Madoow American who her man died in the Lamu attacks by El-Kebab goes in on Kenya

I thought like you that the American army was mostly filled with the poor/minorities but after checking the stats VixR is right. The US army is mostly comprised of white men. As for class:

"Most members of the military come from middle-class neighborhoods. A neighborhood affluence study found that the middle three quintiles were overrepresented among enlisted recruits, while the top and bottom quintiles were underrepresented".

The US elections has been a personality contest for the last 30 years. Whoever has a bigger personality won the race.

Trump vs H. Clinton
Obama vs McCain/Romney
Bush 2 vs Gore/ Kerry
B. Clinton vs Bush 1/Dole

JazakAllah khair brother - very informative. My original point was that having a military background is becoming increasingly less relevant on the American political scene. With respect to minorities, according to PEW, 17% of active duty personnel are black, while 27% of active infantry in the army is black, despite blacks accounting for only 13% of the US population. More than 1 in 5 soldiers in active duty roles are black, while only 81 blacks in total held a general officer rank in 2014. They are still overrepresented in combat roles. Further, economic demographic data for the military does not stratify by race - almost certainly, most of the minorities are from poor backgrounds and financial reasons, rather than other considerations, are their primary motivators for enlisting
Would you really trust the germans to help the tho? Either way the germans didn't respect races they deemed inferior. If anything they would have only helped the arabs ottomans if they won.
That's the chance you have to take :kanyeshrug:
They already knew what the whites have to offer in there country. gambling was better the worst case scenario is total extermination.
Let's be honest they haven't done anything notable the last 100 years the pros far outweight the cons:patrice: