materialism and the somali people

this has been stuck on my mind for a while, i have many siblings and a sister who is 20. I am 18. she is entering college soon and also plans on getting married, now when she speaks about the type of man she wants to marry she speaks of him as wealthy, flashy and buying her luxurious goods in an expensive penthouse. she wants a man who wears the newest Patek Philipe watch, the newest Rolex, the newest porsche 911 turbo. now, this is not just my sister. i have seen this in my brother as well, hell i even seen it in myself. He wants a BB belt, jordan black cats, a moncler coat etc. this materialism has a choke hold on the whole world but it has a horrible one on the somali people. mothers who buy unneeded rugs and goods from Karamel and 24, brothers who buy $1,000 Amiris and $600 belts. this is normal, but an unhealthy burden on our people and the human race. one day people will realize the goods they own will end up owning them. :deadpeter:
this has been stuck on my mind for a while, i have many siblings and a sister who is 20. I am 18. she is entering college soon and also plans on getting married, now when she speaks about the type of man she wants to marry she speaks of him as wealthy, flashy and buying her luxurious goods in an expensive penthouse. she wants a man who wears the newest Patek Philipe watch, the newest Rolex, the newest porsche 911 turbo. now, this is not just my sister. i have seen this in my brother as well, hell i even seen it in myself. He wants a BB belt, jordan black cats, a moncler coat etc. this materialism has a choke hold on the whole world but it has a horrible one on the somali people. mothers who buy unneeded rugs and goods from Karamel and 24, brothers who buy $1,000 Amiris and $600 belts. this is normal, but an unhealthy burden on our people and the human race. one day people will realize the goods they own will end up owning them. :deadpeter:
I think balance is important. Save the money and invest! You can only buy so much…. I see that in myself aswell lol can’t help it but I always remind myself to chill and save!


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Broke people mentality…if you only chase worldly goods you will never be satisfied
I lowkey agree with you! It’s the mindset of scarcity that leads people to materialism when they get money or maybe am wrong …..
give broke people money and they will spend it and become broke agian…this happened to a number of lottery winners
anyone remember that successful construction guy who won the lottery for $300m and his family fell apart, his wife found dead, his house broke into and his car robbed countless times, his daughter held for ransom eventually killed. sad stuff wallahi

Afro Asiatic

Broke people mentality…if you only chase worldly goods you will never be satisfied
Somalis are the least materialistic folk tbh. For example in Minneapolis You would see a Somali millionaire who owns several businesses drive a small Toyota while wearing clothes from Walmart
Somalis are not that materialistic
If I sjowed you examples of some other groups you’d be shocked
Somalis for some reason love copying other communities talking points even if it doesn’t make sense when it’s applied to them they’ll still try their best to find a way to fit it.

