The Midlands
aside from your trolling, we changed our strategy from defense to attack. Three months ago we liberated every land of Hawadle including Mokoqori so instead of maintaining our gains while under their attack like Ceelqooxle battle we decided to attack them in their places so we started with Xalfooley inside Middle Shabelle and then Ceelhareeri from Tardo and then Ceeldheere and then Adan Yabaal this a huge bufferzone. Next Galcad and Budbud in this way Moqokori can be protected like Mabaax now after we reached Adan Yabaal. our strategy is not liberation rather mantaining our gains. Moqokori roads are under blockade.Muqakoori is still under shabaab. And this guy thinks we are going to believe the Abgaal SNA in Hiiraan have reached Adan Yabaal.
from we are inside middle shabelle from Xalfooley behind Jalalaqsi to Adan yabaal. next Budbud and Galcad behind Moqokori