"My husband married another woman i want him to divorce me" Good response from Sheikh abu dalxa

a man will be even more tentative to your needs when he marries again just be patient and be smart dont think out of emotion

naaghiow shaydanki iska naar


Supreme Bosniak Geeljire
walahi sad end of times why are the women so xasid why wouldnt you want for your sister what you want for yourself?
i mean........ polygamy isnt haram . however.. if that isnt what she wants .. then why force her to be in a situation where she is uncomfortable .. and anyways its the right of the wife whether or not she ok with it. this is why you write stuff in your contract ladies!

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allah supports polygamy so you got a bone to pick with the most high?
I don't support an Islamic state where you stone adulterers , cut off thieves hands , whip those who have premarital sex, state women are 50% of a man.

Anybody who supports these should be arrested and deported to Alshabab held lands.
I don't support an Islamic state where you stone adulterers , cut off thieves hands , whip those who have premarital sex, state women are 50% of a man.

Anybody who supports these should be arrested and deported to Alshabab held lands.
You dont sound muslim so might as well also say you dont believe in allah and his messenger
I honestly strongly Dislike this so called shiekh. He is so biased. Every video he sides with men and makes women worship men. Dhiimo!
Somalia is an extremely misogynistic society, it is why Somalis in the west ditch their wives who have been with them for 25 years for a girl who is barely an adult.
Somalia is an extremely misogynistic society, it is why Somalis in the west ditch their wives who have been with them for 25 years for a girl who is barely an adult.
I think they have mental issues. Why are they so insecure about women their own age? Are they scared of being challenged? Those are Sicko. Why not Marry someone your own age
I’m not understanding what is so difficult about finding a woman who’s ok with polygamy. There are plenty, yet you and others are fixated on those who, rightfully so, don’t want that for themselves. It’s an illness.
Honestly this is really sad! I would never allow my daughter to fall on these simple trap. If you are a women there is NO between. You fight för your right or side radicals to justify these behaviour. Sadly alot of girls here on sspot have already been radicalized and Wonder why women are treated as second hand citizen.
Honestly this is really sad! I would never allow my daughter to fall on these simple trap. If you are a women there is NO between. You fight för your right or side radicals to justify these behaviour. Sadly alot of girls here on sspot have already been radicalized and Wonder why women are treated as second hand citizen.
So, if your daughter wants to marry a guy with a wife already, you will decline?