Jury Has Reached Verdict, Mohamed Noor Convicted on 2 charges.

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I usually agree with you Ausi but I’m afraid you’re simply looking at this as black and white, no one(at least I hope no one) is saying Noor is innocent, it’s the hypocrisy of the situation that’s making me say, f*ck he should’ve made a run for it. He obviously didn’t intentionally kill the woman, he made a mistake and is guilty of taking an innocent life but should he spend 25 years in prison while a cop that shot an unarmed man in the back 10 times is a free man? Where is the justice in that? We are not talking about a criminal here, he was an upstanding citizen with a small child, are you saying he deserves to spend most of his life in prison for an unfortunate accident?


I got your point loud and clear, but what I don’t understand is the accusations of racism. If non-white jurors exonerate a white policeman and convict a non-white policeman how is that racism and who’s perpetuating it? If Filipino, Pakistani, Ethiopian and African American jurors convicted him, how’s it racism? If jurors from minorities are sending other minorities to jail, why’re people blaming it on racism and the white people? That’s what I don’t understand.



I got your point loud and clear, but what I don’t understand is the accusations of racism. If non-white jurors exonerate a white policeman and convict a non-white policeman how is that racism and who’s perpetuating it? If Filipino, Pakistani, Ethiopian and African American jurors convicted him, how’s it racism? If jurors from minorities are sending other minorities to jail, why’re people blaming it on racism and the white people? That’s what I don’t understand.

It’s called institutionalised Racism.
Akin to Stockholm syndrome.
That’s why at the airport I avoid booths manned by minorities.
They try to please their Masters by askin 99 questions.
It’s called institutionalised Racism.
Akin to Stockholm syndrome.
That’s why at the airport I avoid booths manned by minorities.
They try to please their Masters by askin 99 questions.


If you become a condom then be a condom and not turn around and complain about racism. Somalis would’ve done the same thing given that they think like Mr Johnson and use derogatory names coined by racists towards other black people. Moreover, the autistic generation are all over the social media insulting every race and every ethnic group. We should fund massive campaigns apologising to the world and asking them help us with this generation.


No dictator can imprison a population forever.
Lol he needed a Somali on that jury without that i would have dipped to Somalia. Blue life matters and BLM are nowhere to be found
Lol he needed a Somali on that jury without that i would have dipped to Somalia. Blue life matters and BLM are nowhere to be found
He thought he had a chance but the only chance we git is to return to our motherland and run out these useless odays to exile


black cops don't get the benefit of the doubt:manny:
also why the hell would you be a cop in America:susp:

In Europe they give Africans who rape and kill white women only like 15 years while this guy got over 20 years. It's unjust.

Anders Breivik, that Norway mass shooter, will be free in 15 years from now while this guy will still be in prison.


In Europe they give Africans who rape and kill white women only like 15 years while this guy got over 20 years. It's unjust.

Anders Breivik, that Norway mass shooter, will be free in 15 years from now while this guy will still be in prison.
this is American prison system not the soft Europe one :bell:
plus rape isn't considered as bad as murder, especially if your black minor offenses can get you life in prison like armed robbery at a gas station for gum:gucciwhat: Scandinavias jails are so soft its unbelievable:russ: I would be the biggest criminal possible if I lived there with out a care wth are reer Ikea doing:mjlol: I would do million dollar heists and shit and stash the money somewhere safe and take my (short) time like a champ, there prisons are like a hotels with free schooling entertainment and shit basically not even a punishment


Make Hobyo Great Again
In Europe they give Africans who rape and kill white women only like 15 years while this guy got over 20 years. It's unjust.

Anders Breivik, that Norway mass shooter, will be free in 15 years from now while this guy will still be in prison.
Mohamed Nur got off lucky. 15 years for murder is a pretty good deal in the same country where people get life in prison for weed possession.

But he should have cut and run at the beginning like everyone told him to. This verdict is still bull crap.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
He can get out in 6 years for Good behavior but it’s a wrap for him. No more job, he might as well leave the country when he gets out and settle in Africa.


He can get out in 6 years for Good behavior but it’s a wrap for him. No more job, he might as well leave the country when he gets out and settle in Africa.

The USA passport is useful.

The Somali passport is shiit. You will always have to pay 10,000s in visa deposits to visit any other country and they will ask you a billion questions.
He can get out in 6 years for Good behavior but it’s a wrap for him. No more job, he might as well leave the country when he gets out and settle in Africa.


I think he will appeal and this will drag on another 2-5 years.

Has anyone noticed that every time they caught the camera on Mohamed Noor, he walked like the Night Walkers in Games of Thrones?
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