PM Roble fires NISA Chief Fahad Yasin!


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Breaking Rooble NISA appointee Bashiir Goobe refuses the position and says hes not comfortable betraying his President another L for Rooble



“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
A weak response from Rooble beggin Farmaajo Fahad Yasin still in power :hemad:


Hassan Garguute Buldanana

#Puntlandfirst. #PIM
What’s so special with Fahad Yasin that Farmaajo will go this far to try to keep him? The nigga has failed in his duty just as sanboloshe and others before him.
What’s so special with Fahad Yasin that Farmaajo will go this far to try to keep him? The nigga has failed in his duty just as sanboloshe and others before him.
Its not about special or going "far". The PM cant just hire and fire outside his mandate while being pushed to do so for politically motivated reasons. It doesnt seem like he cares to even look like he is interested in hearing/seeing the evidence NISA presents on the Ikraan Tahliil case.

Two months to elections and stirring up all this unnecessary drama that will get nowhere.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
threats are baseless. this is not 91. the president now has gaalo protecting him. :pachah1:
AMISOM will be there to protect Villa Somalia, the idiots think Somali laysku haleeynaya


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
Farmaajo banned from Government Media

Villa Somalia is now a twitter regime

Farmaajo banned from Government Media

Villa Somalia is now a twitter regime

Hijacking a facebook account is something to brag about?.... The only government account he has hijacked is SNTV not even the Government Official pages.

So far, Fahad Yasin has been promoted and Roble has stolen the SNTV facebook page and deleted posted at 3AM.
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Hijacking a facebook account is something to brag about?.... The only government account he has hijacked is SNTV not even the Government Official pages.

So far, Fahad Yasin has been promoted and Roble has stolen the SNTV facebook page and deleted posted at 3AM.
So is the problem over now


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Farmaajo banned from Government Media

Villa Somalia is now a twitter regime

Fahad Yasin has just been promoted and yall bragging about hijacking social media LOL Villa SOmalia account is all that matters

Amaanka Xarunta NISA ayaa ugu dambeyn la xaqiijiyay, waxaa iskaga baxay Yaasiin Fareeey oo Villa Somalia tegay. waxaana dhawaan tegi doono Agaasimaha guud ee NISA Bashiir Goobe.inshaa allaah.

This is the commander who accomplished this task


Maanta waxa uu la wareegay Taliska Habar Khadiijo ee NISA, isaga iyo Ciidankiisa si halkaas loo geeyo Agaasimaha KMG ah ee u magacaabay Raysal wasaare Rooble.
Lahelow should reshuffle his cabinet to gain total control of FGS security agencies. This will checkmate Farmaajo and put an end to this squabble.
30 jir 30 million haysta as security minister and Sanbalooshe will reportedly be appointed as interior minister in the coming hours. The charlatans and crooks of Damul Jadid are making their way back into the federal government. A host of current cabinet members flocked to Rooble's residence to pledge allegiance, the end is near for majnuun Farmaajo.