Kpop is taking over our xalimos... everywhere

I literally saw a drawing on a dugsi school desk, it had a big heart with all the kpop guys names like 11 of them, i was shocked, it was engraved in it too ceeb tacaalaay

Also on two other school desks

We exchange the classroom with xaliimos, different times for each group

Thoughts? at first it was turkish media now kpop where did they come from tolow:ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa:

Marshall D Abdi

Know you’re place peasant
I literally saw a drawing on a dugsi school desk, it had a big heart with all the kpop guys names like 11 of them, i was shocked, it was engraved in it too ceeb tacaalaay

Also on two other school desks

We exchange the classroom with xaliimos, different times for each group

Thoughts? at first it was turkish media now kpop where did they come from tolow:ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa:
They always love what is trend first arabs then turkish now kpop n now jereers r becoming trendy

a y a n

nigga I am not a firefighter
100%, individuality is a foreign concept to most girls/women wallahi. Not fitting in with their peers fucks with their psyche.
keeps the weirdos in line if you organize them to spend their time doing something :kanyeshrug:


Inaba Caadi Maaha
I literally saw a drawing on a dugsi school desk, it had a big heart with all the kpop guys names like 11 of them, i was shocked, it was engraved in it too ceeb tacaalaay

Also on two other school desks

We exchange the classroom with xaliimos, different times for each group

Thoughts? at first it was turkish media now kpop where did they come from tolow:ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa:

You saw the kpop drawings on your dugsi desks AND school desks?
You saw the kpop drawings on your dugsi desks AND school desks?
No no not school desks, that would be a disaster, in fact alxamdulillaah the xaliimos in my school only seem to be crushing on faaraxs, from what ive seen (i saw this 1 girl crushing on a faarax, ofc the faarax staying xalaal just ignored it)


A pious muslima.
Any Somalis who don't only listen to Somali music is a self-hating rat and should be disowned and banned.
well, btw music is haram and khaniis kpop is the worst.
I literally saw a drawing on a dugsi school desk, it had a big heart with all the kpop guys names like 11 of them, i was shocked, it was engraved in it too ceeb tacaalaay

Also on two other school desks

We exchange the classroom with xaliimos, different times for each group

Thoughts? at first it was turkish media now kpop where did they come from tolow:ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa:
I forgot to mention these are the same xaliimos who use kakaotalk (a korean whatsapp) the amount of xaliimos i've seen there
Any Somalis who don't only listen to Somali music is a self-hating rat and should be disowned and banned.
well, btw music is haram and khaniis kpop is the worst.
Tbh if i caught my homies listening to somali music out of nowhere i'd be hella confused:kodaksmiley:
But all music is ultimately haram, have you ever gone music free for a year or months on end? that is the most peaceful you'll ever feel, Wallahi music just brings depression because it burns iimaan like fite burns wood, increase your iimaan by abstaining from it.


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