Local people in Somalia starstruck by random asian guy

I am not against marrying out in itself, to each his own. I just don't like how the relationship is not equal with certain ethnic groups.

Its ties and connections g. I would not give my daughter hand in marriage to a south african or a turk muslim.

I would be hesitatend and judgmental to much of the gulf besides yemen and somalis.
well , this thread went south so quick lol.

I don't know about reer UK iyo Europe , but growing up in dhegcas land close to 80% of the half somali kids I knew had carab hooyo.
i noticed there are a lot of carab dabo-rux amongst Fob Somalis right now too ,
but 30+ years of nonstop civil war, qax , rafaad and backwardness can do a lot of damage to ones national pride and self esteem, seeing the world around you progressing and moving forward especially the neighboring dhegcas-land , while you're stuck in a lawless xaarhole and watching all of this on traditional and social media daily doesn't help too.

now , let's focus on the Chinese nigga guys ,
dhegcasta naga daaya :whoa:


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Somalis are the Japanese of Africa racist to every one , the difference is Somalis are still stuck in feudal era .
:icon lol:
Japanese are not all that, I’ve been around many asian forums and shit and they say japanese are the most white-worshiping people in asia.


The history of enslaving Black Africans in Arab cultures has put a negative association with any dark skinned groups from Africa in Arab culture (even against Habeshas - just see how they treat Habesha maids).

It is not a Somali specific dislike they have, it is an anti-entire SSA bias they have.

The views Horners and Arabs have of each other is heavily influenced by history, religion(s), and wealth disparities rather than strict racial/phenotypic hatreds/biases.


Is inbreeding increasing or are Somalis just getting uglier and more retarded back home

Poor diet and excessive exposure to sunlight can contribute to one's look.

As for the people talking about the clown in the video. This video shouldn't be an example to all Somalis back home because you'll find plenty of foreigners back home who own businesses and get along with the locals.


Yemenis are the only Arabs that we had a close relationship with, and Omanis as well to a lesser extent. Harti traders moved to Oman and integrated into their society and married their women, they have their own community which is large so stop making up BS saying “we would easily let them marry into our society when the reverse is not equally true” when facts say otherwise. Likewise Northerners and Yemenis intermarry both ways, it’s not one sided.
Most white Western Europeans are less racist than Somalis.

It is very taboo in their culture to be so bluntly racist, but just look at that video above where they laugh about calling a Chinese guy small eyes in a Somali restaurant.

This would never happen in a group of French people with one Chinese guy among them.
Europeans tend to hide their racism


Europeans tend to hide their racism


I sincerely believe they are at the moment one of the least racist groups due to a cultural shift that happened in Westerners the last few decades.

Ironically SJWs in the West make it out to be that white Westerners are the most racist people in the world, while likely the opposite is the case.

Perhaps only Mestizo/Mulatto/Triracial Latinos are close to them in not being as racist.

Rest of the world is much more racist.

I sincerely believe they are at the moment one of the least racist groups due to a cultural shift that happened in Westerners the last few decades.

Ironically SJWs in the West make it out to be that white Westerners are the most racist people in the world, while likely the opposite is the case.

Perhaps only Mestizo/Mulatto/Triracial Latinos are close to them in not being as racist.

Rest of the world is much more racist.
I guess that’s true


I guess that’s true

Data to back it up:


Indonesians and Malaysians also a region that is seemingly not racist, but not sure of that, dunno much about their cultures.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Data to back it up:


Indonesians and Malaysians also a region that is seemingly not racist, but not sure of that, dunno much about their cultures.
You’re tryna tell me Japanese are less racist than Turkish? By a large margin?
The Office Lol GIF by NETFLIX


You’re tryna tell me Japanese are less racist than Turkish? By a large margin?
The Office Lol GIF by NETFLIX

The Japanese won't allow you to migrate to their country, but they are respectful to foreigners.

The vetting process of getting Japanese citizenship is extreme, so the few long term resident foreigners in Japan are completely vetted and usually productive people.

Turkey may allow more people in, like Syrians, Afghans, and Somalis but likely they are not as tolerant afterwards.
Data to back it up:


Indonesians and Malaysians also a region that is seemingly not racist, but not sure of that, dunno much about their cultures.
Wtf are Somalis doing in Turkey if this is the case
I fear for them when Turkey eventually collapses

