Khaanis thinks he's a "somali queen"

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LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I think he is adorable. He just needs to be kidnapped, put in a sack, taken to Somalia, and hopefully do a heavy duty Quran akriis, and hope for the best


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake

AbdiJew mentioned here most Somali guys who hit on him are married guys. We have this twisted belief that the bottom guy/receiver is the only gay one, but the top/giver isn’t.

I think u r getting into homosexual aerobics now, tafadhaal do not educate us on the machinations of gay gymnastics. I am eating my dinner
I think u r getting into homosexual aerobics now, tafadhaal do not educate us on the machinations of gay gymnastics. I am eating my dinner


There is nothing wrong with being gay unless you are in the closet and is afraid of being disowned by your homophobic closed ones. Some Somalis support terrorism, most support their tribal brethren who is a mass murderer, rapist and yet, they have proplems with someone whose sexual orientation differs from theirs. We come from a culture of hate. f*ck that culture (excuse my language) but I don’t have to hate/dislike gay people!!!


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake

There is nothing wrong with being gay unless you are in the closet and is afraid of being disowned by your homophobic closed ones. Some Somalis support terrorism, most support their tribal brethren who is a mass murderer, rapist and yet, they have proplems with someone whose sexual orientation differs from theirs. We come from a culture of hate. f*ck that culture (excuse my language) but I don’t have to hate/dislike gay people!!!




very lowkey
Cause a male homo takes the d and Also they act like women while lesbians act more or less like females
Lesbians are tomboyish women who 9/10 times dress and look like men. Uff!

They are all gender confused and their sins are equal. May Allah(swt) protect us from those shaytaans! Tuff caleyk
Lesbians are tomboyish women who 9/10 times dress and look like men. Uff!

They are all gender confused and their sins are equal. May Allah(swt) protect us from those shaytaans! Tuff caleyk
Sis it's only natural men hate gays more and women hate lesbians more :hillarybiz:
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