Mental Illness is Rife in Somali

I am watching this famous actor, his black and suffered from psychosis.

I also try to find muslim or arab cases as it has influenced our culture but they are a 'Honor n Shame culture'. I tried to find Somali also but as u know that is going to impossible with our 'denial culture'

The study confirmed that almost half of the Somali male patients are under age 30, 80% of whom presented with psychoses, compared with the rate of psychosis (13.7%) in the non-Somali control group of same-aged males at the clinic. The older male, and the majority of Somali female patients, show predominantly depressive and PTSD symptomatology.

Why don't u guys come out, there nothing to be ashamed of?

crazy how he looks like a somali uncle


I suspect what we term 'mental illness' is really mental diversity and not an illness. The reason it's deemed an illness is becuz we believe reality is affirmed/confirmed by the majority in society, so if u don't fall into line, your deemed ill.

Why can dogs smell drugs in a bag, but u can't? why can a lion see during the night but u can't? this idea of mental conformity is what gets people classed as ill and if you keep repeating to them their ill, they will suffer an internal chaos on what their experiencing vs what people are telling them which then manifests into madness.

I suspect but can't prove that mentally ill people have tapped into a different dimension of reality, that empty space you see may look empty but u can't be sure their isn't a complex life existing within it and totally invisible to you. Dark matter/dark energy is already proving their is more to reality then what we can OBSERVE