
Omar del Sur

What are your thoughts on Pan-Africanism and how do you view pan-Africanism?

Many people here I think reject pan-Africanism. If you reject pan-Africanism- why? (or vice-versa- why are you for it if you support it?)

I'm not really for or against pan-Africanism. I don't really have any particular opinion on it. This thread is neutral and I'm just curious what people's thoughts are on the subject.


What are your thoughts on Pan-Africanism and how do you view pan-Africanism?

Many people here I think reject pan-Africanism. If you reject pan-Africanism- why?

I'm not really for or against pan-Africanism. I don't really have any particular opinion on it. This thread is neutral and I'm just curious what people's thoughts are on the subject.
Pan africanism serves to further the goals and ambitions of rich west african nations hence i don't support it . And its pretty useless to us ass these fufus will only regard us as their equals whenever it benefits them. This concept is more retardet than world domination
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Africa is too large and diverse.

Individual African nations are the most corrupt on the planet, I don't see how a pan African nation will ever work. Before we propose something, there has to be some justification.

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
Pan Africanism is for the langaab africans and the ones without natural resources.

It is like the eu where they intend that a certain part of the continent pays up to keep the poor regions operational.

We don't need this. We have our neighbour's, the arabs, asians and the europeans to trade with eventually.

f*ck this continent and her fake people. Let them rot in their own regions.

The Somali Caesar

King of Sarcasm• Location: Rent free in your head
I think Africa is too diverse for such a movement to happen. Let’s not forget Africa is the most diverse continent on the planet.

Also Pan Africanism is heavily West African Centric. The North and Horn Africans would refuse to such a movement

Omar del Sur

I think Africa is too diverse for such a movement to happen. Let’s not forget Africa is the most diverse continent on the planet.

Also Pan Africanism is heavily West African Centric. The North and Horn Africans would refuse to such a movement

I could be wrong but I think Asia is the most diverse then Africa. I think Asia because for example, you have Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, atheists, shinto, Communism, etc. Whereas Africa I think is mostly either Christian or Muslim. But still, Morocco is way different than, say, Liberia. I do think the argument that Africa is too diverse for pan-Africanism to make sense has a point. And I do think it does seem West Africa-centric.

The Somali Caesar

King of Sarcasm• Location: Rent free in your head
I could be wrong but I think Asia is the most diverse then Africa. I think Asia because for example, you have Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, atheists, shinto, Communism, etc. Whereas Africa I think is mostly either Christian or Muslim. But still, Morocco is way different than, say, Liberia. I do think the argument that Africa is too diverse for pan-Africanism to make sense has a point. And I do think it does seem West Africa-centric.
In Africa you can find:
•All three major Abrahamic religions:
Islam.Christianity and Judaism.
Hinduism and Buddhism can be found in Mauritius a small island near Madagascar.
Baha’i Which technically is an Abrahamic religion a minority found in Chad and Kenya
•Also many various African traditional religions throughout Africa.

Omar del Sur

In Africa you can find:
•All three major Abrahamic religions:
Islam.Christianity and Judaism.
Hinduism and Buddhism can be found in Mauritius a small island near Madagascar.
Baha’i Which technically is an Abrahamic religion a minority found in Chad and Kenya
•Also many various African traditional religions throughout Africa.

I forgot that there's Hindus in Mauritius.


Taxation is theft
Pan-Africanism is rooted in communism and to make everyone “equal”, someone has to be pulled down. Look at the EU. Are all European country happy and prosperous?


Pan-Africanism is rooted in communism and to make everyone “equal”, someone has to be pulled down. Look at the EU. Are all European country happy and prosperous?
Not really the eu however the eu is different as it serves 2 purposes 1 maintaining peace by allowing people to move freely hence making it easier live,work or study wherever u want. 2 ties in with point 1 usee in the past there were wars fought to mainly expand incorporate lands that where innhabitet by people whom the aggressor considered to be of his own kin by having open borders niggas can move or visit his diaspoars very easily.


Taxation is theft
Not really the eu however the eu is different as it serves 2 purposes 1 maintaining peace by allowing people to move freely hence making it easier live,work or study wherever u want. 2 ties in with point 1 usee in the past there were wars fought to mainly expand incorporate lands that where innhabitet by people whom the aggressor considered to be of his own kin by having open borders niggas can move or visit his diaspoars very easily.
Well, the main why Tuaregs have beef with AU is that you want our land. The unity spiel is just excuse to tax us and to drain our resources. The only two pan-Africanists I f*ck with are Marcus Garvey and Gaddafi. Honestly, seeing my family go through it and it’s doesn’t benefit anyone.
The AAs I know describe my dad and African family as arrogant. My mum and aunt said it was they were condescending and acted as identify as black was a favor to AAs. They was a lot of resentment towards ajnabis for having to conform to their ways, while being shamed for enslaving maadows, whites, Jews ( Allegedly. Those hoes are lying !!!! ), and the sky bison with Avatar. The sandbenders that sold Appa are based off the Tuaregs. Appa was a sinner. We’re not slave traders, we’re missionaries!!!!

