Pres Farmaajo rejects PM Rooble move and says AMISOM envoy can stay


Xagar Badhaadhe Bu'ale
Sombody in nisa or the americans gave roble all the secrets-its like the last 2 weeks he aimed for the perfect spots-farmaajos hiding spots are wide open.


Xagar Badhaadhe Bu'ale


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Madoobe elected MP Xassan Eelaay from JL betrays then and joins Laftagareen in Baidoa, money talks bs walks. Madoobe got duped :mjlaugh:

I like this Farmaajo guy siyaasadiisa ma xumo. He just needs a proper candidate that is capable of rivaling his cause, until then I don’t see an election happening this month.


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
Can we please stop calling Xarmaajo a president, he term has ended in a failure after his attempt of extension and coup, he is an embarrassing squatting looser and not a president,reer Mogadishu should tell him kick rocks and rent a motel or something.
Can we please stop calling Xarmaajo a president, he term has ended in a failure after his attempt of extension and coup, he is an embarrassing squatting looser and not a president,reer Mogadishu should tell him kick rocks and rent a motel or something.
Whoever sits at the Villa at any given moment is the president, it doesn’t matter whether we like it or not. Instead of complaining about words and their titles you should just embrace the truth.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Can we please stop calling Xarmaajo a president, he term has ended in a failure after his attempt of extension and coup, he is an embarrassing squatting looser and not a president,reer Mogadishu should tell him kick rocks and rent a motel or something.
As darod I approve of this message.
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