Yes some nations would be far richer and better than nigeria if united and i do agree west african are arrogant for behaving like gate keepers in regards to what is to be considered black. U and your'e family should not be around such people.Well, the main why Tuaregs have beef with AU is that you want our land. The unity spiel is just excuse to tax us and to drain our resources. The only two pan-Africanists I f*ck with are Marcus Garvey and Gaddafi. Honestly, seeing my family go through it and it’s doesn’t benefit anyone.
The AAs I know describe my dad and African family as arrogant. My mum and aunt said it was they were condescending and acted as identify as black was a favor to AAs. They was a lot of resentment towards ajnabis for having to conform to their ways, while being shamed for enslaving maadows, whites, Jews ( Allegedly. Those ***s are lying !!!! ), and the sky bison with Avatar. The sandbenders that sold Appa are based off the Tuaregs. Appa was a sinner. We’re not slave traders, we’re missionaries!!!!