Madaxweyne Siciid Deni ayaa shaqada ka cayriyay Wasiir kuxigeenkii xanaanada xoolaha Abdiwali Seed iyo wasiiru-dawlihii madaxtooyada

Reasons why the election Is not possible according to Faroole:

1. Droughts.
2. Borders of the district's are not determined.
3. Maxkamada sare.
4. Corrupt electoral commission.
nah, the real reasons:
1- my party failed to even win in Eyl, which means it's not a contender.
2- this is Garowe's turn to lead, and that's why all those who are opposing it now are reer Garowe, for example: MP Cali Xoosh and me.
3- I didn't succeed to do it in my term and Qardho/Gaalkacyo were against it, why should I allow it now.


nah, the real reasons:
1- my party failed to even win in Eyl, which means it's not a contender.
2- this is Garowe's turn to lead, and that's why all those who are opposing it now are reer Garowe, for example: MP Cali Xoosh and me.
3- I didn't succeed to do it in my term and Qardho/Gaalkacyo were against it, why should I allow it now.
Seems legit reason's to me especially no.3
Faroole should back Huruuse for President
Actually Huruuse is now in Deni's camp after Deni and Aaranjaan disagreement, that's why even elected Mideeye members in Eyl voted for Kaah candidate, and this information is from his nephew Amiin Guuleed.

Amiin Guuleed Facebook post
Isu guurka kala Guurka iyo Hardanka Kooxaha Danlayda siyaasadeed ee Puntland
1- Kooxda koowaad ee abaabulan waa kooxda Aaaran Jaan oo dhanka maslaxda uu hogaamiyo M.Shiddo , dhanka fulintana Wasiir Xassan Abgaal. Kooxdu waxay aaminsantahay in Deni oo ay hoos joogaan ay ku shaabadaynayso inay xisbi xaakim 5 sano Puntland soo xukumay yihiin aana laga aqbali Karin rakaadasho. Waxay haatan dan wayn ka dhexraadiyaan dagaalka Deni kula jiro oo waxay doonayaan inay xoqdaan karaka mucaaradka , waxayna baaq dadban oo isu soo dhawaansho ah u dirayaan kooxaha kale ee Deni kaso horjeeda ee reer PL.
2- Kooxda kale waa kooxda uu Deni ugu yeeray kuwa hubaysan oo uu ula jeedo PIS ama kooxda uu hogaamiyo Jeneraal Assad Diyaano. Kooxdu in kasta oo Deni dhanka jifida aad isu xigaan oo ay Qardho kasoo wada jeedaan , waxay walwal badan ku hayaan Deni oo u arka kuwa ku haysta gobolka Bari oo xildhibaanada ugu badan kasoo jeedaan. Kooxdaaan waxay dhanka siyaasadda ku matala ururka Mideeye , balse Deni ayaa kala jabiyay ururka sida muuqata oo isbahaysi la galay wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda , Abshir Cumar Huruuse ., oo ahaa xogyaha guud ee Mideeye , kaalin wayna u lahaa dismaha ururka Mideeye. Kooxda Assad waxay doonayaan inay gadaan inay yihiin isbedelka dhabta ah , loona cimaamado madaxtinimada PL 2024 , aana la maqal musharixiinta Nugaal ee qisimkooda kusoo qaatay hagbadda Deni . Xidlhibaan Hiirad Muxamaed Aw Muuse oo ka tirsan golaha degaanka Eyl kana tirsan ururka Mideeye ayaa dhawaan saxaafadda u sheegay in xubno sarsare oo ka tirsan Mideeye ay si toosa uga dalbadeen in Deni u tanaasulaan oo kala shaqeeyaan in gudoomiyaha iyo ku xigeenkaba uu ururkiisa Kaah wada qaato Eyl. Inkasta oo aanu magac sheegin haddan xog sugan ayaa sheegaysa inuu ula jeedo Xoghayihii hore ee Mideeye , ahna hadda wasiirka arrimaha dibadda heer federal.
3- Kooxda Deni ee xisbul xaakim ah maaha kuwa u abaabulan sida 2da koxoood ee hore balse waxay awoodaan iyagoo ka faa’iidaysanaya awoodda iyo dhaqaalaha ay ku fadhiyaan inay wiiqaan kooxda Assad ee Bossaso iyo kooxda Shido ee Garowe oo ay u arkaan 2dii xoogood ee Xamar ku fashiliyay , cadwgooda 1aad na ah . Deni wuxuu kale oo heshiis la geli karaa shakhsiyaad aan la dhayalsan Karin oo reer PL oo u sharaxan jagada MW , isagoo kula ballami kara inay isaga ugu shubaan hadday haraan ama isagu ugu shubo , si loo fashiliyo doonista waxa uu arko kooxaha hubaysan iyo kuwa qaabka qabiil u abaabulan.
4- Waxaa jira kooxo kale oo samaysmaya oo ay wataan musharixiin kale , kuwaan oo iyagu olole iyo galangal hoose wada , balse gaabsanaya oo doonaya in 3 da kooxood ooh ore hardoonkiada aanay dhex boodin . Musharixiintaan waxay u arkaan 3 kooxood ee ay kala higaaminayan Deni, Assad iyo Shido kuwa kooxaysan ,oo aan waxba lagu darsan Karin , waxayna u arkaan kuwa ah deep state ama dowlad aasan , o oleh dhaqaale iyo galangal badan oo ay qabaa’ilka ku kala jiidan karaan. Kooxdaan wali awoodooda bannaanka uma soo bixin ,balse waxay kasoo kala jeedaan gobolada oo dhan , waxayna doonayaan musharax aan ahayn 3da koxood ee hore .
Isku soo wada duub, Deni wuxuu doonayaa inuu doorashada golaha deegaanka bilaabo, xitaa 10 degmo haddii ay ka hirgeli karto, markana ku dhawaaqo 3 urur oo kusoo baxay oo xisbi noqday , sidaasna isla 10 degmo doorasho baarlamaan uga dhacdo . Habkaan waa habka kaliya ee uu aaminsanyahay inuu uga adkaan karo kooxaha Bari iyo Nugaal ee abaabulan , rajo badana kama qabo habka 66 inuu ku soo bixi karo. Dad badan oo aan doonayn habka 66 ee reeraha ayuu taageero ka haystaa . Waxaa kale uu taageero uga helayaa habkaan siyaasiyiin quustay oo aan aaminsanayn inay habka 66 ee xulista odayaasha inay wax ku heli karaan. Deni wuxuu kale oo gacanta ku hayaa TPEC oo aan haatan joogin gudoomiye hannaanka inuu saamayn ku yeesho ka hor imaan kara , waxaana uu wadaa qorshe xeerarka TPEC dib loogu eego oo awood badan siiya wasaaradda arrimaha gudaha . Sidoo kale , waxaa jira isku day wayn oo Deni ku doonayo inauu ku kasbado Jabiye iyo ururo kale oo yaryar si uu u wiiqo guul ay Mideeye ka gaari karaan doorashada degmooyinka haddii ay dhacdo.
Dhanka kale , kooxaha abaabulan ee Deni baratanka kula jira , ayaa dareensan qorshaha Deni waxayna u arkaan dooarshada uu wado mid uu doonayo inuu ku booboo o mashruuc dib isu doorasho ama muddo kordhin uu ka dhex raadinayo. Waxay ka faa’iidaysanayaan ceebaha jira sida inaan maxkamad sare jirin oo baarlamanku diiday ansixintii golaha saree e garsoorka , waxayna 2da kooxood isbahaysi dadban ka dhex sameeyeen diidmada golaha sare ee garsoorka oo xildhibaanada ku jira golaha wakiilada PL ee kala taabacsan Aaaran Jaan iyo kuwa Aassad isku si ayay u diideen golaha saree e garsoork


Senator Faroole "Doorasho Qof iyo Cod ah in hadda Puntland laga qabto iyadoo daruufo badan ay jiraan sabab aan sax aheyn oo xaaran ah baa loola jeedaa lamana aqbali karo wixii ka yimaada waxa ka mas’uul ah wixii dirqiya waxaas”

> lamana aqbali karo wixii ka yimaada waxa ka mas’uul ah wixii dirqiya waxaas

This is incitement :manny:


Actually Huruuse is now in Deni's camp after Deni and Aaranjaan disagreement, that's why even elected Mideeye members in Eyl voted for Kaah candidate, and this information is from his nephew Amiin Guuleed.
What does Huruuse get out of this? I saw some rumours back PM is possible, any truth to it?
Obviously the top 3 camps now vying for the presidency are:
1- Deni who wants 1m1v to happen.
2- Faroole and Aaranjaan who don't want it to happen because they don't have a party since most of them were supporting Kaah, or in Faroole's case his party doesn't have enough supporters.
3- Diyaano and co, opposition from the start, they most likely prefer 1m1v since they were competing with the ruling party and won Qardho/Ufeyn mayorship.
All in all only if they persuade Mideeye and SINCAD to abandon 1m1v then it's over, but that's unlikely and most other regions are in favor of 1m1v, so what will Farole do? will they recruit militias to hinder the elections in Nugaal, even that will be hard if other regions conduct the elections.
wrong thread lol
I thought you were connecting some dots, for example you always talk about 2026 elections like it's happening tomorrow, and this is your analysis " UPD is doing great now which means HSM will get reelected, and Deni is in the opposition so he'll fail like these Shabaabs who were trying to attack Bakaaro market but their attempt was foiled, and you know who else is attacking HSM, that's right it's Deni and he will also fail".

GIF by Achievement Hunter


I thought you were connecting some dots, for example you always talk about 2026 elections like it's happening tomorrow, and this is your analysis " UPD is doing great now which means HSM will get reelected, and Deni is in the opposition so he'll fail like these Shabaabs who were trying to attack Bakaaro market but their attempt was foiled, and you know who else is attacking HSM, that's right it's Deni and he will also fail".

GIF by Achievement Hunter
Might steal this of you one day :mjlol:


I think so, since he named a lot of mayors in preparation for 1m1v.
It’ll be hard for Faroole/AJ to stop this momentum. Unless they have enough loyal troops within the military AND are willing to have a war with Deni. I do think small clashes can delay the 1m1v process long enough past 2024 Jan. International pressure will come under Deni to find a ‘resolution’ like with the Bosaso clashes where he had to give up replacing PSF chief
It’ll be hard for Faroole/AJ to stop this momentum. Unless they have enough loyal troops within the military AND are willing to have a war with Deni. I do think small clashes can delay the 1m1v process long enough past 2024 Jan. International pressure will come under Deni to find a ‘resolution’ like with the Bosaso clashes where he had to give up replacing PSF chief
That's why they'll try to persuade Diyaano and some Mudug politicians to delay the process, but it will be hard to convince them to abandon 1m1v.

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

I don't understand why this fella @bidenkulaha is obsessed with PL. I get that he sees Deni as a threat to his 15 votes clan new Aabo Mr Hassan Calasow, but walahi if was from a region plagued with little/ no mamuul or sandal wearing kebabis holding me hostage for decades, I wouldn't talk about the affairs of other men. Matter fact I would hide and wear a niqab if I was him kkkk.


I don't understand why this fella @bidenkulaha is obsessed with PL. I get that he sees Deni as a threat to his 15 votes clan new Aabo Mr Hassan Calasow, but walahi if was from a region plagued with little or no mamuul and sandal wearing kebabis holding me hostage for decades, I wouldn't talk about the affairs of other men. Matter fact I would hide and wear a niqab if I was him kkkk.
I don't understand why this fella @bidenkulaha is obsessed with PL. I get that he sees Deni as a threat to his 15 votes clan new Aabo Mr Hassan Calasow, but walahi if was from a region plagued with little/ no mamuul or sandal wearing kebabis holding me hostage for decades, I wouldn't talk about the affairs of other men. Matter fact I would hide and wear a niqab if I was him kkkk.
He wants Majeerteen sultanate and Hobyo sultanate to unite, stop cockblocking him.

encino man smile GIF
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