I usually agree with you Ausi but I’m afraid you’re simply looking at this as black and white, no one(at least I hope no one) is saying Noor is innocent, it’s the hypocrisy of the situation that’s making me say, f*ck he should’ve made a run for it. He obviously didn’t intentionally kill the woman, he made a mistake and is guilty of taking an innocent life but should he spend 25 years in prison while a cop that shot an unarmed man in the back 10 times is a free man? Where is the justice in that? We are not talking about a criminal here, he was an upstanding citizen with a small child, are you saying he deserves to spend most of his life in prison for an unfortunate accident?
I got your point loud and clear, but what I don’t understand is the accusations of racism. If non-white jurors exonerate a white policeman and convict a non-white policeman how is that racism and who’s perpetuating it? If Filipino, Pakistani, Ethiopian and African American jurors convicted him, how’s it racism? If jurors from minorities are sending other minorities to jail, why’re people blaming it on racism and the white people? That’s what I don’t understand.