Never support black businesses

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People always make rude comments about two kinds of people:

• those who are strong.
• those who are weak & they can trigger.

The strong laughs at them and dismisses them without giving them any attention. Let’s choose wisely who we want to be and not discuss here every tweet that’s critical of us, Somalis. Be confident and strong minded.
There is no reason to take it to triggered. Aussie we are different. If a man comes up to me and start insulting me Im not just gonna laugh and take and pretend I was the bigger man. Im also not gonna take to violence. But I will insult you back and where we go from there depends on him. I believe in keeping it on same level as the other person.

But there is a bigger issue here. There is something called somalinimo. Caring for your own. Like vixr said the tweets didnt bother her slightest because she doesnt have that love for her own. But please dont make it like there is only 2 emotional modes chill or triggered. There is a lot of gray area in between. We live in the time of sjw. My issue with somali swj is when somalis get insulted they say let it go. But when blacks get same treatment they are the first in queue caling for boycott. Can you be a true sjw without wanting sj for your own?

How do you know I get insulted for other groups? You really think if the guy was anything else, or if the tweet was about any another group I’d have a different, triggered opinion?

You’re bastardized version of somalimo is something else
How do you know I get insulted for other groups? You really think if the guy was anything else, or if the tweet was about any another group I’d have a different, triggered opinion?

You’re bastardized version of somalimo is something else
Meh you made it very clear you dont have somalinimo in you. Aussie I understand as he is oromo lol. You seem one of those culturally cofused xalimos who constantly looking for acceptance of blacks. A real somali would never say somalis being insulted doesnt bother me one bit


Meh you made it very clear you dont have somalinimo in you. Aussie I understand as he is oromo lol. You seem one of those culturally cofused xalimos who constantly looking for acceptance of blacks. A real somali would never say somalis being insulted doesnt bother me one bit
How old are you? I’m curious
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Does it really matter? How old are you

I ask bc u seem older in other discussions but if you’re, say a high schooler, that would change my impression of your stance.

Where are the hordes of blacks I’m feening for acceptance from on Somalispot? If anything blacks are from what I’ve seen far more accepting in comparison to Somalis so how’s that an argument, it’s not like it’s a project?
Meh you made it very clear you dont have somalinimo in you. Aussie I understand as he is oromo lol. You seem one of those culturally cofused xalimos who constantly looking for acceptance of blacks. A real somali would never say somalis being insulted doesnt bother me one bit


I wished I was Oromo and you guys think it is a diss. But unfortunately, I’m zoomaali.



I wished I was Oromo and you guys think it is a diss. But unfortunately, I’m zoomaali.

Can I tell you something and not to sound rude but you're terrible at trolling. Ever since you left Islam, you became a miserable cuck iyo self-hater.
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I ask bc u seem older in other discussions but if you’re, say a high schooler, that would change my impression of your stance.

Where are the hordes of blacks I’m feening for acceptance from on Somalispot? If anything blacks are from what I’ve seen far more accepting in comparison to Somalis so how’s that an argument, it’s not like it’s a project?

Im not a high schooler. I wish I could go back to the stress free high school life. Ok I admit I made a lot of assumptions in previous post. I thought I could get more of your stance if I got reaction from you.

My issue with you was you were dismissing people who didnt like several of his tweets as triggered and think we should accept any insult. But the thread started highlighted this chefs history on attacking somalis and said email his employer. Every race does this and its seen as the mature way to handle it. You just dismissed these people and called them triggered
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