No more Depression

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mental illness is a poor mans affliction. Most of the wards are full of rapefugess and impoverished folk.

most depressed people are generally those with a lot of wealth and knowledge... look at the statistics of doctor suicide rates in America...or psychology students who committed suicide.
I'm surprised to see people on here acknowledging depressionging rather than dismissing it mashaAllah. OP,
You should still see a professional. What have you got to lose?
I'm surprised to see people on here acknowledging depressionging rather than dismissing it mashaAllah. OP,
You should still see a professional. What have you got to lose?

my depression was mainly due to things out of my control... things like capitalism , money and cycle of life..

ive got rid of it.
my depression was mainly due to things out of my control... things like capitalism , money and cycle of life..

ive got rid of it.
Obviously it's your call. I'm saying that a professional may help you find out about other underlying issues. Things you may not be aware of right now. And what will you do if you relapse? We all like to think we are strong and capable but it's ok to ask for help sometimes. Even if it's just a close friend you trust.


Make me some Cambulo tonight.
I'm planning to sxb, it's hard trying to explain when people would assume it's a jinn, or waswas or I'm just being salty.
I haven't had the thoughts of killing myself, thought never crossed my mind, also I fear Allah too much to do that.
Screw those who say depression is waswaas. Even the Prophet (SAW) acknowledged depression, and mental illness. All you can do is pray, and talk about it with someone who listens. I know how hard it can be. I used to weigh 280 pounds, and used to be very depressed about it, and was very anti social to the point of suicide. What worked for me was meditation, and exercise. But even after I lost weight, and continued meditation I still found myself in that same black hole of depression. That's when I became more religious, and met good friends who I talked to about it, and Alhamdulilah now I'm very happy. I realized this dunya is nothing but a proving ground. Don't feed into it. Always be thankful, and always continue to move forward. All this is just a test. You're being tested with something you can handle.

Always remember. When you walk towards Allah, He is running towards you.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Guys i think ive beaten depression.. For all these years ive been philosophically thinking deeply about the world we live in. why am I here in the west... capitalism .. and society....

I was kinda of like this guy
Ive realised that I'm just a small little person out billions of humans and i cannot control the world. Ive realised I have control over my own life but not other people and how they live there lives. I began questioning the government and why we live our lives this way..

The only way to beat depression is to accept that whatever position you are in life its because of the previous decisions you made in life. Your present is your future.

No the only way to beat depression is to stop thinking about me, myself, me! Also having Islam diin faith helps tremendously. Happy for u :)


Ashy Abdi Representative
I assume your in the West so your lucky you can get help in Somalia people just don't talk about their feelings that makes females and children even after the war drought death people just put a stiff upper lip for as long as somalis have been around. I wonder how if they get depressed and if they so how they deal with it.
Idk how to help you since depression is a personal thing mindset only you can change so I'd just say remember everything that happens it qadar and you wouldn't have been able to change and Allah doesn't make you bear more than you cope thats what keeps me sane wallahi that I can cope with what Allah has tested me with. How you react to how your tested gives you rewards in the next life. There was a story of this man who's child died and Allah asked the angel did you take the apple of my slave away and the angel said yes then Allah asked what did my slave say when you did that and he said your slaves said to Allah we belong and to Allah we return and Allah answerved build a house for my slave in Jannah.:win:hope that helped:samwelcome:
Lol its not that easy like depression is a mental illness it doesn’t just pack its bags and go away forever. It always comes back eventually which is why you need to see a professional. unless you didn’t even have depression in the first place... maybe you were just saddened by the circumstances in your life..regardless I’m happy you hear you have found your peace.
People get depressed when they distance themselves from Allah SWT. More problems and more obstacles in your life will occur when you disobey the Almighty God. If you wanna cure your depression pretty easily repent and return to Allah SWT, start memorising the Quran and seek Islamic knowledge, Do NOT miss any prayer in the Masjid except rarely. You'll then see fruitful results Inshallah.
This isn’t true you people are actually heavy weight fucking morons.
mental illness is a poor mans affliction. Most of the wards are full of rapefugess and impoverished folk.

I am far from poor alhamdullilah but ialso used to suffer from mental health problems.

I started to change my whole lifestyle and alhamdullilah now I wake up with a big smile on my face and thank Allah for another day to try and add to my good deeds.

Exercise is a great stress release and never feel embarrassed to talk about your problems with a specialist.
You religious idiots are the reason a lot of mentally ill ppl are suffering. Praying five times a day won’t fucking save them seeing a professional will.

Exactly. If it was a physical ailment, he would vsiit many different doctors in different countries if need be plus take the meds they prescribe whilst praying to God but if it's mental problem then doctors are supposedly a waste of time and you should only pray to God.
most depressed people are generally those with a lot of wealth and knowledge... look at the statistics of doctor suicide rates in America...or psychology students who committed suicide.
Good job, dont over think stuff. The whole world is depressing thats why people are in pain.
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