Men are tired!

So basically OP saw us discuss misogyny and is now acting emotional. It’s a classics case of gaslighting in which if women talk about the issues that are common in Eastern societies due to culture and due to some men, he now interprets this as ‘hating all men.’

This victim complex displayed by some men is disgusting and it’s obvious these men don’t want things to change in society. As soon as women talk about the obvious sexism in society all of a sudden they change the narrative to them being hated. No one believes that all women are angels and that all men are bad. We are merely talking about legal and cultural behaviors of society and men are the leaders and the influencers of culture. It’s as simple as that.

I would be described on this forum as a man hater, but look through my posts, I’ve always used the word ‘some’ and have been careful to do this as I know not all men are the same.

It’s about time us women see these attention seeking victim complex ridden men as opps as well. They too are agents of misogyny because they’ll shut down any form of dialogue and act like victims but will never confront the men who are disgusting towards women.
May you be born as a misogynist dwarf named Abdi Buttafuoco in your next life.



لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
men talking about misandry is like complaining about a stubbed toe to a person that had their limb hacked off. You guys are so uneducated and insensitive you can’t even comprehend the amount of suffering women go through
men talking about misandry is like complaining about a stubbed toe to a person that had their limb hacked off. You guys are so uneducated and insensitive you can’t even comprehend the amount of suffering women go through
What? :wtf:

dave chappelle GIF
ROLF at men being tired

Women have to be concerned about going out at night; have to be extra nice to some creep because he may flip out and harm her; women get trafficked, raped or killed by men, but dudes are in their feelings about words

ROLF at men being tired

Women have to be concerned about going out at night; have to be extra nice to some creep because he may flip out and harm her; women get trafficked, raped or killed by men, but dudes are in their feelings about words

For your information more men are killed or harmed going "out at night" than women.

Yes trafficking is a serious issue, but if mutual respect between the genders is mentioned, someone has to go into details about how Attila the hun is slapping butts and kidnapping girls.

Don't know about you, but I don't see most guys doing that.
For your information more men are killed or harmed going "out at night" than women.

Yes trafficking is a serious issue, but if mutual respect between the genders is mentioned, someone has to go into details about how Attila the hun is slapping butts and kidnapping girls.

Don't know about you, but I don't see most guys doing that.
Damn, you really are being serious about this topic.

I dismissed this whole thread as you ironically dismissing women's issues as trivial, but you really don't f*ck with our existence, huh?

That is a hypergeneralization. I do not suffer from black-and-white thinking.

I stated facts.

Also, stop engaging with women that are diminishing of you merely for your gender. Also, there is a clear difference between a critique or innocuous point made and a debasement of others.
This is the issue. He’s not even engaging with women that diminish men. He believes that any critique of the culture of misogyny we have in this world is an attack on all men. No one believe that all men are monsters but he’ll gaslight us into saying that what we believe in order to shut down any discussions.
For your information more men are killed or harmed going "out at night" than women.

Yes trafficking is a serious issue, but if mutual respect between the genders is mentioned, someone has to go into details about how Attila the hun is slapping butts and kidnapping girls.

Don't know about you, but I don't see most guys doing that.
World wide, women between the ages of 15-44 are much more likely to be killed by a man rather than cancer, accidents and the list goes on.

In the UK alone 3 women are killed by their partners. Are men killed by their wives on this level?!

As for men being more likely to be killed, the question is by who? It’s by other men and not women. Men are incredibly violent towards each other and even more so to women who can’t even defend themselves since we’re weaker and don’t get me started on sexual crimes.

Women hardly harm men, but you lot harm women and that’s the crux of the issue