Not a peep about "somalians" in the presence of a Somali

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Men are better than Women.
House chores are simple for all the reasons above they require very little thought it’s literally no different to following a routine.

They do 5 minutes of simple house chores and then they sit on their asses for the rest of the day. Then come to the internet complaining
''' OH MY GOSH! i just washed a spoon, i hate Somali boy privilege¨'':mjlol:


Men are better than Women.
If it’s easy men would be doing it.

Men are too busy out risking their lives protecting, providing, working and bring home the resources. You know things that take more effort, hard work, sacrifice and mental acuity to do.

It doesnt compare to a woman who cleans a dish, makes some food and then sits on her ass the rest of day protected/comforted in her own home.


Men are too busy out risking their lives protecting, providing, working and bring home the resources. You know things that take more effort, hard work, sacrifice and mental acuity to do.

It doesnt compare to a woman who cleans a dish, makes some food and then sits on her ass the rest of day protected/comforted in her own home.

What are you talking about?

We are talking about teenagers here. No one expects a teenage boy to hunt lions


Listen here reer uk, your reputation as pathetic backbone-less pussies is already cemented and nothing can change that
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