Karmel women who lighten their skin.

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I started my own security company Cerberus.
Man the Karmel Somali women that come to get macmacaan have Epic skin lightening problem. Some of them destroyed their skins and others look like they did good lightening but their arms and hands are still darker so you can tell they lightened their skin. They wanna look Arab and less negroid. Even the men are using skin lightening creams thanks to Sha Roukhan promoting it.

Not condoning bleaching but why is tanning completely acceptable in the west but bleaching is looked down upon? They're both trying to fit the beauty standard
Man the Karmel Somali women that come to get macmacaan have Epic skin lightening problem. Some of them destroyed their skins and others look like they did good lightening but their arms and hands are still darker so you can tell they lightened their skin. They wanna look Arab and less negroid. Even the men are using skin lightening creams thanks to Sha Roukhan promoting it.

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Oh no but explains the less madow and more cadan looking ones there
Well, who's going to stop them?! Let them do as they please, they have their free will.

If the women wish to beautify themselves, let them. Only if it's for their husband's eyes though and not non-mahram.


I started my own security company Cerberus.
Well, who's going to stop them?! Let them do as they please, they have their free will.

If the women wish to beautify themselves, let them. Only if it's for their husband's eyes though and not non-mahram.
I have a fellow Hiiraan on the forum. Family I was born there too.
we don’t have a “colorism” issue, it’s just preference, same way people straightening their hair

I know, but it becomes an issue when you say people with curly hair are ugly ect. Its the same when it comes to preference with regards to skin color.

Also, something is very off when you have a preference for something that isn't common amongst your people.
I know, but it becomes an issue when you say people with curly hair are ugly ect. Its the same when it comes to preference with regards to skin color.

Also, something is very off when you have a preference for something that isn't common amongst your people.
being lightskin or fare skin is very common among somalis, though not the only skin color we have.end of the day everyone has preferences so just cuz u don’t fit what’s universally liked, doesn’t mean you have to hate ur own skin complexion, it’s like being a really short guy, you arent what the majority of women like, but that doesn’t mean you have to hate it or try to change urself. but of course, women tend to always play victim so sjw paint us as colorist people because it effects women more than men, but in the same breathe make fun of short men.
being lightskin or fare skin is very common among somalis, though not the only skin color we have.end of the day everyone has preferences so just cuz u don’t fit what’s universally liked, doesn’t mean you have to hate ur own skin complexion, it’s like being a really short guy, you arent what the majority of women like, but that doesn’t mean you have to hate it or try to change urself. but of course, women tend to always play victim so sjw paint us as colorist people because it effects women more than men, but in the same breathe make fun of short men.

Lol being fair skinned is not that common. Lets not be delusional. You're either lying to make a point or mad. We have light skin people, but they make up 10-15% at most and back home most are much darker. Also, bleaching is rampant.

Most Somalis are maariin. We are a brown skinned group of people so you can't compare it to height becauase there are more variations of height than skin colors amongst Somalis.

Being colourist for SSA Africans is dumb. Is like white men taking the piss out of light white women and saying very tanned women who look Mediterranean are the gold standard when they make up a minority. But cadaans have pride, unlike the xoolo we have running around.
globalism exports colourism. if you ask your grandma about colourism shit she'd look at you confused while some parents who lived in mogadishu might have taken part in that shit:kanyeshrug:

greyhound stone

The Boss💎
Me personally I like all skintones. I really don't have types when it comes to skin tone o flour beautiful your beautiful. I would say though lightskin in somali society is deemed to be superior and better. So its best to look down on skin bleaching before it becomes a wide spread problem. Other than that we somalis aren't to discriminate to eachother
90% of xalimos I've met who were 10 10 were red/dark skinned nothing matches the glow of the sun bouncing off their skin :banderas:
maybe its cuh im not brainwashed by gaalo propoganda but I never got the hate and I dont like the bleached look thats popular in geisa the women there look ill with that ashy look
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Lol being fair skinned is not that common. Lets not be delusional. You're either lying to make a point or mad. We have light skin people, but they make up 10-15% at most and back home most are much darker. Also, bleaching is rampant.

Most Somalis are maariin. We are a brown skinned group of people so you can't compare it to height becauase there are more variations of height than skin colors amongst Somalis.

Being colourist for SSA Africans is dumb. Is like white men taking the piss out of light white women and saying very tanned women who look Mediterranean are the gold standard when they make up a minority. But cadaans have pride, unlike the xoolo we have running around.
huh? theres bares lightskins in xamar one neighbourhood where i went to was nearly all lightskins :deadpeter:
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