Moroccan girl says to Somali girl "if you don't shut up, I'll enslave you"

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Mossad Agent
I hate seeing Somalis like her crying about Arabs and Whites 24/7 because it makes us look like poor victims but we are NOT victims, we are conquerors and superiors lmao please stop forcing this slave mentality and embarassing us.
I don't want other ethnicities to look at us and pity us because we are NOT the kinda people to be pitied just look at our history :camby:
The ridiculous false pride in s is why they are a universal shit hole everywhere they go generally speaking smh... And why hate on her if you believe she looks "bantu" in your eyes? :kanyehmm:
I hate seeing Somalis like her crying about Arabs and Whites 24/7 because it makes us look like poor victims but we are NOT victims, we are conquerors and superiors lmao please stop forcing this slave mentality and embarassing us.
I don't want other ethnicities to look at us and pity us because we are NOT the kinda people to be pitied just look at our history :camby:

I agree. As much as I hate the hypocrisy of Arabs, Somalis have better things to be doing and talking about than crying about how Arabs and whites treat us. Those twitter sjw's are letting them win by constantly having their names in their mouths.


Somaliweyn Unionist
Ofcourse you won't be my husband, I'm not into limp wristed, closeted, gay men.

And you're right I'm not Beyonce or Rihanna, I'm badder and better.

Now stop quoting me you peasant.

Badder and better kulaha. inb4 the next Mohamud Salebaan reject in this generation. Please go publicly ridicule yourself so I don't become famous in our tribe for becoming a Christian.
Someone should remind the morrocan that somalis never got enslaved. Maybe she confused us with western arficans.
I don't think she meant Somalis but blacks in general

whatever she says, i don't know why somalis are so mad about it. This is nothing but pointless bravado from a nobody. Save the outrage for far more important things

I remember reading some posts by some sspot guys about how they hate khaleeji Arabs but like berber/Arab north Africans (and their women lol).

Bet these same posters are like this now:devilish:

I personally never had any bad experiences from north Africans especially from Libyans (kindest peeps I've met) and I'm not gonna let one tweet cloud my judgement:icon lol:

On a side note, this Moroccan Twitter gal also probably doesn't mind being a 4th wife/concubine to @DuchessNinkiiUuriyey judging by this tweet:

As for this Twitter somali sjw troll she deserved it. I hope she becomes a slave to a khaleeji Arab:eek:
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