Older Somali generation is blaming the younger generation for our current problems!


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
I can't take you serious anymore since you are saying opposite to whatever our problems are, Somalia is a shithole because of Islam and you over here saying the opposite, I am out of this thread and you even switched the thread to religion when it was about generations, it is waste of time arguing with someone programmed by Saudi Wahabis.:snoop:
You can keep crying about it, I am right. Somalis were at it's prime with Islam, like it or not. Communist atheism ruined Somalia, and that's a proven fact. Just shows that the most detrimental thing to Somalis is a lack of Islam. Economists like Peter T. Leeson have stated atheism is the worst and most destructive form of government known to man Somalia under Islam was one of the richest trading hubs since medieval times




[[Puntland Republic ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฑ]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
You can keep crying about it, I am right. Somalis were at it's prime with Islam, like it or not. Communist atheism ruined Somalia, and that's a proven fact. Just shows that the most detrimental thing to Somalis is a lack of Islam. Economists like Peter T. Leeson have stated atheism is the worst and most destructive form of government known to man Somalia under Islam was one of the richest trading hubs since medieval times View attachment 158568
View attachment 158567
View attachment 158570View attachment 158571

That was 31 years ago, are you denyinf Islam holding us for the last 3 decades?you know damn right what I am talking about but I guess you are blind.




[[Puntland Republic ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฑ]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
And we already talked about this. It is against Islam this isn't any part of our deen. the question was about Atheism not extremists.


Wallahi no one on this forum can take you serious specially me where on thread you claim to be religious and follow Islam as described in the Quran and Hadith while on the other thread you promoting degeneracy and sucking dick.:dead:

It is a western culture hon, you can't take some of the western culture as it suits you and leave the rest.:pachah1:

If the bodily fluids aren't swallowed then oral sex is no different from kissing various parts of the body, which is is allowed for Muslims. Yes, it is permissible for Muslims to perform acts of oral sex with their spouses. Licking or sucking the spouse's sexual organs are permissible, as long as it gives a person sexual satisfaction which will keep him/her away from Haram acts or starring at non-Mahram men/womenl


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
Wallahi no one on this forum can take you serious specially me where on thread you claim to be religious and follow Islam as described in the Quran and Hadith while on the other thread you promoting degeneracy and sucking ****.:dead:

It is a western culture, you can't take some of the western culture as it suits you and leave the rest.:pachah1:
There is no shame in Islam. When a question is asked you must answer it. That is what the prophet said, to not be shy to answer a question. Wallahi this guy thought he did something :drakekidding: :drakekidding:


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
First of all its very foolish and ignorant to point finger and blame the younger generation for not fixing the country when the last generation been sitting in coffee shops for decades discussing how they would fix the country

Look at Somalia the leaders donโ€™t care about the state of the country nor about the people Whatโ€™s even more shameful is that the international community cares more about Somalia than the leaders

Whats also sad is the underpaid soldiers who would be ready to die and shed blood for their country taking orders from leaders who would sit in their mansions acting like they working a normal day job


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Somalia could prosper if it werent for tribalism and incompetent leaders with 0 vision for the future who doesnโ€™t really care about the people and the country cause they treat the government like a Fortune 500 company whose trying to please the shareholders (clans)
Ofcourse Somalia would have been a peacefull country If we weren't Muslims,you were born here so you don't know how many Somalis who lost their lives and still die from the hands of Islam extremist,I was born there and witnessesed first hand entire villages massacred because they didn't want support these Barbaric Saudi Wahabnism,you are ignorant if you sideline this issue, half of the country is still under Islamic extremism untill now. :camby:

Then why aren't multiple non Muslim nations peaceful right now (all shown below) its because of religion, drug trades, territorial disputes etc is why they aren't peaceful.

As for Somalia much like any other nation it should try get itself together. But asking for help is much easier than doing the hard work yourself.

even as a Muslim, yes. Everyone will be on the same page, and alshabab will be gone since they are based on religious extremism.

If we all suddenly dropped Islam, i can guarantee women would resort to prostitution from sex tourists like they do in Thailand and the Phillipines in order to escape poverty. If it wasnโ€™t for Islam and its way of teaching morals, weโ€™d have a whole generation of wecel kids running around born from predatory tourists/pedos:comeon:


jUst keeping it REAL homie
I was arguing with my dad today and he had me pissed off when he implied Somalia is a shithole because of the younger generation being useless and retards unlike other countries where the their younger generation are leading them, so here is my response to him, skip my rant if you hate long posts about nothing and answer the question at the end.:kanyeshrug:

If you were born 1985-present ,these problems already existed or they were starting. The thing I really don't understand is how the older Somali generations can really blame anyone under 35. Sure, the people under 35 and younger are generally little shits, but were did we learn it from?

Single parent households and an unaccountable society. Now, does that give a reason not to try to make things better? Absolutely not. We should strive to make our country better. We should strive to make a country that can actually stand on it's own, rather than selling it to the highest bidder. We shouldn't just sit down and let another country just buy us out and control us.

We must learn how the world works and how to react to this world around us. What I don't understand is how the older generation can blame us for the challenges currently facing our country. How can they possibly blame us for anything? Yes, we're lazy and dumb as f*ck, but the older generations have set everything up for us.

A society that cares nothing about accountability. A society that cares nothing about hard work. A society that would rather place the blame on someone else rather than fixing the problem at hand. Our economy is shit, Our society is shit. Our culture is shit. Our FUTURE is shit.

How about instead of criticising our laziness and lack of ability to change you teach us or show us how to change? We have been taught from birth that our government is right no matter what. We have been taught how to obey. That is how things were in the 70s and 80s. TEACH US. EDUCATE US. We want to care.

There is nothing to unite under though. There is no society to fight for. People in our country and abroad are ashamed to be Somali. Where is our pride? Where is our reason to care? We are the most misinformed generation because our media is shit and our parents think of us as so much of a joke that they don't care to tell us where a reliable source for information is.

We ARE dumbasses. Some of us want to break out of this bullshit shell of believing everything the media says and believing that our government always has our best interest at heart. We want to break out of this bullshit spell that iPods and smart phones have us under but we were born in the reality that these things are essential to our survival, which is complete bullshit.

All I'm saying is educate us like your parents or society educated you rather than blaming us for not knowing shit when you do not want to teach us. We have just as much of the blame to shoulder as the older generation, but we don't know how to break out of our bullshit ass rut.

We need a purpose. Every human needs a purpose. But we as Somalis have nothing to fight for. Look around and think about it. I'm sure you have; and hopefully you'll see as I have, there is no hope for the human race. We are going to kill each off other within the next ten years and have Ethopians takes over.

It's sad how the younger generations have to clean up the older generations mess, but that's what the human learning experience is all about. They make mistakes, we learn from them and do better.

The next generations will learn from our mistakes and do even better. It's just how it is. It amazes me even now what my kids are learning in preschool. Stuff I didn't learn until I was maybe in 1st or 2nd grade. The generations after them will be learning algebra in preschool by the way things are going now.

We advance as a race. It's just how it is. So as sad and difficult as it is, history is a bunch of lessons people learn from. Without learning from our past mistakes, we wouldn't get anywhere.

It's human nature to error. Learning from them and being able to change the outcome is part of what makes us intelligent. Can other animals do that? Sure! But only a handful have shown that they are capable of learning from what they experience.

Let our parents f*ck things up so we can learn how to do it better. It may be frustrating to have to clean up someone else's mess, but as a parent I do that every day. We do our best to teach our babies to survive in the world me made with hopes they can make something better out of it as they get older and wiser.

End of my Rant

Does the younger generation should be blamed for Somalia being a shithole? Why are old farts still in charge in Somlia unlike other countries where young minds are running the show? Do we deserve to be treated like this way?
Young gen arenโ€™t to blame at all, f*ck deflecting ass elders like your father, no disrespect to you though, I agree with u
However itโ€™s on us to fix their mess otherwise our Somali children will inherit mess just like we did
I donโ€™t want that for our kids, let the suffering and bs die with us.
Disappointment can only come from expectations. When a country is in chaos, patriotism is born. The only way to solve a problem, is too ask questions.


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