The khaleejis are way oversampled on yfull compared to Africans, every small lineage is well represented. We should understand that a single African flag is more meaningful than a bunch of khaleeji flags.There is still a possibility that their subclade was brought to the Horn by Semitic migrants.
For instance, the Tigre samples in the RW T-Y15711 group matches with a Saudi roughly 3000 years ago; I know it is not an exact science. If this Saudi belongs to a known Arab clan, then the evidence suggests the Tigre samples in the RW group are of ancient Semitic ancestry. According to their oral History, the T RX clans descend from Harari migrants, if there is any truth to this myth then it is plausible that they have a similar ancestry to Habasha Tigres who had a historical presence in coastal areas of Northern Eritrea.
KSA: 4749, UAE: 492, Yemen: 753, Kuwait: 1,138, Qatar: 368 compared to Sudan: 70 and Eritrea: 14
YFull World Sampling Rate Map – Mygrations
The other branches of the two subclades upstream of this 3,000 year old khaleeji subclade of interest, T-FGC40968, are from Sudan/Eritrea probably suggesting T-Y15711 was localized in that area of Africa.