No more "humanitarian aid" for Somalia. Development is more needed. Do you agree?


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
I personally would agree. Weve passed the stage in which we simply need aid . What we need now seeing as AS is soon going to be defeated is development.

We need the development that will allow us to not have to rely on aid, to be self sufficient. Whether that be with regards to agriculture, fishing and many of the other industries within Somalia.

Internet Nomad

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Give a man a fish he will be fed for a day, teach him how to fish he will be fed for his whole life.


Let him cook
Yes but same time you canโ€™t build anything when big chunks of country under Al shabab especially south thatโ€™s supposed to produce all the food


Yes but same time you canโ€™t build anything when big chunks of country under Al shabab especially south thatโ€™s supposed to produce all the food
Theyโ€™d be better off negotiating with AS to bilaterally lower taxes on farms and produce.

There is more then enough cultivated land in Somalia to feed Somalis its just impossible to invest with that much taxation and confict.
I think the President is right in this. However, does it mean that Somalia doesn't need any humanitarian aid at all? How about the current floods? Will it be able to deal with them by itself? I don't think so...


nation building loans are only given to REAL governments even 3rd world. Humanitarian aid is only given to warzones or trusteeships or some govt in name only but on the ground weilds no power.

The sad thing is they been on grants, aid, charity call it wat u will it's still the same thing. Never seen Somalia life improve thru aid, charity for the past 30 years, I can't see how it will improve if you add another 50 years too it.

Charity is only for basic food-water for ppl who can't produce or provide any service to make money, it's not a job and never will be. What's sad this segment is 5% in the west, 20% in 2nd world, 40% in 3rd world. In Somalia it's 90%, imagine a country like that, total DEAD WEIGHT, no real mover/shaker/innovators, just pure burden. Our social capital is horrendous.
You can write a check for 50 billion and it will make no difference because the disease is lodged in their brain.

The wealth of the country is in the hands of morons that have zero vision, and the general population is worse, they love to sabotage, envy and destroy each other rather then build and develop.

The more you study their situation, the more it becomes apparent that devine punishment and humiliation is at play, and those things only subside once they decide to change themselves.

No investor is able to get anything done for many reasons, highest energy cost in the world, no infastucture, most dangerous country to work in and the most corrupt in the world, even the Chinese that have invested everywhere don't want to touch it.

You can't even paint your house in peace without a moriyaan that wants to extort you at gunpoint, can't move goods between regions or farm without the same thing happening.

Either a brutal cleansing or collective awakening is required for the country to move forward.

