PM Hamza Barre gives historic speech in Kaaraan as he calls himself reer Xamar, exposes Deni’s demands for positions, PL’s imminent risk of collapse.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081

SNTV has the full speech up. It was a celebration for the peace Xamar has seen in the past few months. Talking about all the security reform the FGS is making. And also there were quite a few ppl who gave up Shabaab and fought them as shacab, gave speeches and were honoured.

Hamza Barre also announced that government offices will open in Kaaraan as ppl are moved from government land.

Hamza ha matalo darood forever!

You either don’t understand the Somali language or deliberately misquoting the PM. Below is what was in his speech.

“Reer PL naf iyo nolol waxay u hureen dowlada maanta joogta, waxaan rabnaa iney hormuud noo noqdaan reer Punland. Caasimada Garoowe waa caasimada ugu amni badan Caasimadaha wadanka Somalia, waxaan rabnaa garoowe iney hormuud noo noqoto”. PM Hamza.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
*you are having more children than Isaaq bro. south central Somalia especially Hirshabelle and Konfur Galbeed have a higher TFR than both Puntland and Jubbaland due to practising agriculture. My family for example are agro pastoralist so we have much more kids on average compared to nomads/pastorilsts.
Proof it adeer gacaliye
The main takeaway from his speech was that government will not do anything without Pundland. Anyone who thinks Hamza was going to say something different from what culusow already said is too naive.


South central has TFR of 7.1. North East has 6.2. Tell your people invest in viagra adeerkey

View attachment 271595
The interesting thing always is if you see development, your TFR tends to fall. So I’m not surprised to see SL have lower fertility than PL which has lower fertility than the South.

In under developed areas, girls get married off straight after puberty. But as they start going to school, this happens later and later

There’s also the access to contraception too.
Ra'iisul Wasaare Xamse "Laascaanod uma baahna in laisku habar wacdo iyo tolaayeey hala xishooda waa la Doogin yaan la dacroon dadka wada dhashay yaanan laisku fogeen".


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
I predicted this two months ago. I told you guys that thread that it won’t be long before HSM and his maqaar saars would be calaacaling about being one people and one country. Ive said that nothing is moving forward, it’s as if there’s a government shutdown. Donor countries have not been engaging with Somalia and the major projects were put off for the time being. The security meeting is suppose to take place this week but judging by the harsh narrative between PL ( HSM has mental issues) and HSM ( PL will be destroyed in 24 days) I don’t think the meeting will take place, Deni will definitely not be attending.

I forecasted it but you guys laughed at me.
The south definitely has a higher child mortality rate.
Depends. Bay and Bakool does and has the highest mortality rate in the country in general. Vast majority of people who die of starvation and child diseases in Somalia are mainly Beesha D&M sadly. HS, Banadir GM and JL aren’t as affected


Depends. Bay and Bakool does and has the highest mortality rate in the country in general. Vast majority of people who die of starvation and child diseases in Somalia are mainly Beesha D&M sadly. HS, Banadir GM and JL aren’t as affected
There was this woman who was pregnant with 4 kids (quadruplet) recently from shabellaha Dhexe and was taken to Xamar to give birth. This is I presume the case for most ppl nowadays. I know that in Dhusamareb if my relatives can’t get good treatment, they go to Xamar

"Mogadishu – The World Bank has halted most of its development projects in Somalia, citing a lack of faith in the newly ‘installed’ Auditor General as the primary reason for their action, Horn Examiner has learnt.

This move has raised concerns about the future of ongoing development initiatives in the country which is recovering from decades of civil war which left the country’s infrastructures destroyed.

The newly appointed Auditor General of Somalia, Ahmed Isse Gutale, a former local radio journalist, has faced criticism regarding his alleged lack of experience and skills in the field of auditing and corruption concerns raised by the Somalia donors.

Since his appointment, questions have been raised by officials and International Financial Institutions (IFI) about Gutale’s qualifications, and his performance has come under scrutiny

The HShM-led government is desperate to blame Puntland on the suspension of debt relief by the International donors, when the donors rejected to approve this government's new auditor general. President Deni should stay the course and make sure he provides the check on them since the Somali parliament have rendered themselves useless.
Pm Xamze said that the debt relief is outside politics.. this is false, the current administration does not have the capacity to be trusted with a clean financial record in the eyes of the world bank and other countries that are waiting to lend Somalia money.

They will steal this money! Therefor puntland is correct in opposing the debt relief.. we are saving Somalia because the current administration will seek international aid and use that money to enrich themselves..

Puntland is the watchdog that Somalia needs but doesn’t know it needs..

We as people are not ready for this debt relief