Political commentator blames the failure of Hobyo Port on Puntland

KKKKKK, my guy, half of your Mudolood people look bantus.
ain't no way on earth niggaz like Omar Filish, Sharif pink lips, and especially Mahomed Abukar Islow are pure Somalis. I told you before we need a nationwide DNA testing. I'm confident lots of Mudolood will show that they have significant Bantu ancestry has their region has the highest Bantus in Somalia.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
My bad saxib .

Is not personal is politics saxib , just like how most puntlanders are against the establishment of banadir state I and others from banadir are pro somaliland succesion . Personally most konfuurians wont lost sleep if puntland too breaks away with bari and nugaal . As for lower shabelleh I hope you know most owners of the large farm lands are HAG and they also controll the capital of the gobol (merka) and also controll barawe (the capital of sws), the sws community also live in xamar I highly doubt they will break off from us and gamble on being landlocked. As for jubbaland how are they going to leave Somalia when majority popultion are non mjs and daroods ?
Not everything revolves around puntland state saxib

I thought you were a serious person, apparently you are a clown.
The real issue with these people
I bet most of them are scared of DNA test.
took a dna 2 weeks ago. ill personally send you the results when it lands lol. even if we are bantu, its sad that most of the modern Somalia achievements are by the bantu mudulood. first president, founder of somali national army, hosting the capital etc. even the current president . the bantu mudulood hutu boogeyman. putting fear in dooros for eternity :denzelnigga:
KKKKKK, my guy, half of your Mudolood people look bantus.
ain't no way on earth niggaz like Omar Filish, Sharif pink lips, and especially Mahomed Abukar Islow are pure Somalis. I told you before we need a nationwide DNA testing. I'm confident lots of Mudolood will show that they have significant Bantu ancestry has their region as the highest Bantus in Somalia.

Mudulood are Africans we are proud of our African heritage :mjhaps:
The way some of us look in appearance wont change the fact your cousin @repo talks about amisom more then the southern somalis it also doesnt change the fact that if i have bantu in my dna a good amount of yours also do


Many Hawiye that are pro Somaliland secession also believe that koonfur would remain a single state after secession. It won't.

Most people in Puntland are pro union, no PIM or huuhaa will ever change that. Granting Somaliland secession is the only thing that would immediately make most people in PL pro secession, resulting in the break up of Somalia.

There is no world in which Mogadishu gives 60,000 sq km of Harti land to Isaaq and Puntland stays in Somalia. And if Puntland leaves, JL will follow suit. The D&M may try to leave at that point, leading to a kind of Bosnia-style war where Hawiye try to grab northern Lower Shabelle.

It would be a dream come true for Ethiopia and Kenya, who would rush to recognize the break away states.
The status quo is alright. Elections in Somalia Italiania while SL does it’s own thing.

Yusuf M

This whole thread is about why Ogaden got the PM seat. Hawiye is getting bashed for this.
I thought this thread was about one of your people blaming PL for Hobyo port failure.
What's this got to do with the OG getting PM seat?

Are you trying to do a cheap isku dir tactic?

I thought this thread was about one of your people blaming PL for Hobyo port failure.
What's this got to do with the OG getting PM seat?

Are you trying to do a cheap isku dir tactic?


You guys have been mad as hell ever since Ogaden got the PM. This whole thread is about that.


I swear they'll never understand but @Prince of HS myself, you, @Jungle , many other hawiye users have made this point many a time over the last years. Nugaal and Bari leaving the union is very irrelevant to us. The only leverage PL has right now is they mucaarad every FGS government and stall reforms so we have to placate them for now.

JL would become a front in a secessionist scenario and if a sub sub clan can control for more than a decade then imagine a Somali state dominated by Hawiye that isn't burdened with SL+PL. The best part with JL is you can always support one of OG/MX too like the JVA or the ICU.
:kanyehmm: They're a sick delusional bunch of people
Mudulood are Africans we are proud of our African heritage :mjhaps:
The way some of us look in appearance wont change the fact your cousin @repo talks about amisom more then the southern somalis it also doesnt change the fact that if i have bantu in my dna a good amount of yours also do
kkkk, I just find it funny how you always call reer PL Zanzibaris when you have the highest Bantu population in the country in your region as well as lots of your folks look negroid. Even if a good amount of my people have bantu dna as you said, then your folks by far have the highest as you have lived with them side by side for centuries. you can't live with a group of people that long without intermarrying.