Misconceptions about Islam

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Pepe Trump
i'll be honest, i cant really say as a.) i'm not a woman and b.) im so far removed from that era and indeed any era of slavery to have any kind of real insight on that

i remember reading that in ancient times women would even dress up during a battle in hopes of attracting the 'heroes' of the opposing side in case their husbands were slain, it was part of life i guess...i'll try to find sources on that for u if u want. but we gotta take off our 21st century glasses when examining these things. i dont think it's a good idea to make blanket assumptions using our modern biases when looking at social situations from ancient times

but what i can do is analyze the various texts and rulings surrounding the issue. for example, a Muslim cannot have sexual relations with a slave while she still holds onto her non-Islamic/polytheistic faith, ie: they have to wait for her to accept Islam first, and there is no literature out there to my knowledge that condones the forceful conversion of captured slaves.

Imam Nawawi

also according to the major scholars of Islam, the slave master who rapes his slave is to be punished:

Imam Malik

Imam Shafi'i

so if u cant force them to convert so u can have sex with them, and even if u do forcefully have sex with them u will likely be stoned...i can deduce that it probably isnt okay to rape your slave. now, i'm not saying my analysis is right here...but its a hell of a lot more nuanced than looking at a verse that doesnt even address consent and conclude that it condones rape on the assumption that there was no way for women in ancient arabia to consent to their captors

Those Imams whom you quoted were talking about slaves that did not belong to the individual raping them. I've seen those from apologists and they do the same they accuse us of... taking things out of context.

Also (forbidden are) women already married, except those whom your right hands possess. The Ayah means, you are prohibited from marrying women who are already married, except those whom your right hands possess, except those whom you acquire through war, for you are allowed such women after making sure they are not pregnant. Imam Ahmad recorded that Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri said, "We captured some women from the area of Awtas who were already married, and we disliked having sexual relations with them because they already had husbands. So, we asked the Prophet about this matter, and this Ayah was revealed, Also (forbidden are) women already married, except those whom your right hands possess. Consequently, we had sexual relations with these women." This is the wording collected by At-Tirmidhi An-Nasa'i, Ibn Jarir and Muslim in his Sahih.
The Prohibition of Taking Two Sisters as Rival Wives (Qur'an 4:24)
Tafsir Ibn Kathir

Let's be honest here, do you seriously believe that women who have been captured and are married are seriously going to throw aside their marriage and have sex with their master? The answer is obvious.


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
Those Imams whom you quoted were talking about slaves that did not belong to the individual raping them. I've seen those from apologists and they do the same they accuse us of... taking things out of context.

Also (forbidden are) women already married, except those whom your right hands possess. The Ayah means, you are prohibited from marrying women who are already married, except those whom your right hands possess, except those whom you acquire through war, for you are allowed such women after making sure they are not pregnant. Imam Ahmad recorded that Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri said, "We captured some women from the area of Awtas who were already married, and we disliked having sexual relations with them because they already had husbands. So, we asked the Prophet about this matter, and this Ayah was revealed, Also (forbidden are) women already married, except those whom your right hands possess. Consequently, we had sexual relations with these women." This is the wording collected by At-Tirmidhi An-Nasa'i, Ibn Jarir and Muslim in his Sahih.
The Prohibition of Taking Two Sisters as Rival Wives (Qur'an 4:24)
Tafsir Ibn Kathir

Let's be honest here, do you seriously believe that women who have been captured and are married are seriously going to throw aside their marriage and have sex with their master? The answer is obvious.
actually it was only Imam Shafi'i who was referring to the slaves of others, i was wrong on that. Imam Malik however was clearly referring to rape of women in general and explicitly mentions slave women falling under that. the only assumption to be made is that hes referring to all slaves, those that belong to a person and those that dont

if that's the case, doesnt that fly in the face of ur assumption that rape is permitted? surely even u can agree that even 7th century bedouins as youd put it wouldnt be so silly as to prohibit rape, but make permissible sexual relations with a slave which is apparently tantamount to rape anyway? perhaps there is some historical context that ur missing, which points to the fact that slaves could in fact give consent to their slave masters?

It was customary among the ancients for the women, who accompanied their fathers or husbands to battle, to put on their finest dresses and ornaments previous to an engagement, in order to attract the notice of the conqueror, if taken prisoners.” (Oriental Customs Or, an Illustration of the Sacred Scripture, Williams and Smith, London, 1807 vol.2 p.79)

i'm not even saying this is certainly the case, but im saying that proclaiming rape of slaves to be permissible based on the assumption that all sexual relations between slave and master in 7th century arabia was rape in the face of ample contradictory literature (if youve even bothered to consult it) is incredibly disingenuous and intellectually lazy
Kkkkk no, The slave owners would never have sex with their slaves unless clear and undeniable consent was given


The slaves were also treated to a nice candle lit dinner as well as rose petal laden bedsheets to set the mood


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
keep knockin down them straw men if it makes u feel better about ur choice i guess, yall do u :mjdontkno:
Look at this xayawaan excusing sexual slavery :pacspit:

"slaves were treated nice" go sell yourself to your arab masters then you filthy dog
The internet really does give bottom of the barrel anorexic hoes a platform to talk rubbish.

First of all, a Muslim cannot enslave another Muslim. They can enslave non-Muslims though, so don't let me catch you on the wrong side of the road. Second thought, you're probably too butterz and smell like urine (naag ceebkeydi iska daqeynin iyo xishood leheyn), I'll probably pass. :susp:

Second of all, I was raised in the ME for a large part of my childhood, I didn't have any of the traumatic experiences a duxul negress like yourself must've had.

Is this your new persona now? I swear when you first joined this website you was a little miskeen gyal. Nacalaa developing your fake online persona and sht

I'll let you be. Orod & don't @ me again saqajaan waxid
“Safiyyah (RA) was forced to be with the Prophet (SAW)”

Rather it was her choice to accept Islam, remain with the Muslims and to get married to the Prophet (SAW). There are various of narrations that attest to this.

لما دخلت صفية على النبي، صلى الله عليه وسلم، وسلم قال لها: لم يزل أبوك من أشد يهود لي عداوة حتى قتله الله. فقالت: يا رسول الله إن الله يقول في كتابه ولا تزر وازرة وزر أخرى. فقال: لها رسول الله: اختاري، فإن اخترت الإسلام أمسكتك لنفسي وإن اخترت اليهودية فعسى أن أعتقك فتلحقي بقومك. فقالت: يا رسول الله لقد هويت الإسلام وصدقت بك قبل أن تدعوني حيث صرت إلى رحلك وما لي في اليهودية أرب وما لي فيها والد ولا أخ، وخيرتني الكفر والإسلام فالله ورسوله أحب إلي من العتق وأن أرجع إلى قومي

When Safiya came to the Holy Prophet (pbuh), he said to her; ‘Among the Jews your father did not stop in his enmity towards me until Allah destroyed him.’ She said: ‘O Allah’s Messenger! Indeed Allah says in His book, ‘No one will take anyone else’s burden’. So the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said to her: ‘Make your choice, if you will chose Islam I’ll select you for myself and if you chose Judaism, I’ll set you free and send you to your people.’ She said; ‘O Allah’s Messenger indeed I longed for Islam and testified for you even before you gave me this invitation when I came to you. I have no guardian among the Jews, neither father nor brother and I prefer Islam over disbelief. Allah and His Messenger are dear to me then freedom and to return to my people.” (Ibn Saad 8/123)
There are numerous of ahadith that forbid causing harm to those under your authority. Generally what's meant by mistreatment is what causes harm. If rape is not harmful, then I don't know what is. Thus it's not right to say that Islam permits raping maidservants.

Ali reported that the last words of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, were: "The prayer! The prayer! Fear Allah concerning your slaves ! " Source: Al-Adab al-Mufrad Al-Bukhari , Nr. 158.
"Islam condones slavery"

This is one of the biggest lies that the Islamophobes spread about Islam. In fact, the exact opposite of this is true.

Not only is freeing a slave considered one of the most virtuous acts that a Muslim can do; but it's actually one of the means of expiation for many types of sins.

The expiation for breaking an oath is one good example:

“Allaah will not punish you for what is unintentional in your oaths, but He will punish you for your deliberate oaths; for its expiation (a deliberate oath) feed ten Masaakeen (poor persons), on a scale of the average of that with which you feed your own families, or clothe them or manumit a slave. But whosoever cannot afford (that), then he should fast for three days. That is the expiation for the oaths when you have sworn. And protect your oaths (i.e. do not swear much). Thus Allaah makes clear to you His Ayaat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) that you may be grateful” [al-Maa’idah 5:89]

No wonder why I've never come across a 3rd generation servant through the texts that I've read; they all eventually get freed and this is what Islam came for (to eventually do away with slavery)

Here's a video of some misconceptions about slavery being addressed by Mufti Menk:
Kkkkk no, The slave owners would never have sex with their slaves unless clear and undeniable consent was given


The slaves were also treated to a nice candle lit dinner as well as rose petal laden bedsheets to set the mood
A large number of the slaves, daresay the majority of them were actually males.

Instant L
The internet really does give bottom of the barrel anorexic hoes a platform to talk rubbish.

First of all, a Muslim cannot enslave another Muslim. They can enslave non-Muslims though, so don't let me catch you on the wrong side of the road. Second thought, you're probably too butterz and smell like urine (naag ceebkeydi iska daqeynin iyo xishood leheyn), I'll probably pass. :susp:

Second of all, I was raised in the ME for a large part of my childhood, I didn't have any of the traumatic experiences a duxul negress like yourself must've had.

Is this your new persona now? I swear when you first joined this website you was a little miskeen gyal. Nacalaa developing your fake online persona and sht

I'll let you be. Orod & don't @ me again saqajaan waxid

Slaves can't consent you dumbfuck. Get that through you thick skull.
It's all good if they aren't muslims then? Shows what a little sociopath you are.

You of all people shouldn't be talking about traumatic experiences lmao didn't you make a post crying about being ostracized for being jewish??? And claiming somali identity as well? You're one of the most confused individuals on here
No one wants u sxb u have no clan, go cry somewhere else.

"Dhuxul " :yloezpe: Says the guy who'd probably disappear as soon as u switch off the light. Don't make me post ur picture saqaajanyo xun
Slaves can't consent, you dumb f*ck

Slaves can't consent you dumbfuck. Get that through you thick skull.
It's all good if they aren't muslims then? Shows what a little sociopath you are.

You of all people shouldn't be talking about traumatic experiences lmao didn't you make a post crying about being ostracized for being jewish??? And claiming somali identity as well? You're one of the most confused individuals on here
No one wants u sxb u have no clan, go die in a ditch.

"Dhuxul " :yloezpe: Says the guy who'd probably disappear as soon as u switch off the light. Don't make me post ur picture saqaajanyo xun
You need some caano
Slaves can't consent, you dumb f*ck

Slaves can't consent you dumbfuck. Get that through you thick skull.
It's all good if they aren't muslims then? Shows what a little sociopath you are.

You of all people shouldn't be talking about traumatic experiences lmao didn't you make a post crying about being ostracized for being jewish??? And claiming somali identity as well? You're one of the most confused individuals on here
No one wants u sxb u have no clan, go die in a ditch.

"Dhuxul " :yloezpe: Says the guy who'd probably disappear as soon as u switch off the light. Don't make me post ur picture saqaajanyo xun
Post my picture pls

I don't claim to be from a Somali clan kkkk, you're tripping.

Of course they can consent, laakin even if we say they can't (for argument's sake), it's not permissible to cause them harm anyway.

I don't think you have the right to call anyone thick... Miss "indefinite gap year".
This nigga tried deleting but I'm 10 steps ahead of him
Post my picture pls.
From ur "practice session" :umad:


Why do u go around calling other ppl dhuxul sxb? I know u carry alot of self hate and feel some type of way because of discrimination. But you need to learn to love urself. Dark skin is beautiful, maybe invest in a moisturiser and exfoliate a bit, to get rid of that ashy look :siilaanyosmile:

I don't think you have the right to call anyone thick... Miss "indefinite gap year".
It was probably Jinns who have invented television, mobile phone, etc. based on a story of ibn Taymiyyah (RH) almost 700 years ago!]

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