Naclaa! chinese genius being unfairly penalised for gene editing

Should scientists be allowed to edit the genes of future children?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • No

    Votes: 5 41.7%

  • Total voters
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What the hell is wrong with these bible thumping losers! this man is a genius and should be allowed to further tamper with allah's creation! he is not being like some women and getting surgery and cutting their skin but is using a more sophisticated method of changing undesirable traits that the almighty had intended to plague mankind. He is not a muslim so it is not kufr for him to change the creation of allah, in fact he is performing an act of charity for mankind so that the elliot rodgers of the world can no longer be cursed with inceldom for life. Soon everyone will be Kangz an Queenz and there will be no social chastisement for the less fortunate. Once we can get the physical factor of life sorted out, we as a species can move on to the bigger issues that detriment society such as money and corruption.

I for one am appalled by this decision by the chinese government to punish him! it's not like he went overboard like mengele and experimented on jewish children. Let the man be so he can fix the physical and disease related issues that have haunted mankind since the beginning of time. He even made one of the twin girls immune to HIV! meaning she will never be able to contract such a disease.



Study Sunt Tzu’s, ‘Art of War’.
Allah gives us power, although un matchable to him, we were still given hands and brains, soo... Allah knows our boundaries


Study Sunt Tzu’s, ‘Art of War’.
Allah gives us power, although un matchable to him, we were still given hands and brains, soo... Allah knows our boundaries
Its said in the quran knowledge is encouraged, we should us that knowledge in good ways. Allah is the one who knows our boundaries, we should explore until we reach his boundaries (never achievable)
Its said in the quran knowledge is encouraged, we should us that knowledge in good ways. Allah is the one who knows our boundaries, we should explore until we reach his boundaries (never achievable)
You saw what happened to the muslims when they got lazy. They were exiled from their outposts in spain had their books confiscated and later translated by europeans, were made weak and had their lands partitioned by the europeans and now they are beggars in europe and learn from european textbooks.


Death Awaits You
Why is China obeying western rules. I was hoping China will push to legalize this technology so I could use CRISPR to kock out my myostatin gene
Why is China obeying western rules. I was hoping China will push to legalize this technology so I could use CRISPR to kock out my myostatin gene
Thsi old generation of old farts are just jealosu that htey will die soon and we will reap the benefits of gene editing. All of us will look like gods in the next generation if this is allowed in the next 10 yrs.

Thsi old generation of old farts are just jealosu that htey will die soon and we will reap the benefits of gene editing. All of us will look like gods in the next generation if this is allowed in the next 10 yrs.

All of this is experimental.... We need to test alot more on animals before humans.Then go at least 10 years testing.
Extremely unethical to experiment , unknowingly, on children!
They are lying to you sxb! hitler already mastered the craft and they perfected it. They can do so much more than they let the public know. Relax nothing will go wrong with this procedure. Old ppl are just jealous that our children will look exactly how we want them to look.

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