Madoobe and Deni + Madasha meet with IC heavyweights tonight.

Madoobe and Deni and Presidential Candidates meet with IC tonight in Halane. This is to figure out a solution to the current elections stalemate that Farmaajo quickly wrapped up that the talks failed which was completely false.

Will update photo’s of the meeting if I get access to it. Inshallah.
More crying and begging to the gaalo while N&N says to the IC, Somalia Somali baa leh. Treasonous qabiilist have no shame or dhiig.
More crying and begging to the gaalo while N&N says to the IC, Somalia Somali baa leh.

You do know what’s at stake here? If we don’t agree with something We could go back to the Trusteeship days and become UN colony which will be the end of Somalia.

Ever wondered why Somalia’s ethnic homogeneity, Vast coastline, strategic geopolitical location and natural resources have become more of a curse then blessing?
You do know what’s at stake here? If we don’t agree with something We could go back to the Trusteeship days and become UN colony which will be the end of Somalia.

Ever wondered why Somalia’s ethnic homogeneity, Vast coastline, strategic geopolitical location and natural resources have become more of a curse then blessing?
Yes. Because people like you and Deni love appealing to gaalo to subjugate other Somalis because of qabiil. You would go under UN trusteeship or be occupied by others as long as you get one over the rival qabiil.


Bantu Liberation Movement
More crying and begging to the gaalo while N&N says to the IC, Somalia Somali baa leh. Treasonous qabiilist have no shame or dhiig.
Gaalo protect you from Shabaab, we are going to talk to your boss from now on, we don't address pets.
Gaalo protect you from Shabaab, we are going to talk to your boss from now on, we don't address pets.
Allah helps us protect ourselves from shabab and it was gaalo and their lackies who brought us this mess. The boss is the Somali people.


Nin aan cilay ba I cayaa.
Allah helps us protect ourselves from shabab and it was gaalo and their lackies who brought us this mess. The boss is the Somali people.
If you want to put your trust in Allah swt, then kick out Amisom. Don't sit here and blame others while Amisom takes Farmajo to the restroom in villa Somalia. Hypocrisy at its finest.
If you want to put your trust in Allah swt, then kick out Amisom. Don't sit here and blame others while Amisom takes Farmajo to the restroom in villa Somalia. Hypocrisy at its finest.
LMAO the only person begging for AMISOM is Deni in the xalane tent. We say Somalia Soomaali baa leh.
That would never have happened without being invaded. You create a problem and present yourself as the solution.
If you think the ICU was the solution, thats great. But Somalia doesnt exist in a vacuum. Obviously Ethiopia, USA, somaliland, puntland, Djibouti, the first three having fought groups just like it felt threatened by its ambition and extremism, they believed they had to contain the ICU to protect their own country; they fucked up in the process. The question is the ICU left unchecked would have caused more problems in the long run (hardliners vs peace), conflict in the north, A bigger invasion of Ethiopia without usa's involvement.
Lastly how was the UN to be blamed by usa/ethiopia getting themselves involved in Somalia.
If you think the ICU was the solution, thats great. But Somalia doesnt exist in a vacuum. Obviously Ethiopia, USA, somaliland, puntland, Djibouti, the first three having fought groups just like it felt threatened by its ambition and extremism, they believed they had to contain the ICU to protect their own country; they fucked up in the process. The question is the ICU left unchecked would have caused more problems in the long run (hardliners vs peace), conflict in the north, A bigger invasion of Ethiopia without usa's involvement.
Lastly how was the UN to be blamed by usa/ethiopia getting themselves involved in Somalia.
I don't think ICU was the solution but it brought peace after decades of civi war. I don't think being a dhabodhilif to Ethiopia and bringing US war on terror, plus being occupied by our neighbours and massacring thousands of civilians is any better. That brought about the extremism that we still face today.
I don't think ICU was the solution but it brought peace after decades of civi war. I don't think being a dhabodhilif to Ethiopia and bringing US war on terror, plus being occupied by our neighbours and massacring thousands of civilians is any better. That brought about the extremism that we still face today.
There was always extremist elements in the ICU, it was a coalition of hardliners and moderates. Even if all the groups in somalia joined hands to fight "alshabab" group in ICU they'd still fight to the bitter end so long so long as you oppose them.
Ethiopian intervention was obviously a disaster for the country, but clearly somalia's civil war wasnt. It's clear whilst the ICU brought peace and rule of law, the political situation was far from steady. What Somalia needed was long term political stability, and in 2006 it clearly looked like we were entering another phase of the civil war.
There was always extremist elements in the ICU, it was a coalition of hardliners and moderates. Even if all the groups in somalia joined hands to fight "alshabab" group in ICU they'd still fight to the bitter end so long so long as you oppose them.
Ethiopian intervention was obviously a disaster for the country, but clearly somalia's civil war wasnt. It's clear whilst the ICU brought peace and rule of law, the political situation was far from steady. What Somalia needed was long term political stability, and in 2006 it clearly looked like we were entering another phase of the civil war.
Well that is a speculation that didn't materialise. What did happen though is an invasion that massacred thousands of civilians and displaced many more. If you call that stability then I don't know what stability means.
Well that is a speculation that didn't materialise. What did happen though is an invasion that massacred thousands of civilians and displaced many more. If you call that stability then I don't know what stability means.
I didnt say the Ethiopian invasion brought about stability, but was disastrous, half of Somalia (inc baydhabo) was outside of ICU control, and it was actively engaged in a conflict with Puntland. I get you dont like ethiopia's engagement which is understandable, but do you think united nations should completely disengage from Somalia ( no weapons or economic aid) , and leave somalis to fight it out?

