Let people claim what they want: Maya Jama/Chunkz/Mo Farah

Maya Jama posted a picture with Chunkz and in flood the usual "Somali flag" emojis.. what does Maya Jama's brother do?
He posted "Isaaq gang" and then someone in the comments said "don't be a tribalist".

Why is it a big deal if someone identifies with their region, separatist state or even, their clan?
Somalis need to learn the difference between clan and clannism. If someone is not harming another clan or being rude, offensive and so forth, please leave them alone.

It's so cringy seeing Somalis push Somalia's flag on people who clearly claim and identify with another country. The Somali ethnic group existed long before the existence of a Somali state, we have Djiboutians who are also Somali.

Mo Farah
Maya Jama
Chunkz etc, etc. Let them be "Landers", if that's what they want and stop forcing your chosen identity on others.

It's also amusing how the people who claim to be so allergic to "clans", are the same ones jumping to their clan names during Buraanbur. Why is it ok during weddings but not ok on social media? Don't be hypocrites and stop begging it with people.
I get what u saying but I think when some ppl say somaliland isaaqs are tribelist is cuz in those region some isaaqs won't allow other non isaaqs tribe to identify somali flag ppl were even arrest for wearing somali flag addidas cloth and woman was arrested wearing somali cloth flag this is why
U have understood why some ppl feel this way this is just what think and my opinion


I was so shocked when that happened to me the first time. I just say we are the same and I don't believe in dividing my people. Some will insist and say "but all my friends from SL say......". Ceyb calyk wallahi.
Landers teach people the difference :pachah1: ive had people ask im like i aint them and people will go off about people who say they are somaliland and their women. Generally its arabs and madows that are in somali areas lol
Landers teach people the difference :pachah1: ive had people ask im like i aint them and people will go off about people who say they are somaliland and their women. Generally its arabs and madows that are in somali areas lol

I don't see the point in telling ajnabis this stuff. It makes us look bad but anything for ictiraaf I suppose. :noneck:


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Let's normalize praising our qabiils in public. I've noticed certain folks like to suppress others and force " wadanism" in our throat. It's been 30 years, let people heal and stop forcing yourself on their success.

Btw where was this wadanism in 1992?


jUst keeping it REAL homie
Maya Jama posted a picture with Chunkz and in flood the usual "Somali flag" emojis.. what does Maya Jama's brother do?
He posted "Isaaq gang" and then someone in the comments said "don't be a tribalist".

Why is it a big deal if someone identifies with their region, separatist state or even, their clan?
Somalis need to learn the difference between clan and clannism. If someone is not harming another clan or being rude, offensive and so forth, please leave them alone.

It's so cringy seeing Somalis push Somalia's flag on people who clearly claim and identify with another country. The Somali ethnic group existed long before the existence of a Somali state, we have Djiboutians who are also Somali.

Mo Farah
Maya Jama
Chunkz etc, etc. Let them be "Landers", if that's what they want and stop forcing your chosen identity on others.

It's also amusing how the people who claim to be so allergic to "clans", are the same ones jumping to their clan names during Buraanbur. Why is it ok during weddings but not ok on social media? Don't be hypocrites and stop begging it with people.
I’m not Isaaq but I have no problem with being claiming to be what they are
Wtf only langaabs get pissed over that and I’m not one
Last xalimos that said this to us faraxs ended up raising a dhagax all alone in a life full of regret.. Yareey is daji :whoa:

Dhagax kulaha. I am a hardcore racist and you know it. Of all the things to try to habaar me with. :eek::eek:

Maya Jama and her brother are NOT Somali. They can claim the Jamaican and Spanish they first said that they were but these two ain't Somali. Don't insult our noble people like that sis.
But to be fair to maya jama she admitted on national tv that she got brutally bullied verbally and psychologically in school for being Somali even tho she’s half white she was probably the only Somali kid in her year in Bristol back in the day it must of been really bad for to mention it on the uk’s version of the view I don’t blame her for embracing her roots recently