Nigerian Catching Heat: Sports Analysts Says “We Don’t Have Generational Trauma And Better Equipped Talking To White People”

Some of the biggest self haters I have ever met were Nigerian Igbo , yet People think Somalis are self haters .

West Africans hate being black so much here in the western world . Look the UK it use to be Jamaicans marrying and dating nothing but white women which they still do but the last decade every other wedding is Ghana and white and Nigerian and white is what my cousin's tell me .
They are the same people in origin but with different cultures and the black Americans have fusion of cultures because of slavery .

So the abuse black Americans went through from chattel slavery is different from the colonial abuse the Nigerians went through .
This isn't true. And stop obsessing over another group and saying what you don't know. Nigeria had a soft colonization, and part of it was even a protectorate. The whites were in Britain.

They weren't traumatized and can't relate to AAs. Ishekiri isn't even a major Nigerian language, it's a minority language which is even basically a distant branch of Yoruba , and Yoruba have the biggest native language movie industry in the whole of Africa, they speak their language all the time to the anger of groups like Igbo immigrants in Lagos. Igbos seem to be the ones with the endangered language but they still speak it, but who cares, it isn't our business. He's right.

If a Somali said the same thing you'd agree, so why are you triggered because it's a Nigerian? He and AAs have a different culture and history 🤷. The black label doesn't mean I should relate to your trauma.
How I'm I obsessed lol
I think the issue is that he as someone who comes from a family of economic immigrants, why would he be a spokesperson of racial relations between African Americans and whites when he himself admits he doesn’t have the same history and trauma from those relations? It’s true what Van says , he’s rhetoric would sanitize white people. Think of the model minority myth, asians for example. They will downplay systematic racism because “they made it why not AAs?”

Well said... Nigerians and West Africans in general are something else. First Akon shitting on African American rap when he literally became a millionaire because of their culture and now this... Let me get this straight.

1. This guy is a descendant of Nigerians, mind you, the very same people who sold African American's ancestors into slavery in the first place and put them in the situation to experience said trauma.

2. He believes he can sit there and bridge the gap between AA's and White people because AA's have more "sting" when they talk due to the generational trauma and direct experience. Basically, he gets to be a "savior" of some kind to the white people by relaying a message that's not his to begin with?

That is mad disrespectful. And these Nigerians have the audacity to call us Anti-Black.
It's all an act, because it's no longer fashionable or profitable to be openly racist.

Cadaans have committed the worst crimes against humanity against Madows and Asians, and only stopped Slavery because it was in their interest, not out of the goodness of their hearts and it took a war to stop it. ADOS people have the right to never trust the descendants of sociopathic criminals who have never apologised or paid reparations.

Africans need to wake up and understand how the world operates, what was Colonialism? Why are African countries in debt slavery? These Cadaans have just perfected the Art of being fake polite.


We Somali's wouldn't be in the position we are in today if these cadaan crackers didn't mess with our country. White people have committed the worst atrocities in man kind, genocided entire continents, animals, people, etc but a coon as Nigerian thinks they should be coddled.

