Post a picture of your dream husband/wife.

I heard nilotic girls have no boobs.

But you are abgaal

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Where on earth did you "hear" this from? Our girls are the slimmest, but they're women, so...

PS: What do we (Nilotes) have to do with Hawiye?


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
I tend to only be attracted to African women, Mainly East Africans and South Africans. West Africans and North Africans are a close second.

Although I tend to have random phases where I’m suddenly heavily into foreigners. The most recent of these was with south Asians and before that it was Eastern Europeans. Alhamdullilah I’ve since reverted from such disgust and will now stick to my fellow Africans exclusively
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I’ve always been attracted to gingers, especially if she’s a green/blue eyed woman that is naturally auburn haired. White women with red hair are extremely attractive. I’m in love



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~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Out of boredom I looked at these images. And noticed they have crooked smiles, noses or eyes. There are lateral facial asymmetries I see which is kind of odd. Considering this phenomenon was not as common a few decades ago. Its not as noticeable as someone with say Bell's Palsy but it is there albeit (slight). You see this alot in contemporary Hollywood but not in old Hollywood photos. Also, strabismus is more common now than it used to be.

I do not notice this feature in older photos. Interestingly the Africans posted don't have this issue.