in gedo simply relies on those low wage workers in Bosaso.

I asked around and it is factual that Marehan agents are operating in Puntland right now, pretending to be Puntites so they can spy and cause problems. They are also going around to people's houses to tell them misinformation to get them to leave their homes.

I have been warning Puntites about these sick people for years and to arrest and remove them on sight, but they thought I was exaggerating. They are not 'miskeen', they operate like a cult.

Insha'Allah in the coming months, you will hear about a crackdown on this sick cult and I hope these terrorists get tied to posts just like AlShaydan, as there is no difference between them. They both wish to destroy our people because we refuse to follow their sick ideology.


all jokes aside pl is the model federal state for the rest. The president has the final say on everything and thats it. If PL wasnt a desert and they had 1 of the jubbas or shabelles they would of been miles ahead. Kala dambeynta ee nugu dhaamaan kaliya ee mahaan dagaal kama soo socdo.
all jokes aside pl is the model federal state for the rest. The president has the final say on everything and thats it. If PL wasnt a desert and they had 1 of the jubbas or shabelles they would of been miles ahead. Kala dambeynta ee nugu dhaamaan kaliya ee mahaan dagaal kama soo socdo.
We Are Taking Juba All Those Who Love Terrorist Shall Perish


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Its getting worst Puntland army and PSF are starting to disintegrate under tribal lines. Bosaso is under intense threat “amni hubaanti laan” as NGOs start packing up and fleeing. Deni refused to listen to Isimada dhaqanka Puntland and is hellbent on war.

Listen to this informative report

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