Kacaan 2.0


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
My man tried to pass the weak Ras Kamboni militia as a founder member of ICU. ICU (particularly the small Al Shabaab faction led by HG) captured Kismayo by sheer reputation alone, the HG in JVA Walaalaha Galgaduud alliance have more claim to ICU than opportunist Turki and his Ogaden militia who couldn't liberate their own back yard.

Cagdheer were irrelevant until KDF intervened in 2011, if there was no AMISOM they would still be stragglers on the borders of Afgooye district. Truly a pathetic people empowered by the Bantu :hemad:


HSM Irir constitution will be passed on Wednesday. That will then usher in a new era, a Kacaan 2.0 if you like. The first 30 years of Somalia's history was led by MJ and MX, the following 30 years was chaos and stalemate, the next 30 years will be led by Hawiye.

This is the reality on the ground. Ogaden elites are onboard with this and have come to an agreement with the Hawiye to share the pie and keep MJ and MX out for good or bad. Why is Ogaden doing this? My thoughts are they see the trajectory and are simply joining the winning side. Darod effectively excluded us from the central government (Farmajo sacked every single Ogaden guy except a handful) whereas the Hawiye are more than willing to work with us. But to help them centralise the country in return? I have my reservations but time will tell. There are deep rifts between the Hawiye and particularly Abgaal and HG. Once they consolidate power, I am certain they will start fighting for the top seat amongst themselves and that's where Ogaden will have their chance to shine.

Anyway, come Wednesday a new era will begin. MOD will be replaced by AHO (Ab-Hg-Og).
Darood wax la dhahaayo ma jiro. Magaca darood idinkoo difaacaa dhowr jeer aad ku lug go'deen Ogaden aa lugu dhaha eboow rag 3 dal dego aa tahiin. Unuga iyo walaaheyna isdagaalmeyno ee adigu mahaada iska fadhi


Brother come out and say you don’t like other Darod. I warned people about your previous Ethiopian propaganda against harti. What power and authority can you use against Puntland? Economics is clearly not working. Worst case scenario we Puntland will just destroy Somalia.

proxy war in East Africa winner takes all.
I made a whole thread about Darod and my views on them in the FKD section. Look for it there. Suffice to say I am Ogaden, I don't know what or who Darod is.


My man tried to pass the weak Ras Kamboni militia as a founder member of ICU. ICU (particularly the small Al Shabaab faction led by HG) captured Kismayo by sheer reputation alone, the HG in JVA Walaalaha Galgaduud alliance have more claim to ICU than opportunist Turki and his Ogaden militia who couldn't liberate their own back yard.

What part of what you posted refutes my original statement? Ogaden did the heavy lifting in kicking out Barre Hiiraale from Kismayo. That's why there's the famous BBC interview of him claiming ONLF attacked him lol. You can still find it on youtube, straight from the horse's mouth. And it is a fact Ogaden soldiers fought in Xamar against the warlords with the ICU


Darood wax la dhahaayo ma jiro. Magaca darood idinkoo difaacaa dhowr jeer aad ku lug go'deen Ogaden aa lugu dhaha eboow rag 3 dal dego aa tahiin. Unuga iyo walaaheyna isdagaalmeyno ee adigu mahaada iska fadhi
We all know you Hiraabs hate each other just like these Darods hate each other. Been iskuma sheegi karno sxb. Daarood maxaa la dhahaa?
What part of what you posted refutes my original statement? Ogaden did the heavy lifting in kicking out Barre Hiiraale from Kismayo. That's why there's the famous BBC interview of him claiming ONLF attacked him lol. You can still find it on youtube, straight from the horse's mouth. And it is a fact Ogaden soldiers fought in Xamar against the warlords with the ICU

Ogaden and MX did join us against the Ethiopians in Xamar

Murusade started the war showing that it’s OK to fight Ethiopians followed by Duduble who joined us immediately after followed by section of the Abgaal who were against AY and Geedi followed by Ceyr and Saleebaan who were at Ceelasha biyaha.
Dayniile Gubta all the way to Maxamuud Xarbi was a no go zone.

Garaad Awal

Zubeyri aka Targaryen of the Awalid Kingdom.
Isaaq & mx are shitting their pants because his excellency mudane Cabdi Maxamud Cumar the langaab neutraliser Abdi Ileeeey! Is back!
Why would we be scared of a man who had his booty touched in Ethiopian Jail? I suggest he takes a STD test pronto


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Adaa jeebka ku wato magaca darood. Mar ogaden kuu yimaado iyo mar ilkàyar. Sheekadu waa isku mid isbaheysi darood aa lugu sheegaa lkn sedexdiina oo isla socda ma la arkay horta :cosbyhmm:

Daroodka lagu sheegayo somalia dagan wa majeerteen we live 1/3 of Somalia we are the only qabil that have two ocean gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean



Empty land devoid of humans

Where your big population in Goojacade you had all Issa, Samaroon, Isaaqs trying to fight dhulbahante who only got a small hill from Hartis not even a large number cause most your weapons is in Khatumo hands today and a little in other Hartis showing you that the hiil harti soldier quota is like 20% while 80% is dhulbahante and they have 80% of your inventory.

Hiil Harti is our clan militia reserves not even our active govt armed forces which your silly govt can't even say due to bad Intel capabilities about who you were fighting. Your Intel sector hasn't got cia backing and why your local Intel capability is fourth world.