Pig heart transplanted into human


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I don't think he will last.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
It is modified heart, not 100% pig heart, and it first time heart xenotransplantation, but other modified organs from pig were transferred to humans and still working

We shall see. I do not have so much confidence. :(
View attachment 211814CHICAGO, Jan 10 (Reuters) - A U.S. man with terminal heart disease was implanted with a genetically modified pig heart in a first-of-its-kind surgery, and three days later the patient is doing well, his doctors reported on Monday.

To move ahead with the experimental surgery, the university obtained an emergency authorization from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on New Year's Eve through its compassionate use program

Bennett's genetically modified pig heart was provided by Revivicor, a regenerative medicine company based in Blacksburg, Virginia. On the morning of the surgery, the transplant team removed the pig's heart and placed it into a special device to preserve its function until the surgery.

Pigs have long been a tantalizing source of potential transplants because their organs are so similar to humans. A hog heart at the time of slaughter, for example, is about the size of an adult human heart.

In the heart implanted in Bennett, three genes previously linked with organ rejection were "knocked out" of the donor pig, and six human genes linked with immune acceptance were inserted into the pig genome.

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Mr. Bennett was informed of the procedure’s risks, and was aware that the procedure was experimental, according to the University of Maryland School of Medicine
When he starts to play in the mud like a pig. Apparently organ recipients share the same likes as the previous owner of the organs. For example if they like jazz or cheese they would inherit that.


Forza Somalia!
When he starts to play in the mud like a pig. Apparently organ recipients share the same likes as the previous owner of the organs. For example if they like jazz or cheese they would inherit that.
no, the heart only pumps blood, other traits are from the mind


Forza Somalia!
first before even entering this, as an arabic speaker i have to say that all the heart mentions in the quran are metaphors.
فإن القلب الذي هو محل الحق والباطل، والتقوى والعصيان، والإيمان والكفران، واللين والقسوة وغير ذلك من المعاني، ليس هو المضغة المحسوسة نفسها، بل هو أمر معنوي ـ يعبر عنه كثير من العلماء بأنه لطيفة ربانية روحانية ـ له تعلق بالقلب الذي هو مضغة، وهذا التعلق مما لا يعلم كيفيته إلا الله تعالى.
There is a possibility that because “Qalb” or “heart” plays a central role in the body in supplying blood which carries oxygen to even the brain which itself controls our body and acts as the command centre, due to the centrality of its role, it is possible that the Quran and also the Ahadith refer to the heart due to this meaning whereby everything in ourselves somehow depends on it.

This is probably why the meaning of “Qalb” or “heart” is borrowed from its literal meaning and used for a series of other related meanings which has the theme of centrality and dependency on it.

So what you think that the 40 hadith are referring to is not the physical heart but the center of our emotions, thinking and human personality, not the heart itself.


Save 🇨🇦 from Mass Punjabi Invasion
Staff Member
He apparently didn't take his medication or follow doctors' orders to stop smoking which made him ineligible for a heart transplant. They took him off the organ waitlist. Nacas. I wouldn't have even given him this one.


Forza Somalia!
He apparently didn't take his medication or follow doctors' orders to stop smoking which made him ineligible for a heart transplant. They took him off the organ waitlist. Nacas. I wouldn't have even given him this one.
why, it was a good, very good experiment chance for the doctors. they probably were foaming after hearing his approval


Save 🇨🇦 from Mass Punjabi Invasion
Staff Member
why, it was a good, very good experiment chance for the doctors. they probably were foaming after hearing his approval

Should have done it for the others who listened to their doctor's orders but had no chance of getting a transplant.


Forza Somalia!
Should have done it for the others who listened to their doctor's orders but had no chance of getting a transplant.
look, this was something new that haven't been done on this level, they even told him that this is "literally" an experiment, and asked for his approval, no one of these on the waiting list want to be an experiment buddy.