I thought like you that the American army was mostly filled with the poor/minorities but after checking the stats VixR is right. The US army is mostly comprised of white men. As for class:
"Most members of the military come from middle-class neighborhoods. A neighborhood affluence study found that the middle three quintiles were overrepresented among enlisted recruits, while the top and bottom quintiles were underrepresented".
The US elections has been a personality contest for the last 30 years. Whoever has a bigger personality won the race.
Trump vs H. Clinton
Obama vs McCain/Romney
Bush 2 vs Gore/ Kerry
B. Clinton vs Bush 1/Dole
JazakAllah khair brother - very informative. My original point was that having a military background is becoming increasingly less relevant on the American political scene. With respect to minorities, according to PEW, 17% of active duty personnel are black, while 27% of active infantry in the army is black, despite blacks accounting for only 13% of the US population. More than 1 in 5 soldiers in active duty roles are black, while only 81 blacks in total held a general officer rank in 2014. They are still overrepresented in combat roles. Further, economic demographic data for the military does not stratify by race - almost certainly, most of the minorities are from poor backgrounds and financial reasons, rather than other considerations, are their primary motivators for enlisting