Political commentator blames the failure of Hobyo Port on Puntland


Bantu Liberation Movement
That's none other than @Prince of HS. He's a scammer that sells Chinese inverters at a premium price to poor Mogadishans, claiming to have built them himself. He is also squatting on the sugarcane farm created by the Duke of Abruzzi in Jowhar. Embarrassing, foolish and envious.

Reer faanaye AKA buutlaand can be very annoying Laakin you can’t really blame them for seeing an opportunity and developing their lands. Hobyo port should have been built long time ago in my opinion. It probably didn’t happen due to 90% of hg investing in Mogadishu or lower shabelle nowadays
That's none other than @Prince of HS. Very shameless too. I can tell that clearly. He's a scammer that sells Chinese inverters at a premium price to poor Mogadishans, claiming to have built them himself. Embarrassing, foolish and envious.

Read what I just wrote above dummy. I don’t genuinely wish bad on that port whatever I ever said prior was just friendly fkd. Garcad port in no way affects me. Why would I care to genuinely hate that makeshift fishing port?


Bantu Liberation Movement
Read what I just wrote above dummy. I don’t genuinely wish bad on that port whatever I ever said prior was just friendly fkd. Garcad port in no way affects me. Why would I care to genuinely hate that makeshift fishing port?
You tell me, why do you hate?

Happy Well Done GIF



True Puntlander
Case of Sore loser syndrome I’m afraid. It’s almost as if there afraid of developing there own lands instead of hurling up in xamar. :mjcry:
You will find most HAG kids this cuqduud to our state, Bossaso and DP world what they did.

Thanks Allah im Puntlander :rejoice: .


True Puntlander
Reer faanaye AKA HAG, can be very annoying Laakin you can’t really blame them for seeing an opportunity and developing their lands. Hobyo port should have been built long time ago in my opinion. It probably didn’t happen due to 90% of hg investing in Mogadishu or lower shabelle nowadays
Fixed .:win:
I think you tagged the wrong guy… but your right. I never made fun of his looks though.

My bad saxib .
Many Hawiye that are pro Somaliland secession also believe that koonfur would remain a single state after secession. It won't.

Most people in Puntland are pro union, no PIM or huuhaa will ever change that. Granting Somaliland secession is the only thing that would immediately make most people in PL pro secession, resulting in the break up of Somalia.

There is no world in which Mogadishu gives 60,000 sq km of Harti land to Isaaq and Puntland stays in Somalia. And if Puntland leaves, JL will follow suit. The D&M may try to leave at that point, leading to a kind of Bosnia-style war where Hawiye try to grab northern Lower Shabelle.

It would be a dream come true for Ethiopia and Kenya, who would rush to recognize the break away states.

Is not personal is politics saxib , just like how most puntlanders are against the establishment of banadir state I and others from banadir are pro somaliland succesion . Personally most konfuurians wont lost sleep if puntland too breaks away with bari and nugaal . As for lower shabelleh I hope you know most owners of the large farm lands are HAG and they also controll the capital of the gobol (merka) and also controll barawe (the capital of sws), the sws community also live in xamar I highly doubt they will break off from us and gamble on being landlocked. As for jubbaland how are they going to leave Somalia when majority popultion are non mjs and daroods ?
Not everything revolves around puntland state saxib


Is not personal is politics saxib , just like how most puntlanders are against the establishment of banadir state I and others from banadir are pro somaliland succesion . Personally most konfuurians wont lost sleep if puntland too breaks away with bari and nugaal . As for lower shabelleh I hope you know most owners of the large farm lands are HAG and they also controll the capital of the gobol (merka) and also controll barawe (the capital of sws), the sws community also live in xamar I highly doubt they will break off from us and gamble on being landlocked. As for jubbaland how are they going to leave Somalia when majority popultion are non mjs and daroods ?
Not everything revolves around puntland state saxib
I swear they'll never understand but @Prince of HS myself, you, @Jungle , many other hawiye users have made this point many a time over the last years. Nugaal and Bari leaving the union is very irrelevant to us. The only leverage PL has right now is they mucaarad every FGS government and stall reforms so we have to placate them for now.

JL would become a front in a secessionist scenario and if a sub sub clan can control for more than a decade then imagine a Somali state dominated by Hawiye that isn't burdened with SL+PL. The best part with JL is you can always support one of OG/MX too like the JVA or the ICU.
Keep crying about PL haha, you will never have the powerful federal government you seek. You will never have any real power or authority and we will stand against you forever. We built and created this weak government you hold on to don't forget that, Puntites know the danger of a strong president. We will undermine any efforts for the presidency to be anything but the Mayor of Mogadishu. You don't have the support of the people, you don't have the support of the federal states you will crash and burn like the previous administration that tried to challenge us. You say PL doesn't matter, yet after every inauguration you come and kiss the ring. Pipe down you little rats, continue dreaming.


Bantu Liberation Movement
My bad saxib .

Is not personal is politics saxib , just like how most puntlanders are against the establishment of banadir state I and others from banadir are pro somaliland succesion . Personally most konfuurians wont lost sleep if puntland too breaks away with bari and nugaal . As for lower shabelleh I hope you know most owners of the large farm lands are HAG and they also controll the capital of the gobol (merka) and also controll barawe (the capital of sws), the sws community also live in xamar I highly doubt they will break off from us and gamble on being landlocked. As for jubbaland how are they going to leave Somalia when majority popultion are non mjs and daroods ?
Not everything revolves around puntland state saxib
Waxaa moodey in Mudug dalxiis uu joogno, gunyahow xooga AMISOM ku nool. Maalinta aad xor yeelatid bay noo tahay.
Every Somali should be thankful to PL for giving the failed state of Somalia some sort of governance. If the southerners were left to their own devices we would have a Taliban state in Africa. Never forget, WE CREATED THIS SH*T.
Waxaa moodey in Mudug dalxiis uu joogno, gunyahow xooga AMISOM ku nool. Maalinta aad xor yeelatid bay noo tahay.
Idk why your getting so offended lol. If PL left Somalia today, we literally don’t lose anything and we won’t lose sleep over it.

At least southern daroods are placed in a good geographical location and have fertile lands. you lot you however are actually so useless and irrelevant.

Pl are like those little brothers who try prove their worth so hard :lolbron:
Waxaa moodey in Mudug dalxiis uu joogno, gunyahow xooga AMISOM ku nool. Maalinta aad xor yeelatid bay noo tahay.

Boowe I've never met a majerteeni who talks about amisom as much as you do , do you want amisom soldiers for yourself in buntland?
Surely the south african mercenary who loves grabbing you by the neck
should be enough African foreigners in your state heck you even have a descendent of zanzabarian African my the name of Deni qurux running your state😀


Bosaaso iyo Qandala
My bad saxib .

Is not personal is politics saxib , just like how most puntlanders are against the establishment of banadir state I and others from banadir are pro somaliland succesion . Personally most konfuurians wont lost sleep if puntland too breaks away with bari and nugaal . As for lower shabelleh I hope you know most owners of the large farm lands are HAG and they also controll the capital of the gobol (merka) and also controll barawe (the capital of sws), the sws community also live in xamar I highly doubt they will break off from us and gamble on being landlocked. As for jubbaland how are they going to leave Somalia when majority popultion are non mjs and daroods ?
Not everything revolves around puntland state saxib
Inshallah. This would be a dream come true it would be good to separate. Bad mistake to be in union with people who only share language too and have 0 history of nabadnimo, and dowladnimo. You can’t tame a lion because instincts prevail. dhulkiina dhisa, anna sidoo kale.
Boowe I've never met a majerteeni who talks about amisom as much as you do , do you want amisom soldiers for yourself in buntland?
Surely the south african mercenary who loves grabbing you by the neck
View attachment 237714should be enough African foreigners in your state heck you even have a descendent of zanzabarian African my the name of Deni qurux running your state😀
KKKKKK, my guy, half of your Mudolood people look bantus.
ain't no way on earth niggaz like Omar Filish, Sharif pink lips, and especially Mahomed Abukar Islow are pure Somalis. I told you before we need a nationwide DNA testing. I'm confident lots of Mudolood will show that they have significant Bantu ancestry has their region as the highest Bantus in Somalia.