Pres Farmaajo rejects PM Rooble move and says AMISOM envoy can stay


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Snoop Dogg Dance GIF

Maidera is our boy and is pro FGS, hes going nowhere.


Xagar Badhaadhe Bu'ale
What cbb still don't understand is that walk on the beach between Pm Roble and uncle Sam awakened something in roble-if they were honest with them selfs they would see the writing on the wall,but hey what do I know😁
Did you think N&N were really anti amisom :pachah1:

They know who keeps Farmaajo safe in his bunker

The fact that farmajo rejected PM rooble move tells us that madeera was on Qatar's payroll.
There is no such think as wadanimo in Somalia , the ignobel somalis will work with the devil to be one up against rival somalis .
The fact that farmajo rejected PM rooble move tells us that madeera was on Qatar's payroll.
There is no such think as wadanimo in Somalia , the ignobel somalis will work with the devil to be one up against rival somalis .
Rooble is playing big chess. Outsmarting both Qatar and corrupt AU and their useless puppet Farmaajo. Very commendable by Rooble. The gloves are off he is exposing them for the world to see. The dumb madow insulted even the Americans who have spent huge amounts of $ rebuilding. They will come down hard on the AU for this I bet
Rooble is playing big chess. Outsmarting both Qatar and corrupt AU and their useless puppet Farmaajo. Very commendable by Rooble. The gloves are off he is exposing them for the world to see. The dumb madow insulted even the Americans who have spent huge amounts of $ rebuilding. They will come down hard on the AU for this I bet

I was against badbaadiye rooble for being too soft and stopping badbado qaran advance to villa Somalia but I must say he has found his iljeex cap and found his calling. He will be known as best somali PM right there with nur cadde aun when it's all said and done .


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.


The President has spoken lets see if Rooble can kick out the Head of AU in Somalia. Good luck
Maidera doesnt involve himself in Somalia affairs and is a neutral actor no need to insult my female kinfolk. He will be going no where and is Head of AU Representatitve. We shall see if adeerka Rooble illegal move even goes through 44 hours left
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