materialism and the somali people

this has been stuck on my mind for a while, i have many siblings and a sister who is 20. I am 18. she is entering college soon and also plans on getting married, now when she speaks about the type of man she wants to marry she speaks of him as wealthy, flashy and buying her luxurious goods in an expensive penthouse. she wants a man who wears the newest Patek Philipe watch, the newest Rolex, the newest porsche 911 turbo. now, this is not just my sister. i have seen this in my brother as well, hell i even seen it in myself. He wants a BB belt, jordan black cats, a moncler coat etc. this materialism has a choke hold on the whole world but it has a horrible one on the somali people. mothers who buy unneeded rugs and goods from Karamel and 24, brothers who buy $1,000 Amiris and $600 belts. this is normal, but an unhealthy burden on our people and the human race. one day people will realize the goods they own will end up owning them. :deadpeter:
Sadly such is the case for the diasporan Somali mindset. Instead of fully resizing the fruits of the western world (ie education, knowledge, security) they degrade themselves but searching for meaningless acts of pleasure. Truly a shame
Just get in shape wallahi. You could wear a basic £20 tee with some jeans and look x100 better than most people. Being sub 15% bodyfat and having a little size on you will save you 1000s lol
give broke people money and they will spend it and become broke agian…this happened to a number of lottery winners
Around one third of lottery winners declare bankruptcy. They live above their means to the extent they burn out the wealth to the same degree the wealthy that earn it annually.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Somalis are the least materialistic folk tbh. For example in Minneapolis You would see a Somali millionaire who owns several businesses drive a small Toyota while wearing clothes from Walmart

A lot of Somalis are "frugal" to an extent that is almost baffling. I know multi-millionaires here in the Khaleej who live in dilapidated houses in lower income areas of town while being generally tight-fisted toward everyone around them including their children. They make money just so they can say they make money and keep it in the back and in some assets. Not one penny is spent on making their life comfortable or the lives of those close to them more comfortable. They took the whole "This life is just a test" business a little too to heart. They are filthy rich and live in cadhaab.

Afro Asiatic

A lot of Somalis are "frugal" to an extent that is almost baffling. I know multi-millionaires here in the Khaleej who live in dilapidated houses in lower income areas of town while being generally tight-fisted toward everyone around them including their children. They make money just so they can say they make money and keep it in the back and in some assets. Not one penny is spent on making their life comfortable or the lives of those close to them more comfortable. They took the whole "This life is just a test" business a little too to heart. They are filthy rich and live in cadhaab.
Absolutely spot on, for example most wealthy Somalis in Minneapolis live in high crime infested areas in south Minneapolis, while their kids tend to go to horrible public schools in Minneapolis.
this has been stuck on my mind for a while, i have many siblings and a sister who is 20. I am 18. she is entering college soon and also plans on getting married, now when she speaks about the type of man she wants to marry she speaks of him as wealthy, flashy and buying her luxurious goods in an expensive penthouse. she wants a man who wears the newest Patek Philipe watch, the newest Rolex, the newest porsche 911 turbo. now, this is not just my sister. i have seen this in my brother as well, hell i even seen it in myself. He wants a BB belt, jordan black cats, a moncler coat etc. this materialism has a choke hold on the whole world but it has a horrible one on the somali people. mothers who buy unneeded rugs and goods from Karamel and 24, brothers who buy $1,000 Amiris and $600 belts. this is normal, but an unhealthy burden on our people and the human race. one day people will realize the goods they own will end up owning them. :deadpeter:
I partly agree with u. Almost Somalis are in competition with one another, back in Africa they will own the lastest Iphones, expensive designer clothes, eat at high end restaurants but live in the lowest neighborhoods. We value the perception of others & ever trying hard to impress them & leave with the impression of we are filthy rich. On the flip side, Somali diaspora when they visit home they will show off & despise those residing there with judegemental lens that they are better of, more educated, advanced imprinting minds of the locals if they need to be rich they hve to travel abroad. Thats my two cents on this!
This is why i down graded from iphone 12 max plus to se. i was going down that route. Now i am working on my saving habits instead and paying my bills on time.
This is why i down graded from iphone 12 max plus to se. i was going down that route. Now i am working on my saving habits instead and paying my bills on time.
U have made a great decision. I mean if u can communicate with it & will not drain ur pocket i don't see the need to keep up with the trend & lastest models. I've friends who have everything lastest but end month they literally cry bc of their bills & at times broke like can't even afford food.
A lot of Somalis are "frugal" to an extent that is almost baffling. I know multi-millionaires here in the Khaleej who live in dilapidated houses in lower income areas of town while being generally tight-fisted toward everyone around them including their children. They make money just so they can say they make money and keep it in the back and in some assets. Not one penny is spent on making their life comfortable or the lives of those close to them more comfortable. They took the whole "This life is just a test" business a little too to heart. They are filthy rich and live in cadhaab.

I know this type if people.

They're still in survival mode, scarcity mentality. These kinds of self made millionaires didn't get there by splashing on everything. They got frugal habits and only spending on necessities. They take pride in how little they spend like a badge of honor.

sad story, they force lottery winners to show their face and name too. setting them up straight up
The dude gambled his money away and he was already a multi millionaire before he won the jackbot. Bad decisions leads to more bad decisions.

New money problems.


Very true

A lot of Somali guys I know are all so materialistic they’re all living in the ghetto but get a car on finance wearing expensive clothes/shoes like palm angels and dior

They do all of that yet weigh 70kg at 6 ft tall, if they spent 1/100 of that on food and going gym that will do 10x more for you.


Staff Member
Teens and early 20 year olds are the most materialistic people ever. What a terrible time to be an adult. Full of show offs and peer pressure. I know many who have been humbled by reality as soon as they got older. Their materialistic personality has honestly ruined their lives (no financial planning, no discipline, debt, etc).

Word of advice to the kids: pay off your credit card balance in full by the end of the month, work on having a credit score of over 750 minimum, and save half your income while still living at home.
We're the least materialistic group and that is both the men and women. There are odeys clearing 6-7 figures and you'd never know. They'll hardly ever drive flash cars and are content with going to their local miqaayad and their wife/wives is wearing the same type of jilbaab as all the other Xalimos down the road lol.

The only give away when it comes to the older gen is that one of the first thing the odeys will do is marry multiple women lol and the rich habayars will have a grams upon grams of gold. That is how older geelgires spend their wealth.
A lot of Somalis are "frugal" to an extent that is almost baffling. I know multi-millionaires here in the Khaleej who live in dilapidated houses in lower income areas of town while being generally tight-fisted toward everyone around them including their children. They make money just so they can say they make money and keep it in the back and in some assets. Not one penny is spent on making their life comfortable or the lives of those close to them more comfortable. They took the whole "This life is just a test" business a little too to heart. They are filthy rich a
We're the least materialistic group and that is both the men and women. There are odeys clearing 6-7 figures and you'd never know. They'll hardly ever drive flash cars and are content with going to their local miqaayad and their wife/wives is wearing the same type of jilbaab as all the other Xalimos down the road lol.

The only give away when it comes to the older gen is that one of the first thing the odeys will do is marry multiple women lol and the rich habayars will have a grams upon grams of gold. That is how older geelgires spend their wealth.
My dad is rich and owns his own number of khaat in Djibouti( you make alot of money) and rents out his 5 houses in the high end parts to the ajanabis because they’re s a lot of bases but doesn’t give us shit instead he married another women! My mother had to fight tooth and nail by going to the court in Djibouti so he can give her 300 USD each month?!?! Keep in mind we are 7 kids!! Djibouti is expensive as shit and I would venture to say it’s one of the most expensive countries in Africa. Basically what I noticed with men in my family; I have alot of family members that are rich but they don’t help their families. So what’s the point of having rich family members when they don’t help you ( my grandfather has many business and owns one of the peril stations in Djibouti doesn’t even help his own kids forget about us! He also follow the Somali custom married 3 women and has 10 kids in total) Am not saying give us money but they won’t hire us/ help us get jobs in Djibouti nothing ( am still in uni but my older sisters that graduated wanted to move back but my father didn’t want to help them despite having the hook up!) The xasidimo in the Djibouti community is next level! Anyways sorry for rambling but my family are the cheapest!
My dad is rich and owns his own number of khaat in Djibouti( you make alot of money) and rents out his 5 houses in the high end parts to the ajanabis because they’re s a lot of bases but doesn’t give us shit instead he married another women! My mother had to fight tooth and nail by going to the court in Djibouti so he can give her 300 USD each month?!?! Keep in mind we are 7 kids!! Djibouti is expensive as shit and I would venture to say it’s one of the most expensive countries in Africa. Basically what I noticed with men in my family; I have alot of family members that are rich but they don’t help their families. So what’s the point of having rich family members when they don’t help you ( my grandfather has many business and owns one of the peril stations in Djibouti doesn’t even help his own kids forget about us! He also follow the Somali custom married 3 women and has 10 kids in total) Am not saying give us money but they won’t hire us/ help us get jobs in Djibouti nothing ( am still in uni but my older sisters that graduated wanted to move back but my father didn’t want to help them despite having the hook up!) The xasidimo in the Djibouti community is next level! Anyways sorry for rambling but my family are the cheapest!

That is what keeps a lot of Somali kids from living a middle class lifestyle. Some Dads might be making 6 figures, but marrying multiple women will obviously limit the amount each family gets. So each wife ends up living no differently to the wife of an average Farax.

But in saying that, i've seen a lot who will still make sure their kids go to the best schools and universities and will most definitely hook their kids up with cushy jobs. I don't know what is wrong with the men of your family though.
That is what keeps a lot of Somali kids from living a middle class lifestyle. Some Dads might be making 6 figures, but marrying multiple women will obviously limit the amount each family gets. So each wife ends up living no differently to the wife of an average Farax.

But in saying that, i've seen a lot who will still make sure their kids go to the best schools and universities and will most definitely hook their kids up with cushy jobs. I don't know what is wrong with the men of your family though.
I don’t want to be qabilist but there’s a mahmah apparently derived from the dervish that said issa have dhaqan xuun and are cheap ( that’s my uncle and grandfather of my mother side; since my father abandoned us over 15 years ago I don’t know much but what I hear when I come to Djibouti is that they are hassid and my father is samaron from Ethiopia) my uncle refers to us as the samaron kids ( my mother brother that’s has mad money and he has no kids!) he doesn’t help my mother and tried to take my grandmother house from my mother when she died 2 years ago! He wanted to kick her out but he knew we would go crazy and come to Djibouti and start something! He basically respected us enough since were Canadians. Wallahi I can go on but unfortunately am surrounded by dayooth. My mother i cant blame her even though she’s toxic at times but Wallahi she did her best. f*ck these niggas sometimes when my thoughts get dark i start counting his assets and money he generates in Djibouti so we can inherit them loool
I know this type if people.

They're still in survival mode, scarcity mentality. These kinds of self made millionaires didn't get there by splashing on everything. They got frugal habits and only spending on necessities. They take pride in how little they spend like a badge of honor.

The dude gambled his money away and he was already a multi millionaire before he won the jackbot. Bad decisions leads to more bad decisions.

New money problems.

In life wallahi moderation is key. What is the point of having all of that money if your spouse and kids are not going to benefit?

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