Men in your opinion does sexual assault make a woman lose value?

That’s exactly what I was saying only some are strong enough to accept it but most would rather prefer someone that isn’t a victim and it’s totally okay.

If men want the truth, according to statistics, 1 in 3 women have been molested or assaulted. The amount of women I know, who have been molested at some point in their lives, is shocking. This is what girls deal with and this is the pain that women are living with. So, when we see women being dehumanised, we don't see it as a joke, we see it as a threat.
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Internet Nomad

𝑮𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒓 𝒑𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒔
The second point; I stated before in this thread, that I take issue with non-virgin men, who demand virgins, they are abhorrent and repulsive.
I understand that.

I think only men who can demand that are men who have money and want a second wife.

However the average layman who commits zina should look for a person who also has commited zina.
Looool, is that actually a thing?

Good men for good women

According to Allah SWT, that is how it is.
Screenshot 2023-11-18 at 00.30.07.png



I know this seems like a f’ed up question but here me out.

I was scrolling on TT live and found this arab ppl in a convo and it was mainly men and 2 women but the topic came up and one of the man chuckles and says lowkey it would make him feel like a man has already had her and it does make her seem that way even though it’s not her fault.

No judgement I swear but I know a lot of the older generation have those same views, I’m wondering do young somali men feel the same?

If someone from your fiancés side of the family came to you and spilled the tea and said that she’d been assaulted previously and had a whole situation happen when she was a child or a young girl or even an adult, would you still proceed with the wedding or would you cut it off?
No, but if I ever find the person that did it, I worked summer on a fishing trawler, let's say I got very efficient gutting fish.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Why do they lose value? Because they are not a brand new toy 'fresh out of the toy box'. Some of you don't see women as human beings and that's very disturbing. Women are not objects.
There are many other factors how about if she gives birth to a child not mine? and its haram to abort? how about if she has severe mental issues/trauma and stress from what happened personally for me I can't deal with that it would be too much on my heart and how about if during intimacy she doesn't trust or feel safe to do things I am sorry but I can't be around for that since it would be like hitting 2 birds with one stone a un virgin woman who most likely has issues and a depressed and stressed husband being weighed down by that woman I would rather save myself the stress and pressure and it would be better for both of us anyways and as I said before if it's a circumstance where I really and genuinely love her then I would definitely go the mile and get through this problem together with here and you don't need to lash out about things like this you KNEW what most of our answers were going to be but you want to change our opinions and way of thinking it's not going to happen you girls asked a question and we all gave our personal thoughts here respect that.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
It does not make someone lose value. It makes them gain trauma, potentially impacting their physical health and well-being, resulting in possible epigenetic changes.

There are different degrees of SA; the most extreme is ritualistic, complex, prolonged and co-occurs with other forms of trauma. I have read accounts of psychiatrists. Generally, these sorts of patients are very difficult to treat. They may suffer from dissociative identity disorder, a condition that some individuals and health professionals believe is not real, resulting in stigma. Coupled with a lack of specialized professionals and long-term assistance, it can be expensive. This is what happens in the most extreme cases.
Not at all. Men who assault and rape women deserve to be hung from the highest post. Rapists are to be killed as our deen prescribes.


It does not make someone lose value. It makes them gain trauma, potentially impacting their physical health and well-being, resulting in possible epigenetic changes.

There are different degrees of SA; the most extreme is ritualistic, complex, prolonged and co-occurs with other forms of trauma. I have read accounts of psychiatrists. Generally, these sorts of patients are very difficult to treat. They may suffer from dissociative identity disorder, a condition that some individuals and health professionals believe is not real, resulting in stigma. Coupled with a lack of specialized professionals and long-term assistance, it can be expensive. This is what happens in the most extreme cases.
My sister is a psychotherapist she had to do a paper and did it on satanic ritual abuse allegations, she went through an array of allegations and some sources seemed too credible to be a hoax.

In the US they don't just honeypot traps for politicians but get them on videos with minors, Mossad is notorious for this, just check out what Epstein was doing.



~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
My sister is a psychotherapist she had to do a paper and did it on satanic ritual abuse allegations, she went through an array of allegations and some sources seemed too credible to be a hoax.

In the US they don't just honeypot traps for politicians but get them on videos with minors, Mossad is notorious for this, just check out what Epstein was doing.

I agree with you that SRA is far from fake or a conspiracy theory. I read a book on the subject matter from experts who don't subscribe to an organized belief system.

I have noticed there is skepticism through outright denial or suggestion that this is part of some moral panic, as though cults do not exist and cannot subscribe to Satanic Luciferian or other beliefs nor use coercive control of their followers, resorting to continuous and extreme forms of psychological torture and physical harm. Generally, in the literature, they prefer to avoid SRA and favour organized ritualistic abuse (ORA) instead, as it is seen as less controversial. Think human trafficking or ***-rings.
There is ample evidence that people with histories of organised abuse constitute a population of mental health patients with acute and complex needs (Ross, 1995; Noblitt &
Perskin, 2000; Sachs & Galton, 2008)
SRA is the next level and the worst sort of dehumanization. It's almost surreal that it happens, but the stories seem quite similar. In any case, many survivors of ritualistic abuse end up in prison or homeless, chronically disabled by illness, or worse.


I agree with you that SRA is far from fake or a conspiracy theory. I read a book on the subject matter from experts who don't subscribe to an organized belief system.

I have noticed there is skepticism through outright denial or suggestion that this is part of some moral panic, as though cults do not exist and cannot subscribe to Satanic Luciferian or other beliefs nor use coercive control of their followers, resorting to continuous and extreme forms of psychological torture and physical harm. Generally, in the literature, they prefer to avoid SRA and favour organized ritualistic abuse (ORA) instead, as it is seen as less controversial. Think human trafficking or rings.

SRA is the next level and the worst sort of dehumanization. It's not worth mentioning, but the stories seem quite similar. In any case, many survivors of ritualistic abuse end up in prison or homeless, chronically disabled by illness, or worse.
It's truly sickening, sometimes there are worse things than death, and sometimes these memories are so repressed some of them live normal lives until something triggers them, and their whole world collapses.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
It's truly sickening, sometimes there are worse things than death, and sometimes these memories are so repressed some of them live normal lives until something triggers them, and their whole world collapses.
These patients can live decent lives, but it's contingent on receiving help from competent clinicians who care. The thing is, with these dissociative disorders, there is often a mental health sequelae which is complex with many comorbidities like PTSD, borderline, bipolar, etc. However, some fall through the cracks because of a lack of resources.

In places like Canada, where there is euthanasia, individuals with mental health concerns and addictions will be permitted to meet their maker by next year. They even do house visits. The waiting list is three months or less, while the waitlist to see a shrink is six months. I have never seen any government as permissive or predatory of the most vulnerable, masking itself as compassionate and pro-bodily autonomy when we know that it isn't true.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Lose value? No. But i would not pursue it because they would not be able to function sexually or want to have healthy relations. Marriage would be tough enough without someone having flashbacks every time you touch them
That’s not how SA works saxib


East Africa UNUKA LEH
What I find disgusting, is when men who have already slept around, married before, only want virgins. I am convinced they suffer from severe insecurities and don't want a woman to be able to compare her experiences. I don't want to use crude terminology, but gaalo women call it 'little d syndrome' or '1 minute man'.

Meanwhile the Prophet Muhammad SAW married Khadijah, who had been widowed TWICE before she married him. His other wives, besides Aisha, were also not virgins, they were widows, mothers etc. But these losers aren't intelligent or clean enough, to be healthy humans, let alone try to emulate the Prophet in his love and respect for women.
One of those jahils who talk about women especially promiscuous kafir women, actually it’s his whole identity on here, is in here insulting SA’ed women. May Allah guide these corrupted jahils and keep them far away from sound Muslimahs.


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