Lol racist Arab chick from gulf

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Arabs are becoming the new banu israel and firaun. What's the big deal? so what? let them be i don't want to see them in jannah anyway. May it be filled with all the other muslims just not khalijis and their women.

Islam erases racism kulaha, just because they had a token black in bilal doesn't mean arabs are not racist, they are second only to the cadaan in following iblis's footsteps. Wallah my ideal jannah is this world starting off the same way but with all the races separated, kinda like how it was before the flood.
There were no other races except black until Noah gave birth to his sons. Bilal wasn't the token black guy. He was the first to make Adan and had the most beautiful voice out of all the companions. Just like today in the music industry the people with the most beautiful voice are black people. Don't forget that Abysinnian king that the Prophet said was one of the most honorable kings to have ever lived.
Islam erases racism kulaha, just because they had a token black in bilal doesn't mean arabs are not racist, they are second only to the cadaan in following iblis's footsteps. Wallah my ideal jannah is this world starting off the same way but with all the races separated, kinda like how it was before the flood.
There were no other races except black until Noah gave birth to his sons. Bilal wasn't the token black guy. He was the first to make Adan and had the most beautiful voice out of all the companions. Just like today in the music industry the people with the most beautiful voice are black people. Don't forget that Abysinnian king that the Prophet said was one of the most honorable kings to have ever lived.
He was a token black and we all know it and his good nature nor the habashi king's honourable gesture to those ungrateful fuckers ever stopped their racism towards blacks in their land, when they were saved from their own ppl by blacks and taken in in their vulnerability. That is why i invoke the curse of allah on arrogant arabs today so that they would be scattered across the world and they may know what it feels like to be in the position of those blacks they mistreat in their lands. Banu israel were cursed and thrown aside because they mistreated the rest of mankind when they were under the laws and were tasked to guide mankind to jannah.
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