Look at this filith.


Resident Eritrean | Ye's strongest soldier
Axum being the largest exporter to Rome? I’m curious, you have proof? And it’s widly believed that Punt was in Somalia. Though there’s scarce evidence because it hasn’t been researched extensively yet. Only a few people believe it was laughably in Eritrea. If you think that Ethiopia/Eritrea was Punt (Pwene) I don’t know what to tell you. It’s quite funny you think that a landlocked country that never had access to sea and another which doesn’t have any extensive maritime history compared to Somalia with its actual extensive maritime and trade history. But believe what you want, I’ve seen you on this forum and I can tell your a hard headed kid.
Look in one of my earlier posts. I cited the source that said that through Adulis was widely believed to be the biggest exporter to Rome. And you do realise Eritrea only became a sovereign state in 1993. Ethiopia has only been landlocked for 30 years

And I haven’t said that Punt was Eritrea. I said that you can’t assume it was just Somalia when no such conclusion has been reached
Of course Ancient Punt (Pwene) is in Somalia
"The Red Sea was witness to important events during human history, including the first long steps in a trade network (the spice route) that would drive maritime technology and shape geopolitical fortunes for thousands of years. Punt was a pivotal early node in the rise of this enterprise, serving as an important emporium for luxury goods, including sacred baboons (Papio hamadryas), but its location is disputed. Here, we use geospatial variation in the oxygen and strontium isotope ratios of 155 baboons from 77 locations to estimate the geoprovenance of mummified baboons recovered from ancient Egyptian temples and tombs. Five Ptolemaic specimens of P. anubis (404–40 BC) showed evidence of long-term residency in Egypt prior to mummification, consistent with a captive breeding program. Two New Kingdom specimens of P. hamadryas were sourced to a region that encompasses much of present-day Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djibouti, and portions of Somalia and Yemen. This result is a testament to the tremendous reach of Egyptian seafaring during the 2nd millennium BC. It also corroborates the balance of scholarly conjecture on the location of Punt."
-Mummified baboons reveal the far reach of early Egyptian mariners

Punt has been confirmed to encompass Ethiopia and Eritrea aswell as Somalia

What maritime history does Eritrea have? While Punt was trading with other civilizations on the Red Sea and Mediterranean. Somalis were doing the same thing. Somalis have the best maritime history in all of Africa.
Lmao you truly think Somalis came anywhere near as close as the noble Axumites?
Axum at its height literally dominated Red Sea and Mediterranean trade, Greek/Byzantine merchants frequented in Eritrea/Adulis and many of the elites were said to be able to speak Greek and were even acquainted with Greek literature.

A Persian traveller literally ranked Aksum as a global superpower, up there with Rome, Somalis have never come close to something like this.

Aksum is the city that it originated from. Yes. You think they floated over Eritrea into the sea? And again you keep saying Somalis did it when historians still don’t know the exact location of Punt!!!! Just because you repeat something over and over doesn’t make it true. Axum was the only Orthodox country on the trade route so they were naturally allied with the Orthodox Byzantine Empire.

Plus, Adulis was the main African port during Axums peak. All goods from what was Kush went through Adulis. Historians agree that it was the biggest supplier of African goods to the Roman Empire: https://web.archive.org/web/2009011...ve.org/proceedings/interactions/burstein.html
This might not even be true, its very possible Adulis was its OWN centre of power and Aksum was another, there are accounts based on foreign travellers that Adulis had its own King with his own throne in Adulis, which contained inscriptions detailing conquests within Ethiopia/Eritrea(literally mentions conquering the "Beja", the "Agazi", "Agame" etc...) aswell as Yemen and the Hejaz, this is a good paper which proposes the idea:

Also worth looking into the Monumentum Adulitanum

Garaad diinle

 
"The Red Sea was witness to important events during human history, including the first long steps in a trade network (the spice route) that would drive maritime technology and shape geopolitical fortunes for thousands of years. Punt was a pivotal early node in the rise of this enterprise, serving as an important emporium for luxury goods, including sacred baboons (Papio hamadryas), but its location is disputed. Here, we use geospatial variation in the oxygen and strontium isotope ratios of 155 baboons from 77 locations to estimate the geoprovenance of mummified baboons recovered from ancient Egyptian temples and tombs. Five Ptolemaic specimens of P. anubis (404–40 BC) showed evidence of long-term residency in Egypt prior to mummification, consistent with a captive breeding program. Two New Kingdom specimens of P. hamadryas were sourced to a region that encompasses much of present-day Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djibouti, and portions of Somalia and Yemen. This result is a testament to the tremendous reach of Egyptian seafaring during the 2nd millennium BC. It also corroborates the balance of scholarly conjecture on the location of Punt."
-Mummified baboons reveal the far reach of early Egyptian mariners

Punt has been confirmed to encompass Ethiopia and Eritrea aswell as Somalia

Lmao you truly think Somalis came anywhere near as close as the noble Axumites?
Axum at its height literally dominated Red Sea and Mediterranean trade, Greek/Byzantine merchants frequented in Eritrea/Adulis and many of the elites were said to be able to speak Greek and were even acquainted with Greek literature.

A Persian traveller literally ranked Aksum as a global superpower, up there with Rome, Somalis have never come close to something like this.

This might not even be true, its very possible Adulis was its OWN centre of power and Aksum was another, there are accounts based on foreign travellers that Adulis had its own King with his own throne in Adulis, which contained inscriptions detailing conquests within Ethiopia/Eritrea(literally mentions conquering the "Beja", the "Agazi", "Agame" etc...) aswell as Yemen and the Hejaz, this is a good paper which proposes the idea:

Also worth looking into the Monumentum Adulitanum
Are you half habashi?
If you think that Ethiopia/Eritrea was Punt (Pwene) I don’t know what to tell you. It’s quite funny you think that a landlocked country that never had access to sea and another which doesn’t have any extensive maritime history compared to Somalia with its actual extensive maritime and trade history
Lmao what a fucking retard, I don't even know what to say at this point

Garaad diinle

 
No I just speak the truth when it comes to history, so many Somalis on this forum lie about history and its pretty pathetic to say the least.
Okay then tell me what's your opinion on this?

Have anyone of you ever heard of Opone. It's a trading port on the indian ocean first mentioned 2000 thousand years before present by an egyptian greek in ptolemaic egypt.

It was part of a trading rout that predateted the greek invation of egypt, in other words it was used by the ancient egyption.

If so is't possible to find a place named Opone in ancient egyption records.For that you would have to first write Opone in hieroglyphs which means no vowels no O or E only consonants which would give us pon. Add a T too indicat land we would have Pont or Punt and Pwnt.

In fact egyptologists transliteration or reconstruction of phonological reading of Punt is Pwene or Opwene. Now is there such a place in Somalia. In af somali we don't have p so we would say ofone. Furthur more when o and f are together we pronounce 'O' 'X' for example office xafiis so ofone Xaafuune.

which is what Al-Masudi called Xaafuun in the tenth century roughly speaking a thousand years after the egyptian greek wrote peripulus of the erythraean sea.

I personaly never thought that Punt has anything to do with somalia i mean how could the ancient egyption have advanced enough knwoledge about sailing in the open sea of the indian ocean and egypt is only surounded by two inland sea. eventually i got convinced with 80% certainty that somalia is the fabled land of Punt not northern eritria, yemen or oman. I previously wrote how punt and opone relate to xaafoon but asid from that there are more evidence i could use.

This might sound strange but bear with me for now. The land of Punt is not the land of gods
Ta netjer but the land of gods is inside Punt. What dose this mean you ask you see when Hatchepsuts expedition was sent to the land of Punt one her self highlighted achievement was that she not only landed in Punt but also enterd the garden that grows frankincense which she calls Ta netjer gods land. It's sort of similar to how greece is not the land of gods but houses mount olympus the land of god.

What was exetremly unique about punt was their frankincense and of curse many other stuff but primarily frankincense. The greek source that i used for opone and other ancient greek geographer call somalia aromata and in the arabic translaition of pliny the elder it's tiib which means caraf. In contrast yemen is called happy arabia. Somalia is the only conutry in the world to have three kinds of frankincense Boswellia sacra, Boswellia frereana and Boswellia occulta. In some european countries on the mediterranenan sea they call the somali frankincense the coptic frankincense since copt descendants from ancient egyption use to acquire theirs from somalia and ship it to europe.
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Lmao what a fucking retard, I don't even know what to say at this point
Was I wrong though? Ethiopia or should I say Abyssinia to be more exact was usually landlocked in the Middle Ages though if i remember correctly they sometimes got a shore every now and then.
"The Red Sea was witness to important events during human history, including the first long steps in a trade network (the spice route) that would drive maritime technology and shape geopolitical fortunes for thousands of years. Punt was a pivotal early node in the rise of this enterprise, serving as an important emporium for luxury goods, including sacred baboons (Papio hamadryas), but its location is disputed. Here, we use geospatial variation in the oxygen and strontium isotope ratios of 155 baboons from 77 locations to estimate the geoprovenance of mummified baboons recovered from ancient Egyptian temples and tombs. Five Ptolemaic specimens of P. anubis (404–40 BC) showed evidence of long-term residency in Egypt prior to mummification, consistent with a captive breeding program. Two New Kingdom specimens of P. hamadryas were sourced to a region that encompasses much of present-day Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djibouti, and portions of Somalia and Yemen. This result is a testament to the tremendous reach of Egyptian seafaring during the 2nd millennium BC. It also corroborates the balance of scholarly conjecture on the location of Punt."
-Mummified baboons reveal the far reach of early Egyptian mariners

Punt has been confirmed to encompass Ethiopia and Eritrea aswell as Somalia

Lmao you truly think Somalis came anywhere near as close as the noble Axumites?
Axum at its height literally dominated Red Sea and Mediterranean trade, Greek/Byzantine merchants frequented in Eritrea/Adulis and many of the elites were said to be able to speak Greek and were even acquainted with Greek literature.

A Persian traveller literally ranked Aksum as a global superpower, up there with Rome, Somalis have never come close to something like this.

This might not even be true, its very possible Adulis was its OWN centre of power and Aksum was another, there are accounts based on foreign travellers that Adulis had its own King with his own throne in Adulis, which contained inscriptions detailing conquests within Ethiopia/Eritrea(literally mentions conquering the "Beja", the "Agazi", "Agame" etc...) aswell as Yemen and the Hejaz, this is a good paper which proposes the idea:

Also worth looking into the Monumentum Adulitanum
Loollll That baboon Skelton thing has long been debunked by scholars in 2015 🤣🤣🤣.
If you look at older posts on here you’ll see that reports from scholars are leaning towards Somalia dumbass. Habesha bootlicker much?
What’s this about “noble” axumites while putting down somali history as if they both can’t be regarded well? We were talking about Punt and I wanted to stay on topic not talking about Axum since Seldiboy kept on dodging my questions. As for Axum being regarded as equal to Rome I’ve heard about it and we will see if it comes true to its claims in future excavations.
And the city that the Ancient Egyptians went to was Opone in Somalia. Even if it expanded into Ethiopia/Eritrea it’s capital or base would be in Somalia dumbass. Why would Egyptians be going to some backwater city in Eritrea/Ethiopia when they’re on a expedition with their pharaoh? 😂 😂


Resident Eritrean | Ye's strongest soldier
Loollll That baboon Skelton thing has long been debunked by scholars in 2015 🤣🤣🤣.
If you look at older posts on here you’ll see that reports from scholars are leaning towards Somalia dumbass. Habesha bootlicker much?
What’s this about “noble” axumites while putting down somali history as if they both can’t be regarded well? We were talking about Punt and I wanted to stay on topic not talking about Axum since Seldiboy kept on dodging my questions. As for Axum being regarded as equal to Rome I’ve heard about it and we will see if it comes true to its claims in future excavations.
How was I dodging? You literally asked for an example of maritime prowess from Eritrea/Ethiopia and that example was Axum! You are the one obfuscating here
How was I dodging? You literally asked for an example of maritime prowess from Eritrea/Ethiopia and that example was Axum! You are the one obfuscating here
It’s impressive, yes. However, Somali maritime trading goes back far further than that, if we’re just talking about the classical times, the Somalia was the extremely important Silk Road connecting us civilizations like Persia, Phoenicia, Egypt, Greece, Romans, Himyarite and Sabean Kingdoms, Nabateans, & India. Most scholars accurately believe it was in Somalia. @Ibn Amer. Brought up the Baboon monkey testing thing even though that was proven wrong by reports in 2015 and afterwards most scholars pointed to us. There is much more proof like Anceint Egypt & Greco-Rome for example were heavily in the Spice and Frankincense trade of which they got from Punt and Somalia to this day contributes the most frankincense output to this day thousands of years later, even the three wise men got there gifts to nabi isa, frankincense and myrrh from us. I got more proof than this as well too but just go to the history section and check instead. There are older posts you can check.
Again, I hope I don’t have to repeat myself. Amhara’s have not been politically relevant for a half century. Was Mengistu who went to war over Galbeed Amhara? What about Meles who shelled Muqdisho? Tegaru. Hailemariam? Wolayta. And Abiy is Oromo.

The Amhara are just some boogeyman that people love to blame when in reality they have done jackshit in recent history.

Face it. No matter how much Oromos squeal, Addis will stay a chartered city. Now they are coming for Harar and Galbeed. And because you blame the Amhara for everything, they’ll do it right underneath your nose and you won’t say anything until it’s too late because you felt like you had to vindicate your grudge against habeshas. LOL

mingustu was Amhara, meles was Amhara, Abiy is also Amhara, anyone who wants centralizing is a amxar.
Those walls were built for a reason, 4th holiest city in Islam and the Oromos are trying to take it over.
I just want to know who made up "4th holiest city in Islam"...

No prophet nor messenger has ever been to Harar. Nor does any religious text talk about Harar and its "religious status"

That is simply a made up statement by Hararis or Ethiopians possibly for tourism factors lolll

The only cities that are considered holy in Islam are "Makkah, Madina and Jersualem" and thats because of Masjid Al Haram, Masid ul Nabi, Masjid Al Aqsa
I just want to know who made up "4th holiest city in Islam"...

No prophet nor messenger has ever been to Harar. Nor does any religious text talk about Harar and its "religious status"

That is simply a made up statement by Hararis or Ethiopians possibly for tourism factors lolll

The only cities that are considered holy in Islam are "Makkah, Madina and Jersualem" and thats because of Masjid Al Haram, Masid ul Nabi, Masjid Al Aqsa
Lol. It’s simply a title. It still among one of the holiest cities in Islam. Probably in the top 10
Lol. It’s simply a title. It still among one of the holiest cities in Islam. Probably in the top 10
Nope, theirs no statement or proof or anything that says harar is a "holy city" in Islam

In fact theirs no "top 10 ranking" 😂😂💀

Only cities described as holy in Islam because of the mosques their are Makkah, Madina and Jersualem
Mengistu was southern ethiopian mixed with amhara, Meles Zenawai was Tigrayan and Abiy Ahmed is a Oromo man

Stop spreading lies

I think it's obvious that he didn't refer to them *literally* as ethnically Amharas, but rather "politically Amharas" :ayaanswag:

Or what I personally would call someone being subscribed to "Ethiopianist ideology", a centralized & Amhara-centered Ethiopia. The latter of whom signifies "Amharization" of the country (linguistic, cultural or political domination, "suppression" of other Ethiopian ethnic groups, prideful of Ethiopian/Abyssinian imperial/colonial "past", you get the hang of it etc.), rather than simply being ruled by ethnic Amharas. A case in point is Abiy. :mjdontkno:
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You ain't wrong. Let me tag @seldiboy so he can get a reality check. Amharas are no different from Oromos. Look at their entitlement attitudes, especially for someone who was advocating against ethnic federalism and defending your fellow Habeshas. Let me prove you wrong. Look at what the most influential Amhara association/organization came out with. *Very boldly*.
"Addis is an Amhara city" “Incorporate Addis and some its sorroundings into the Amhara region” :comeon::drakewtf:

r/Ethiopia - this will be such a relief for everyone

r/Ethiopia - this will be such a relief for everyone

@Qeelbax Run baad sheegaysay, inaankan aaya inaga qabta :sass2:
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