Language thread

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Cadaans are really slow like they can't pronounce shit so half the book will be about how to pronounce j/ge/gi sound. You won't need that just dive right in with the grammar shit, it's pretty straight forward when you think about it because the hardest part (reflexive verbs) are used in Somali too (sorta).

Yeah my flatmates are all from Brazil and I want to increase the banter level plus it's really similar to Spanish so it should be quite easy. Gd luck hunny and make sure you lose all your inhibitions and are always ready to look stupid (you invariably will). Oh and SPANISH SUBTITLES, then none at all. Imagine how impressed latina girls will be when you hit them with a Garcilaso de La Vega line :wowsweat:

:friendhug::friendhug::friendhug: My nigga wallahi. I'm so fucking gassed I'm going to make quesadillas then put together a study plan. Allow ku dhowr
It was compulsory in my class, but I only went there for two years. All I remember from Latin is very basic vocab and absolutely nothing from Greek.

Netherlands, but the school system is very different from the UK. It depends on which school you go to and which route you take, which in turn depends on the results from your primary school. They do like a year 6 SATS equivalent. Just harder and way more serious lol

Yo wtf that's legit Spanish then. :wtf:

I watched Narcos season 1 when it came out. That low key inspired me!

Nigga was yelling 'Nosotros somos bandidos hijos de putas!!' for days in the kitchen while cooking

My childhood :rejoice:

I'm fellow eurotrash. I was born in the Netherlands before I was shipped off to this cursed island. In the city Gouda cheese. I still remember the ferry we came on. Can you believe I spoke Dutch fluently and now the only word I remember is shongayong-I probably butchered the spelling (why does it look like I just wrote Japanese :yloezpe: ). In my defence I arrived here when I was six lmao

I don't know if this was just our school but I remember having to take exams before you could progress onto the next academic year. Seems like the Netherlands education system is far superior
My childhood :rejoice:

I'm fellow eurotrash. I was born in the Netherlands before I was shipped off to this cursed island. In the city Gouda cheese. I still remember the ferry we came on. Can you believe I spoke Dutch fluently and now the only word I remember is shongayong-I probably butchered the spelling (why does it look like I just wrote Japanese :yloezpe: ). In my defence I arrived here when I was six lmao

I don't know if this was just our school but I remember having to take exams before you could progress onto the next academic year. Seems like the Netherlands education system is far superior

It's Tjonge jonge. * _*
My childhood :rejoice:

I'm fellow eurotrash. I was born in the Netherlands before I was shipped off to this cursed island. In the city Gouda cheese. I still remember the ferry we came on. Can you believe I spoke Dutch fluently and now the only word I remember is shongayong-I probably butchered the spelling (why does it look like I just wrote Japanese :yloezpe: ). In my defence I arrived here when I was six lmao

I don't know if this was just our school but I remember having to take exams before you could progress onto the next academic year. Seems like the Netherlands education system is far superior

Soo dhawoow :friendhug:

I'm guessing you were part of the initial exodus in the early 2000's.

I didn't complete secondary school there, but looking back as an seems so cut-throat. Imagine fucking up your year 6 SATS and it determining your entire secondary school career. :damn:
Iirc, if you score below average you only do 4 years in secondary, 5 years if you score average and 6 in the higher sets.

Meanwhile kids in the UK grinding from bottom set to top set in the same year.

With Brexit and the uncertainty, you might wanna pick up a Dutch intro book :lolbron:
I lived in Hyderabad for four years so I understand and speak Hindi and Urdu
I've lived in the states for so long I forgot how to speak it fluently
I'm merely proficient
Swahili on the other hand, both my parents are Kenyans so they taught us good Swahili
I lived in Hyderabad for four years so I understand and speak Hindi and Urdu
I've lived in the states for so long I forgot how to speak it fluently
I'm merely proficient
Swahili on the other hand, both my parents are Kenyans so they taught us good Swahili

:gucciwhat: :gucciwhat:

Guys, we just might have gypsies and Pitbull beat.

Is there a Somali community there?

Merchant of Mogadishu

From Pella to Pattala, then back to Babylon
I lived in Hyderabad for four years so I understand and speak Hindi and Urdu
I've lived in the states for so long I forgot how to speak it fluently
I'm merely proficient
Swahili on the other hand, both my parents are Kenyans so they taught us good Swahili

Hakuna matata

Soo dhawoow :friendhug:

I'm guessing you were part of the initial exodus in the early 2000's.

I didn't complete secondary school there, but looking back as an seems so cut-throat. Imagine fucking up your year 6 SATS and it determining your entire secondary school career. :damn:
Iirc, if you score below average you only do 4 years in secondary, 5 years if you score average and 6 in the higher sets.

Meanwhile kids in the UK grinding from bottom set to top set in the same year.

With Brexit and the uncertainty, you might wanna pick up a Dutch intro book :lolbron:

Thanks m8:friendhug:

Yes, early 2000s. There were barely any somalis when we arrived but now :mjkkk:
My little self was confused af because when we were in Holland I was in group three but in the uk they put me in year 2 lmao.

Ileen a dumb kid stands no chance. Did you reach year 6? What grade did you get? :cosbyhmm:

Wait up, what in the world. The lower your score the fewer years you spend in secondary? :damn:

Wallahi I'm questioning what this accursed Dutch passport has done for me. Holland is good and all but if they deport my ass back there I wouldn't know where to start, I'd be fucked :russ:Have you been back to the Netherlands since? How good is your Dutch?
Thanks m8:friendhug:

Yes, early 2000s. There were barely any somalis when we arrived but now :mjkkk:
My little self was confused af because when we were in Holland I was in group three but in the uk they put me in year 2 lmao.

Ileen a dumb kid stands no chance. Did you reach year 6? What grade did you get? :cosbyhmm:

Wait up, what in the world. The lower your score the fewer years you spend in secondary? :damn:

Wallahi I'm questioning what this accursed Dutch passport has done for me. Holland is good and all but if they deport my ass back there I wouldn't know where to start, I'd be fucked :russ:Have you been back to the Netherlands since? How good is your Dutch?

I was there less than a year ago. I'll be going Belgium and probably NL again this April. You?

My understanding is good, speaking/pronunciation is ok I suppose, I just lack confidence because I don't speak it.

And yeah, I went to secondary there for a little while. I did pretty good and ended up in gymnasium which is why I had to take the compulsory Greek and Latin. But then we moved at some point and I enrolled at an Islamic school that didn't offer gymnasium so I did a year atheneum (a set lower) before moving to the UK.

I dont fully understand the school system there lol, but I think it's either more vocational or more academic depending on your set. I don't even think they teach lower sets subjects like physics and chemistry at all... but I might be wrong on that. The 4 years are compulsory, after that I think you can do optional further education called MBO. The mid tier do 5 years and then go on to HBO. Upper sets do 6 years and then go to University/HBO. Though uni in the UK and NL are not the same. I don't think they offer things like humanities, arts and soft sciences in uni, but rather HBO.

@RICH come thru :patrice:
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