Mideeye comes out against change of constitution and extension


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
I thought Aaranjaan would put up a fight, it took only 4 hours to clean most of them from the city. No wonder Jimcaale militia were the only prisoners SL captured when they were in Laascaanood. This man cannot fight for shit.

why are you running GIF
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Hassan Garguute Buldanana

#Puntlandfirst. #PIM
This is between two “puntite” factions, HG/Galmudug are not involved it’s your folk who keep bringing up their name in this thread. @bidenkulaha is just keeping us updated.

Furthermore it isn’t in Galmudug states best interest for their neighbours to be ravaged by internal conflict.

We hope maxamuud saleebaan can come to peace with eachother in the name of regional peace
War I'm not talking about Biden. I'm talking about those who get in their feelings about PL-FGS issues as if FGS is their mamuul gobooled. Look over social media it's almost all Averghedir. Maa abaahooda leh FGS? They have become the new CBB


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Thank you bro. I have made it my mission to not talk about anything other than Deni’s violation of PL’s constitution. I call for this thread not to be derailed!

Also yes, Galmudug doesn’t benefit from a warring neighbour.

My interest is both as a politics nerd, FGS and Galmudug advocate. This is has wide ranging implications for both those institutions
#DEGDEG: Guddoomiye Cali Jeyte oo ku dhawaaqay Dowlad Goboleed cusub oo lagu magacaabo Hiiraan State.



Beesha haplogroup e-by8081

Gudoomiya Kuxigeenka Aqalka Sare we Federaalka Soomaaliya: "Wax kasta oo dhacay waxa ka mas'uul ah Baarlamanka Puntland."
Aduun madaxa loo rogay

Markaan arko Xamse iyo Timacade oo aan Gedo iyo Sool ka hadlayne Garowe ka hadlaaya baan yaabaa, Ayuuboow shaqaa kuu taal, warqad baa loo soo qoraye dhengedaadii soo qaado, wixii qawsaar ah oo aan cid metelin adigaa ku qaybsane.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Baarlamanka Puntland ayaa hada u codeeyey furista dastuurka, iyada oo ay oggolaadeen furista dastuurka 36 xildhibaan, sida la xaqiijiyay.

Xildhibaanada Golaha Wakiilada ayaa laga hor akhriyey soojeedinta xukuumadda ee ahayd in xisbiyada laga dhigo 5an taasna waaloo codeeyay.

Somali Saayid

It's been a while hasn't it?
I hope Mudane Deni is able to restore law and order in his city. He has done too much for PL to allow warmongering to destroy it.

The foremost important thing for Deni is to make sure the civilians are safe. Innocents should not get caught in the crossfire.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Burhaaan maryabadane oo hadlay baan u jeeday kkk markiii uu ilma diyaano la safanayey isimkiii hadlaba wuxuu ugu jawaabayey waa howsha bosaso isimada bari Keliya bay u taaal
Kkk tan garoowe maaha inuu ka Danqanayo jaanis buu halkaaa ka arkay waa nin ka xun in dadkiii uu soo xuli jiray oo laaluush ka ka qaadan jiray laga hoos saaray oo codkiina Ku ciil baxa la yiri

Midda kale kulahaaa isamadu waxaaan Ku amrayaaa inay shir deg deg ah isugu yimaadaaan

Kk isimada ma khayraaad uu leeyahay buu mooday sow ma oga inay isaga ka title sareeyaaan oo uusan amar siin karin
War goormaaa la jabay

Nin cismaaan maxamuud Isku gubay oo kala saari waayey baaa Ku leh Puntland baaan kala saarayaaa

Markiii lays haystay dhowr bilood waa aamusnaaa markiii aaran jaan la jebiyey buu soo hadlay

Waxiii garoowe ka jira buddhige bay leedahay kkkk


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Thank god they were evicted from the city, fighting in urban areas always harms civilians way more, now they can fight all they want in their base outside the city.
Am sorry for your lost buddy beesha isxul lost sarkal today
Innaa lilaahi wa innaaa ilayhi raajicuun
Alle ha u naxariisto wll abdirahman salax geesdiir dhamaan ehelkiii iyo asxaabtiii uu ka tegay samir iyo iimaaan jamiiil ah alle haka siiyo
Wuxuu ahaa shaqsi qaali ah howl kar ah

